Compare commits
14 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
f48aa3b4d9 | ||
5ab17d9a40 | ||
a628b852eb | ||
bc8b7d059b | ||
ea4dfaf4d1 | ||
161028d61e | ||
2ac5cf6b56 | ||
108b733a9b | ||
b438fe8df1 | ||
f1bae61341 | ||
dd1b97acd5 | ||
e082a8d059 | ||
7c09fed40f | ||
d3e0f88346 |
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Default owner should be a Pusher cloud-team member or another maintainer
# unless overridden by later rules in this file
* @pusher/cloud-team @syscll @steakunderscore
# provider
# Note: If @timothy-spencer terms out of his appointment, your best bet
# for finding somebody who can test the oauth2_proxy would be to ask somebody
# in the team (, the team
# (, or the 18F org (
# or the public devops channel at
providers/logingov.go @timothy-spencer
providers/logingov_test.go @timothy-spencer
# Bitbucket provider
providers/bitbucket.go @aledeganopix4d
providers/bitbucket_test.go @aledeganopix4d
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above -->
## Expected Behavior
<!--- If you're describing a bug, tell us what should happen -->
<!--- If you're suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work -->
## Current Behavior
<!--- If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior -->
<!--- If suggesting a change/improvement, explain the difference from current behavior -->
## Possible Solution
<!--- Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug, -->
<!--- or ideas how to implement the addition or change -->
## Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
<!--- Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to -->
<!--- reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant -->
1. <!--- Step 1 --->
2. <!--- Step 2 --->
3. <!--- Step 3 --->
4. <!--- Step 4 --->
## Context
<!--- How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? -->
<!--- Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world -->
## Your Environment
<!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in -->
- Version used:
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->
## Description
<!--- Describe your changes in detail -->
## Motivation and Context
<!--- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? -->
<!--- If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. -->
## How Has This Been Tested?
<!--- Please describe in detail how you tested your changes. -->
<!--- Include details of your testing environment, and the tests you ran to -->
<!--- see how your change affects other areas of the code, etc. -->
## Checklist:
<!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. -->
<!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! -->
- [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation or CHANGELOG.
- [ ] I have updated the documentation/CHANGELOG accordingly.
- [ ] I have created a feature (non-master) branch for my PR.
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
# Go.gitignore
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
@ -31,10 +29,3 @@ _testmain.go
# Editor swap/temp files
# is ignored by both git and docker
# for faster development cycle of docker build
# cp Dockerfile
# vi
# docker build -f .
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
deadline: 120s
- govet
- golint
- ineffassign
- goconst
- deadcode
- gofmt
- goimports
enable-all: false
disable-all: true
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
language: go
- 1.12.x
# Fetch dependencies
- curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin v1.17.1
- GO111MODULE=on go mod download
- 1.8.x
- 1.9.x
- ./configure && make test
- wget -O dep
- chmod +x dep
- ./dep ensure
- ./
sudo: false
email: false
@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
# Vx.x.x (Pre-release)
## Changes since v4.0.0
- [#227]( Add Keycloak provider (@Ofinka)
# v4.0.0
## Release Highlights
- Documentation is now on a [microsite](
- Health check logging can now be disabled for quieter logs
- Authorization Header JWTs can now be verified by the proxy to skip authentication for machine users
- Sessions can now be stored in Redis. This reduces refresh failures and uses smaller cookies (Recommended for those using OIDC refreshing)
- Logging overhaul allows customisable logging formats
## Important Notes
- This release includes a number of breaking changes that will require users to
reconfigure their proxies. Please read the Breaking Changes below thoroughly.
## Breaking Changes
- [#231]( Rework GitLab provider
- This PR changes the configuration options for the GitLab provider to use
a self-hosted instance. You now need to specify a `-oidc-issuer-url` rather than
explicit `-login-url`, `-redeem-url` and `-validate-url` parameters.
- [#186]( Make config consistent
- This PR changes configuration options so that all flags have a config counterpart
of the same name but with underscores (`_`) in place of hyphens (`-`).
