package main import ( "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "html/template" "log" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httputil" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" ) type OAuthProxy struct { CookieSeed string CookieName string CookieDomain string CookieSecure bool CookieHttpOnly bool CookieExpire time.Duration CookieRefresh time.Duration Validator func(string) bool RobotsPath string PingPath string SignInPath string OAuthStartPath string OAuthCallbackPath string AuthOnlyPath string redirectURL *url.URL // the url to receive requests at provider providers.Provider ProxyPrefix string SignInMessage string HtpasswdFile *HtpasswdFile DisplayHtpasswdForm bool serveMux http.Handler PassBasicAuth bool BasicAuthPassword string PassAccessToken bool CookieCipher *cookie.Cipher skipAuthRegex []string compiledRegex []*regexp.Regexp templates *template.Template } type UpstreamProxy struct { upstream string handler http.Handler } func (u *UpstreamProxy) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("GAP-Upstream-Address", u.upstream) u.handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) } func NewReverseProxy(target *url.URL) (proxy *httputil.ReverseProxy) { return httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(target) } func setProxyUpstreamHostHeader(proxy *httputil.ReverseProxy, target *url.URL) { director := proxy.Director proxy.Director = func(req *http.Request) { director(req) // use RequestURI so that we aren't unescaping encoded slashes in the request path req.Host = target.Host req.URL.Opaque = req.RequestURI req.URL.RawQuery = "" } } func setProxyDirector(proxy *httputil.ReverseProxy) { director := proxy.Director proxy.Director = func(req *http.Request) { director(req) // use RequestURI so that we aren't unescaping encoded slashes in the request path req.URL.Opaque = req.RequestURI req.URL.RawQuery = "" } } func NewFileServer(path string, filesystemPath string) (proxy http.Handler) { return http.StripPrefix(path, http.FileServer(http.Dir(filesystemPath))) } func NewOAuthProxy(opts *Options, validator func(string) bool) *OAuthProxy { serveMux := http.NewServeMux() for _, u := range opts.proxyURLs { path := u.Path switch u.Scheme { case "http", "https": u.Path = "" log.Printf("mapping path %q => upstream %q", path, u) proxy := NewReverseProxy(u) if !opts.PassHostHeader { setProxyUpstreamHostHeader(proxy, u) } else { setProxyDirector(proxy) } serveMux.Handle(path, &UpstreamProxy{u.Host, proxy}) case "file": if u.Fragment != "" { path = u.Fragment } log.Printf("mapping path %q => file system %q", path, u.Path) proxy := NewFileServer(path, u.Path) serveMux.Handle(path, &UpstreamProxy{path, proxy}) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown upstream protocol %s", u.Scheme)) } } for _, u := range opts.CompiledRegex { log.Printf("compiled skip-auth-regex => %q", u) } redirectURL := opts.redirectURL redirectURL.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/callback", opts.ProxyPrefix) log.Printf("OAuthProxy configured for %s Client ID: %s", opts.provider.Data().ProviderName, opts.ClientID) domain := opts.CookieDomain if domain == "" { domain = "" } refresh := "disabled" if opts.CookieRefresh != time.Duration(0) { refresh = fmt.Sprintf("after %s", opts.CookieRefresh) } log.Printf("Cookie settings: name:%s secure(https):%v httponly:%v expiry:%s domain:%s refresh:%s", opts.CookieName, opts.CookieSecure, opts.CookieHttpOnly, opts.CookieExpire, domain, refresh) var cipher *cookie.Cipher if opts.PassAccessToken || (opts.CookieRefresh != time.Duration(0)) { var err error cipher, err = cookie.NewCipher(opts.CookieSecret) if err != nil { log.Fatal("error creating AES cipher with "+ "cookie-secret ", opts.CookieSecret, ": ", err) } } return &OAuthProxy{ CookieName: opts.CookieName, CookieSeed: opts.CookieSecret, CookieDomain: opts.CookieDomain, CookieSecure: opts.CookieSecure, CookieHttpOnly: opts.CookieHttpOnly, CookieExpire: opts.CookieExpire, CookieRefresh: opts.CookieRefresh, Validator: