Adam Eijdenberg 91184c58c7 Made setting of proxied headers deterministic based on configuration

Previously some headers that are normally set by the proxy (and may be
replied upstream for authorization decisiions) were not being set
depending on values in the users sesssion.

This change ensure that if a given header is sometimes set, it will
always be either set or removed.

It might be worth considerating always deleting these headers if we
didn't add them.
2019-09-06 16:54:41 +02:00

15 KiB

Vx.x.x (Pre-release)

Breaking Changes

  • #231 Rework GitLab provider (@Overv)

    • This PR changes the configuration options for the GitLab provider to use a self-hosted instance. You now need to specify a -oidc-issuer-url rather than explicit -login-url, -redeem-url and -validate-url parameters.
  • #186 Make config consistent

    • This PR changes configuration options so that all flags have a config counterpart of the same name but with underscores (_) in place of hyphens (-). This change affects the following flags:
    • The --tls-key flag is now --tls-key-file to be consistent with existing file flags and the existing config and environment settings
    • The --tls-cert flag is now --tls-cert-file to be consistent with existing file flags and the existing config and environment settings This change affects the following existing configuration options:
    • The proxy-prefix option is now proxy_prefix. This PR changes environment variables so that all flags have an environment counterpart of the same name but capitalised, with underscores (_) in place of hyphens (-) and with the prefix OAUTH2_PROXY_. This change affects the following existing environment variables:
    • The OAUTH2_OIDC_JWKS_URL environment variable is now OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_JWKS_URL.
  • #146 Use full email address as User if the auth response did not contain a User field (@gargath)

    • This change modifies the contents of the X-Forwarded-User header supplied by the proxy for users where the auth response from the IdP did not contain a username. In that case, this header used to only contain the local part of the user's email address (e.g. john.doe for john.doe@example.com) but now contains the user's full email address instead.
  • #170 Pre-built binary tarballs changed format

    • The pre-built binary tarballs again match the format of the bitly repository, where the unpacked directory has the same name as the tarball and the binary is always named oauth2_proxy. This was done to restore compatibility with third-party automation recipes like https://github.com/jhoblitt/puppet-oauth2_proxy.

Changes since v3.2.0

  • #234 Added option -ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-validation to skip validation of upstream SSL certificates (@jansinger)

  • #224 Check Google group membership using hasMember to support nested groups and external users (@jpalpant)

  • #231 Add optional group membership and email domain checks to the GitLab provider (@Overv)

  • #226 Made setting of proxied headers deterministic based on configuration alone (@aeijdenberg)

  • #178 Add Silence Ping Logging and Exclude Logging Paths flags (@kskewes)

  • #209 Improve docker build caching of layers (@dekimsey)

  • #186 Make config consistent (@JoelSpeed)

  • #187 Move root packages to pkg folder (@JoelSpeed)

  • #65 Improvements to authenticate requests with a JWT bearer token in the Authorization header via the -skip-jwt-bearer-token options.

    • Additional verifiers can be configured via the -extra-jwt-issuers flag if the JWT issuers is either an OpenID provider or has a JWKS URL (e.g. https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json).
  • #180 Minor refactor of core proxying path (@aeijdenberg).

  • #175 Bump go-oidc to v2.0.0 (@aeijdenberg).

    • Includes fix for potential signature checking issue when OIDC discovery is skipped.
  • #155 Add RedisSessionStore implementation (@brianv0, @JoelSpeed)

    • Implement flags to configure the redis session store
      • -session-store-type=redis Sets the store type to redis
      • -redis-connection-url Sets the Redis connection URL
      • -redis-use-sentinel=true Enables Redis Sentinel support
      • -redis-sentinel-master-name Sets the Sentinel master name, if sentinel is enabled
      • -redis-sentinel-connection-urls Defines the Redis Sentinel Connection URLs, if sentinel is enabled
    • Introduces the concept of a session ticket. Tickets are composed of the cookie name, a session ID, and a secret.
    • Redis Sessions are stored encrypted with a per-session secret
    • Added tests for server based session stores
  • #168 Drop Go 1.11 support in Travis (@JoelSpeed)

  • #169 Update Alpine to 3.9 (@kskewes)

  • #148 Implement SessionStore interface within proxy (@JoelSpeed)

  • #147 Add SessionStore interfaces and initial implementation (@JoelSpeed)

    • Allows for multiple different session storage implementations including client and server side
    • Adds tests suite for interface to ensure consistency across implementations
    • Refactor some configuration options (around cookies) into packages
  • #114, #154 Documentation is now available live at our docs website (@JoelSpeed, @icelynjennings)

  • #146 Use full email address as User if the auth response did not contain a User field (@gargath)

  • #144 Use GO 1.12 for ARM builds (@kskewes)

  • #142 ARM Docker USER fix (@kskewes)

  • #52 Logging Improvements (@MisterWil)

    • Implement flags to configure file logging
      • -logging-filename Defines the filename to log to
      • -logging-max-size Defines the maximum
      • -logging-max-age Defines the maximum age of backups to retain
      • -logging-max-backups Defines the maximum number of rollover log files to retain
      • -logging-compress Defines if rollover log files should be compressed
      • -logging-local-time Defines if logging date and time should be local or UTC
    • Implement two new flags to enable or disable specific logging types
      • -standard-logging Enables or disables standard (not request or auth) logging
      • -auth-logging Enables or disables auth logging
    • Implement two new flags to customize the logging format
      • -standard-logging-format Sets the format for standard logging
      • -auth-logging-format Sets the format for auth logging
  • #111 Add option for telling where to find a login.gov JWT key file (@timothy-spencer)