This change affects the following flags:
- The `--tls-key` flag is now `--tls-key-file` to be consistent with existing
file flags and the existing config and environment settings
- The `--tls-cert` flag is now `--tls-cert-file` to be consistent with existing
file flags and the existing config and environment settings
This change affects the following existing configuration options:
- The `proxy-prefix` option is now `proxy_prefix`.
This PR changes environment variables so that all flags have an environment
counterpart of the same name but capitalised, with underscores (`_`) in place
of hyphens (`-`) and with the prefix `OAUTH2_PROXY_`.
This change affects the following existing environment variables:
- The `OAUTH2_OIDC_JWKS_URL` environment variable is now `OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_JWKS_URL`.
- [#146]( Use full email address as `User` if the auth response did not contain a `User` field
- This change modifies the contents of the `X-Forwarded-User` header supplied by the proxy for users where the auth response from the IdP did not contain
a username.
In that case, this header used to only contain the local part of the user's email address (e.g. `john.doe` for ``) but now contains
the user's full email address instead.
- [#170]( Pre-built binary tarballs changed format
- The pre-built binary tarballs again match the format of the [bitly]( repository, where the unpacked directory
has the same name as the tarball and the binary is always named `oauth2_proxy`. This was done to restore compatibility with third-party automation
recipes like
## Changes since v3.2.0
- [#234]( Added option `-ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-validation` to skip validation of upstream SSL certificates (@jansinger)
- [#224]( Check Google group membership using hasMember to support nested groups and external users (@jpalpant)
- [#231]( Add optional group membership and email domain checks to the GitLab provider (@Overv)
- [#226]( Made setting of proxied headers deterministic based on configuration alone (@aeijdenberg)
- [#178]( Add Silence Ping Logging and Exclude Logging Paths flags (@kskewes)
- [#209]( Improve docker build caching of layers (@dekimsey)
- [#186]( Make config consistent (@JoelSpeed)
- [#187]( Move root packages to pkg folder (@JoelSpeed)
- [#65]( Improvements to authenticate requests with a JWT bearer token in the `Authorization` header via
the `-skip-jwt-bearer-token` options. (@brianv0)
- Additional verifiers can be configured via the `-extra-jwt-issuers` flag if the JWT issuers is either an OpenID provider or has a JWKS URL
(e.g. ``).
- [#180]( Minor refactor of core proxying path (@aeijdenberg).
- [#175]( Bump go-oidc to v2.0.0 (@aeijdenberg).
- Includes fix for potential signature checking issue when OIDC discovery is skipped.
- [#155]( Add RedisSessionStore implementation (@brianv0, @JoelSpeed)
- Implement flags to configure the redis session store
- `-session-store-type=redis` Sets the store type to redis
- `-redis-connection-url` Sets the Redis connection URL
- `-redis-use-sentinel=true` Enables Redis Sentinel support
- `-redis-sentinel-master-name` Sets the Sentinel master name, if sentinel is enabled
- `-redis-sentinel-connection-urls` Defines the Redis Sentinel Connection URLs, if sentinel is enabled
- Introduces the concept of a session ticket. Tickets are composed of the cookie name, a session ID, and a secret.
- Redis Sessions are stored encrypted with a per-session secret
- Added tests for server based session stores
- [#168]( Drop Go 1.11 support in Travis (@JoelSpeed)
- [#169]( Update Alpine to 3.9 (@kskewes)
- [#148]( Implement SessionStore interface within proxy (@JoelSpeed)
- [#147]( Add SessionStore interfaces and initial implementation (@JoelSpeed)
- Allows for multiple different session storage implementations including client and server side
- Adds tests suite for interface to ensure consistency across implementations
- Refactor some configuration options (around cookies) into packages
- [#114](, [#154]( Documentation is now available live at our [docs website]( (@JoelSpeed, @icelynjennings)
- [#146]( Use full email address as `User` if the auth response did not contain a `User` field (@gargath)
- [#144]( Use GO 1.12 for ARM builds (@kskewes)
- [#142]( ARM Docker USER fix (@kskewes)
- [#52]( Logging Improvements (@MisterWil)
- Implement flags to configure file logging
- `-logging-filename` Defines the filename to log to
- `-logging-max-size` Defines the maximum
- `-logging-max-age` Defines the maximum age of backups to retain
- `-logging-max-backups` Defines the maximum number of rollover log files to retain
- `-logging-compress` Defines if rollover log files should be compressed
- `-logging-local-time` Defines if logging date and time should be local or UTC
- Implement two new flags to enable or disable specific logging types
- `-standard-logging` Enables or disables standard (not request or auth) logging
- `-auth-logging` Enables or disables auth logging
- Implement two new flags to customize the logging format
- `-standard-logging-format` Sets the format for standard logging
- `-auth-logging-format` Sets the format for auth logging
- [#111]( Add option for telling where to find a JWT key file (@timothy-spencer)
- [#170]( Restore binary tarball contents to be compatible with bitlys original tarballs (@zeha)
- [#185]( Fix an unsupported protocol scheme error during token validation when using the Azure provider (@jonas)
- [#141]( Check google group membership based on email address (@bchess)
- Google Group membership is additionally checked via email address, allowing users outside a GSuite domain to be authorized.