validator, RobotsPath: "/robots.txt", PingPath: "/ping", SignInPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/sign_in", opts.ProxyPrefix), OAuthStartPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/start", opts.ProxyPrefix), OAuthCallbackPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/callback", opts.ProxyPrefix), AuthOnlyPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/auth", opts.ProxyPrefix), ProxyPrefix: opts.ProxyPrefix, provider: opts.provider, serveMux: serveMux, redirectURL: redirectURL, skipAuthRegex: opts.SkipAuthRegex, compiledRegex: opts.CompiledRegex, PassBasicAuth: opts.PassBasicAuth, BasicAuthPassword: opts.BasicAuthPassword, PassAccessToken: opts.PassAccessToken, CookieCipher: cipher, templates: loadTemplates(opts.CustomTemplatesDir), } } func (p *OAuthProxy) GetRedirectURI(host string) string { // default to the request Host if not set if p.redirectURL.Host != "" { return p.redirectURL.String() } var u url.URL u = *p.redirectURL if u.Scheme == "" { if p.CookieSecure { u.Scheme = "https" } else { u.Scheme = "http" } } u.Host = host return u.String() } func (p *OAuthProxy) displayCustomLoginForm() bool { return p.HtpasswdFile != nil && p.DisplayHtpasswdForm } func (p *OAuthProxy) redeemCode(host, code string) (s *providers.SessionState, err error) { if code == "" { return nil, errors.New("missing code") } redirectURI := p.GetRedirectURI(host) s, err = p.provider.Redeem(redirectURI, code) if err != nil { return } if s.Email == "" { s.Email, err = p.provider.GetEmailAddress(s) } return } func (p *OAuthProxy) MakeCookie(req *http.Request, value string, expiration time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie { domain := req.Host if h, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(domain); err == nil { domain = h } if p.CookieDomain != "" { if !strings.HasSuffix(domain, p.CookieDomain) { log.Printf("Warning: request host is %q but using configured cookie domain of %q", domain, p.CookieDomain) } domain = p.CookieDomain } if value != "" { value = cookie.SignedValue(p.CookieSeed, p.CookieName, value, now) } return &http.Cookie{ Name: p.CookieName, Value: value, Path: "/", Domain: domain, HttpOnly: p.CookieHttpOnly, Secure: p.CookieSecure, Expires: now.Add(expiration), } } func (p *OAuthProxy) ClearCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.SetCookie(rw, p.MakeCookie(req, "", time.Hour*-1, time.Now())) } func (p *OAuthProxy) SetCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, val string) { http.SetCookie(rw, p.MakeCookie(req, val, p.CookieExpire, time.Now())) } func (p *OAuthProxy) LoadCookiedSession(req *http.Request) (*providers.SessionState, time.Duration, error) { var age time.Duration c, err := req.Cookie(p.CookieName) if err != nil { // always http.ErrNoCookie return nil, age, fmt.Errorf("Cookie %q not present", p.CookieName) } val, timestamp, ok := cookie.Validate(c, p.CookieSeed, p.CookieExpire) if !ok { return nil, age, errors.New("Cookie Signature not valid") } session, err := p.provider.SessionFromCookie(val, p.CookieCipher) if err != nil { return nil, age, err } age = time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).Sub(timestamp) return session, age, nil } func (p *OAuthProxy) SaveSession(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, s *providers.SessionState) error { value, err := p.provider.CookieForSession(s, p.CookieCipher) if err != nil { return err } p.SetCookie(rw, req, value) return nil } func (p *OAuthProxy) RobotsTxt(rw http.ResponseWriter) { rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprintf(rw, "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /") } func (p *OAuthProxy) PingPage(rw http.ResponseWriter) { rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprintf(rw, "OK") } func (p *OAuthProxy) ErrorPage(rw http.ResponseWriter, code int, title string, message string) { log.Printf("ErrorPage %d %s %s", code, title, message) rw.WriteHeader(code) t := struct { Title string Message string ProxyPrefix string }{ Title: fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", code, title), Message: message, ProxyPrefix: p.ProxyPrefix, } p.templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "error.html", t) } func (p *OAuthProxy) SignInPage(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, code int) { p.ClearCookie(rw, req) rw.WriteHeader(code) redirect_url := req.URL.RequestURI() if redirect_url == p.SignInPath { redirect_url = "/" } t := struct { ProviderName string SignInMessage string CustomLogin bool Redirect string Version string ProxyPrefix string }{ ProviderName: p.provider.Data().ProviderName, SignInMessage: p.SignInMessage, CustomLogin: p.displayCustomLoginForm(), Redirect: redirect_url, Version: VERSION, ProxyPrefix: p.ProxyPrefix, } p.templates.ExecuteTemplate(rw, "sign_in.html", t) } func (p *OAuthProxy) ManualSignIn(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (string, bool) { if req.Method != "POST" || p.HtpasswdFile == nil { return "", false } user := req.FormValue("username") passwd := req.FormValue("password") if user == "" { return "", false } // check auth if p.HtpasswdFile.Validate(user, passwd) { log.Printf("authenticated %q via HtpasswdFile", user) return user, true } return "", false } func (p *OAuthProxy) GetRedirect(req *http.Request) (string, error) { err := req.ParseForm() if err != nil { return "", err } redirect := req.FormValue("rd") if redirect == "" { redirect = "/" } return redirect, err } func (p *OAuthProxy) IsWhitelistedPath(path string) (ok bool) { for _, u := range p.compiledRegex { ok = u.MatchString(path) if ok { return } } return } func getRemoteAddr(req *http.Request) (s string) { s = req.RemoteAddr if req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP") != "" { s += fmt.Sprintf(" (%q)", req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")) } return } func (p *OAuthProxy) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { switch path := req.URL.Path; { case path == p.RobotsPath: p.RobotsTxt(rw) case path == p.PingPath: p.PingPage(rw) case p.IsWhitelistedPath(path): p.serveMux.ServeHTTP(rw, req) case path == p.SignInPath: p.SignIn(rw, req) case path == p.OAuthStartPath: p.OAuthStart(rw, req) case path == p.OAuthCallbackPath: p.OAuthCallback(rw, req) case path == p.AuthOnlyPath: p.AuthenticateOnly(rw, req) default: p.Proxy(rw, req) } } func (p *OAuthProxy) SignIn(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { redirect, err := p.GetRedirect(req) if err != nil { p.ErrorPage(rw, 500, "Internal Error", err.Error()) return } user, ok := p.ManualSignIn(rw, req) if ok { session := &providers.SessionState{User: user} p.SaveSession(rw, req, session) http.Redirect(rw, req, redirect, 302) } else { p.SignInPage(rw, req, 200) } } func (p *OAuthProxy) OAuthStart(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { redirect, err := p.GetRedirect(req) if err != nil { p.ErrorPage(rw, 500, "Internal Error", err.Error()) return } redirectURI := p.GetRedirectURI(req.Host) http.Redirect(rw, req, p.provider.GetLoginURL(redirectURI, redirect), 302) } func (p *OAuthProxy) OAuthCallback(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { remoteAddr := getRemoteAddr(req) // finish the oauth cycle err := req.ParseForm() if err != nil { p.ErrorPage(rw, 500, "Internal Error", err.Error()) return } errorString := req.Form.Get("error") if errorString != "" { p.ErrorPage(rw, 403, "Permission Denied", errorString) return } session, err := p.redeemCode(req.Host, req.Form.Get("code")) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s error redeeming code %s", remoteAddr, err) p.ErrorPage(rw, 500, "Internal Error", "Internal Error") return } redirect := req.Form.Get("state") if redirect == "" { redirect = "/" } // set cookie, or deny if p.Validator(session.Email) && p.provider.ValidateGroup(session.Email) { log.Printf("%s authentication complete %s", remoteAddr, session) err := p.SaveSession(rw, req, session) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s %s", remoteAddr, err) p.ErrorPage(rw, 500, "Internal Error", "Internal Error") return } http.Redirect(rw, req, redirect, 302) } else { log.Printf("%s Permission Denied: %q is unauthorized", remoteAddr, session.Email) p.ErrorPage(rw, 403, "Permission Denied", "Invalid Account") } } func (p *OAuthProxy) AuthenticateOnly(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { remoteAddr := getRemoteAddr(req) if session, _, err := p.LoadCookiedSession(req); err != nil { log.Printf("%s %s", remoteAddr, err) } else if session.IsExpired() { log.Printf("%s Expired", remoteAddr, session) } else if !p.Validator(session.Email) { log.Printf("%s Permission Denied", remoteAddr, session) } else { rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusAccepted) return } http.Error(rw, "unauthorized request", http.StatusUnauthorized) } func (p *OAuthProxy) Proxy(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { var saveSession, clearSession, revalidated bool remoteAddr := getRemoteAddr(req) session, sessionAge, err := p.LoadCookiedSession(req) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s %s", remoteAddr, err) } if session != nil && sessionAge > p.CookieRefresh && p.CookieRefresh != time.Duration(0) { log.Printf("%s refreshing %s old session cookie for %s (refresh after %s)", remoteAddr, sessionAge, session, p.CookieRefresh) saveSession = true } if ok, err := p.provider.RefreshSessionIfNeeded(session); err != nil { log.Printf("%s removing session. error refreshing access token %s %s", remoteAddr, err, session) clearSession = true session = nil } else if ok { saveSession = true revalidated = true } if session != nil && session.IsExpired() { log.Printf("%s removing session. token expired %s", remoteAddr, session) session = nil saveSession = false clearSession = true } if saveSession && !revalidated && session != nil && session.AccessToken != "" { if !p.provider.ValidateSessionState(session) { log.Printf("%s removing session. error validating %s", remoteAddr, session) saveSession = false session = nil clearSession = true } } if session != nil && session.Email != "" && !p.Validator(session.Email) { log.Printf("%s Permission Denied: removing session %s", remoteAddr, session) session = nil saveSession = false clearSession = true } if saveSession && session != nil { err := p.SaveSession(rw, req, session) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s %s", remoteAddr, err) p.ErrorPage(rw, 500, "Internal Error", "Internal Error") return } } if clearSession { p.ClearCookie(rw, req) } if session == nil { session, err = p.CheckBasicAuth(req) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s %s", remoteAddr, err) } } if session == nil { p.SignInPage(rw, req, 403) return } // At this point, the user is authenticated. proxy normally if p.PassBasicAuth { req.SetBasicAuth(session.User, p.BasicAuthPassword) req.Header["X-Forwarded-User"] = []string{session.User} if session.Email != "" { req.Header["X-Forwarded-Email"] = []string{session.Email} } } if p.PassAccessToken && session.AccessToken != "" { req.Header["X-Forwarded-Access-Token"] = []string{session.AccessToken} } if session.Email == "" { rw.Header().Set("GAP-Auth", session.User) } else { rw.Header().Set("GAP-Auth", session.Email) } p.serveMux.ServeHTTP(rw, req) } func (p *OAuthProxy) CheckBasicAuth(req *http.Request) (*providers.SessionState, error) { if p.HtpasswdFile == nil { return nil, nil } auth := req.Header.Get("Authorization") if auth == "" { return nil, nil } s := strings.SplitN(auth, " ", 2) if len(s) != 2 || s[0] != "Basic" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Authorization header %s", req.Header.Get("Authorization")) } b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s[1]) if err != nil { return nil, err } pair := strings.SplitN(string(b), ":", 2) if len(pair) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid format %s", b) } if p.HtpasswdFile.Validate(pair[0], pair[1]) { log.Printf("authenticated %q via basic auth", pair[0]) return &providers.SessionState{User: pair[0]}, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s not in HtpasswdFile", pair[0]) }