  • #170 Restore binary tarball contents to be compatible with bitlys original tarballs (@zeha)

  • #185 Fix an unsupported protocol scheme error during token validation when using the Azure provider (@jonas)

  • #141 Check google group membership based on email address (@bchess)

    • Google Group membership is additionally checked via email address, allowing users outside a GSuite domain to be authorized.
  • #195 Add -banner flag for overriding the banner line that is displayed (@steakunderscore)

  • #198 Switch from gometalinter to golangci-lint (@steakunderscore)

  • #159 Add option to skip the OIDC provider verified email check: --insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email

  • #210 Update base image from Alpine 3.9 to 3.10 (@steakunderscore)

  • #211 Switch from dep to go modules (@steakunderscore)

  • #145 Add support for OIDC UserInfo endpoint email verification (@rtluckie)


Release highlights

  • Internal restructure of session state storage to use JSON rather than proprietary scheme
  • Added health check options for running on GCP behind a load balancer
  • Improved support for protecting websockets
  • Added provider for login.gov
  • Allow manual configuration of OIDC providers

Important notes

  • Dockerfile user is now non-root, this may break your existing deployment
  • In the OIDC provider, when no email is returned, the ID Token subject will be used instead of returning an error
  • GitHub user emails must now be primary and verified before authenticating

Changes since v3.1.0

  • #96 Check if email is verified on GitHub (@caarlos0)
  • #110 Added GCP healthcheck option (@timothy-spencer)
  • #112 Improve websocket support (@gyson)
  • #63 Use encoding/json for SessionState serialization (@yaegashi)
    • Use JSON to encode session state to be stored in browser cookies
    • Implement legacy decode function to support existing cookies generated by older versions
    • Add detailed table driven tests in session_state_test.go
  • #120 Encrypting user/email from cookie (@costelmoraru)
  • #55 Added login.gov provider (@timothy-spencer)
  • #55 Added environment variables for all config options (@timothy-spencer)
  • #70 Fix handling of splitted cookies (@einfachchr)
  • #92 Merge websocket proxy feature from openshift/oauth-proxy (@butzist)
  • #57 Fall back to using OIDC Subject instead of Email (@aigarius)
  • #85 Use non-root user in docker images (@kskewes)
  • #68 forward X-Auth-Access-Token header (@davidholsgrove)
  • #41 Added option to manually specify OIDC endpoints instead of relying on discovery
  • #83 Add id_token refresh to Google provider (@leki75)
  • #10 fix redirect url param handling (@dt-rush)
  • #122 Expose -cookie-path as configuration parameter (@costelmoraru)
  • #124 Use Go 1.12 for testing and build environments (@syscll)


Release highlights

  • Introduction of ARM releases and and general improvements to Docker builds
  • Improvements to OIDC provider allowing pass-through of ID Tokens
  • Multiple redirect domains can now be whitelisted
  • Streamed responses are now flushed periodically

Important notes

  • If you have been using #bitly/621 and have cookies larger than the 4kb limit, the cookie splitting pattern has changed and now uses _ in place of - when indexing cookies. This will force users to reauthenticate the first time they use v3.1.0.
  • Streamed responses will now be flushed every 1 second by default. Previously streamed responses were flushed only when the buffer was full. To retain the old behaviour set --flush-interval=0. See #23 for further details.

Changes since v3.0.0

  • #14 OIDC ID Token, Authorization Headers, Refreshing and Verification (@joelspeed)
    • Implement pass-authorization-header and set-authorization-header flags
    • Implement token refreshing in OIDC provider
    • Split cookies larger than 4k limit into multiple cookies
    • Implement token validation in OIDC provider
  • #15 WhitelistDomains (@joelspeed)
    • Add --whitelist-domain flag to allow redirection to approved domains after OAuth flow
  • #21 Docker Improvement (@yaegashi)
    • Move Docker base image from debian to alpine
    • Install ca-certificates in docker image
  • #23 Flushed streaming responses
    • Long-running upstream responses will get flushed every (1 second by default)
  • #24 Redirect fix (@agentgonzo)
    • After a successful login, you will be redirected to your original URL rather than /
  • #35 arm and arm64 binary releases (@kskewes)
    • Add armv6 and arm64 to Makefile release target
  • #37 cross build arm and arm64 docker images (@kskewes)


Adoption of OAuth2_Proxy by Pusher. Project was hard forked and tidied however no logical changes have occurred since v2.2 as released by Bitly.

Changes since v2.2:

  • #7 Migration to Pusher (@joelspeed)
    • Move automated build to debian base image
    • Add Makefile
      • Update CI to run make test
      • Update Dockerfile to use make clean oauth2_proxy
      • Update VERSION parameter to be set by ldflags from Git Status
      • Remove lint and test scripts
    • Remove Go v1.8.x from Travis CI testing
    • Add CODEOWNERS file
    • Add CONTRIBUTING guide
    • Add Issue and Pull Request templates
    • Add Dockerfile
    • Fix fsnotify import
    • Update README to reflect new repository ownership
    • Update CI scripts to separate linting and testing
      • Now using gometalinter for linting
    • Move Go import path from github.com/bitly/oauth2_proxy to github.com/pusher/oauth2_proxy
    • Repository forked on 27/11/18
      • README updated to include note that this repository is forked
      • CHANGLOG created to track changes to repository from original fork