- [#195]( Add `-banner` flag for overriding the banner line that is displayed (@steakunderscore)
- [#198]( Switch from gometalinter to golangci-lint (@steakunderscore)
- [#159]( Add option to skip the OIDC provider verified email check: `--insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email` (@djfinlay)
- [#210]( Update base image from Alpine 3.9 to 3.10 (@steakunderscore)
- [#201]( Add Bitbucket as new OAuth2 provider, accepts email, team and repository permissions to determine authorization (@aledeganopix4d)
- Implement flags to enable Bitbucket authentication:
- `-bitbucket-repository` Restrict authorization to users that can access this repository
- `-bitbucket-team` Restrict authorization to users that are part of this Bitbucket team
- [#211]( Switch from dep to go modules (@steakunderscore)
- [#145]( Add support for OIDC UserInfo endpoint email verification (@rtluckie)
# v3.2.0
## Release highlights
- Internal restructure of session state storage to use JSON rather than proprietary scheme
- Added health check options for running on GCP behind a load balancer
- Improved support for protecting websockets
- Added provider for
- Allow manual configuration of OIDC providers
## Important notes
- Dockerfile user is now non-root, this may break your existing deployment
- In the OIDC provider, when no email is returned, the ID Token subject will be used
instead of returning an error
- GitHub user emails must now be primary and verified before authenticating
## Changes since v3.1.0
- [#96]( Check if email is verified on GitHub (@caarlos0)
- [#110]( Added GCP healthcheck option (@timothy-spencer)
- [#112]( Improve websocket support (@gyson)
- [#63]( Use encoding/json for SessionState serialization (@yaegashi)
- Use JSON to encode session state to be stored in browser cookies
- Implement legacy decode function to support existing cookies generated by older versions
- Add detailed table driven tests in session_state_test.go
- [#120]( Encrypting user/email from cookie (@costelmoraru)
- [#55]( Added provider (@timothy-spencer)
- [#55]( Added environment variables for all config options (@timothy-spencer)
- [#70]( Fix handling of splitted cookies (@einfachchr)
- [#92]( Merge websocket proxy feature from openshift/oauth-proxy (@butzist)
- [#57]( Fall back to using OIDC Subject instead of Email (@aigarius)
- [#85]( Use non-root user in docker images (@kskewes)
- [#68]( forward X-Auth-Access-Token header (@davidholsgrove)
- [#41]( Added option to manually specify OIDC endpoints instead of relying on discovery
- [#83]( Add `id_token` refresh to Google provider (@leki75)
- [#10]( fix redirect url param handling (@dt-rush)
- [#122]( Expose -cookie-path as configuration parameter (@costelmoraru)
- [#124]( Use Go 1.12 for testing and build environments (@syscll)
# v3.1.0
## Release highlights
- Introduction of ARM releases and and general improvements to Docker builds
- Improvements to OIDC provider allowing pass-through of ID Tokens
- Multiple redirect domains can now be whitelisted
- Streamed responses are now flushed periodically
## Important notes
- If you have been using [#bitly/621](
and have cookies larger than the 4kb limit,
the cookie splitting pattern has changed and now uses `_` in place of `-` when
indexing cookies.
This will force users to reauthenticate the first time they use `v3.1.0`.
