Karl Skewes 90e6bd278e feat(arm): Cross build arm and arm64 docker images
- Requires `qemu-user-static`, added to travis - maybe incorrect?
- Add build guide
- `.gitignore` `release/` directory
2019-02-02 13:25:20 +13:00

25 lines
653 B

FROM golang:1.11-stretch AS builder
# Download tools
RUN wget -O $GOPATH/bin/dep https://github.com/golang/dep/releases/download/v0.5.0/dep-linux-amd64
RUN chmod +x $GOPATH/bin/dep
# Copy sources
WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/pusher/oauth2_proxy
COPY . .
# Fetch dependencies
RUN dep ensure --vendor-only
# Build binary
RUN ./configure && GOARCH=arm64 make build
# Copy binary to alpine
FROM arm64v8/alpine:3.8
COPY dist/qemu-aarch64-static /usr/bin/
RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
COPY --from=builder /go/src/github.com/pusher/oauth2_proxy/oauth2_proxy /bin/oauth2_proxy
RUN rm /usr/bin/qemu-*-static -f
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/oauth2_proxy"]