- Streamed responses will now be flushed every 1 second by default.
Previously streamed responses were flushed only when the buffer was full.
To retain the old behaviour set `--flush-interval=0`.
See [#23]( for further details.
## Changes since v3.0.0
- [#14]( OIDC ID Token, Authorization Headers, Refreshing and Verification (@joelspeed)
- Implement `pass-authorization-header` and `set-authorization-header` flags
- Implement token refreshing in OIDC provider
- Split cookies larger than 4k limit into multiple cookies
- Implement token validation in OIDC provider
- [#15]( WhitelistDomains (@joelspeed)
- Add `--whitelist-domain` flag to allow redirection to approved domains after OAuth flow
- [#21]( Docker Improvement (@yaegashi)
- Move Docker base image from debian to alpine
- Install ca-certificates in docker image
- [#23]( Flushed streaming responses
- Long-running upstream responses will get flushed every <timeperiod> (1 second by default)
- [#24]( Redirect fix (@agentgonzo)
- After a successful login, you will be redirected to your original URL rather than /
- [#35]( arm and arm64 binary releases (@kskewes)
- Add armv6 and arm64 to Makefile `release` target
- [#37]( cross build arm and arm64 docker images (@kskewes)
# v3.0.0
Adoption of OAuth2_Proxy by Pusher.
Project was hard forked and tidied however no logical changes have occurred since
v2.2 as released by Bitly.
## Changes since v2.2:
- [#7]( Migration to Pusher (@joelspeed)
- Move automated build to debian base image
- Add Makefile
- Update CI to run `make test`
- Update Dockerfile to use `make clean oauth2_proxy`
- Update `VERSION` parameter to be set by `ldflags` from Git Status
- Remove lint and test scripts
- Remove Go v1.8.x from Travis CI testing
- Add Issue and Pull Request templates
- Add Dockerfile
- Fix fsnotify import
- Update README to reflect new repository ownership
- Update CI scripts to separate linting and testing
- Now using `gometalinter` for linting
- Move Go import path from `` to ``
- Repository forked on 27/11/18
- README updated to include note that this repository is forked
- CHANGLOG created to track changes to repository from original fork
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Contributing
To develop on this project, please fork the repo and clone into your `$GOPATH`.
Dependencies are **not** checked in so please download those separately.
Download the dependencies using [`dep`](
cd $GOPATH/src/ # Create this directory if it doesn't exist
git clone<YOUR_FORK>/oauth2_proxy pusher/oauth2_proxy
cd pusher/oauth2_proxy
./configure # Setup your environment variables
make dep
## Pull Requests and Issues
We track bugs and issues using Github.
If you find a bug, please open an Issue.
If you want to fix a bug, please fork, create a feature branch, fix the bug and
open a PR back to this repo.
Please mention the open bug issue number within your PR if applicable.
@ -1,32 +1,10 @@
FROM golang:1.12-stretch AS builder
# Download tools
RUN curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.17.1
# Copy sources
# Fetch dependencies
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN GO111MODULE=on go mod download
# Now pull in our code
FROM golang:1.9 AS builder
WORKDIR /go/src/
COPY . .
RUN go get -d -v; \
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build
# Build binary and make sure there is at least an empty key file.
# This is useful for GCP App Engine custom runtime builds, because
# you cannot use multiline variables in their app.yaml, so you have to
# build the key into the container and then tell it where it is
# by setting OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY_FILE=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem
# in app.yaml instead.
RUN ./configure && make build && touch jwt_signing_key.pem
# Copy binary to alpine
FROM alpine:3.10
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /bin/oauth2_proxy
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem
USER 2000:2000
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /bin/oauth2_proxy
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/oauth2_proxy"]
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
FROM golang:1.12-stretch AS builder
# Download tools
RUN curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.17.1
# Copy sources
# Fetch dependencies
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN GO111MODULE=on go mod download
# Now pull in our code
COPY . .
# Build binary and make sure there is at least an empty key file.
# This is useful for GCP App Engine custom runtime builds, because
# you cannot use multiline variables in their app.yaml, so you have to
# build the key into the container and then tell it where it is
# by setting OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY_FILE=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem
# in app.yaml instead.
RUN ./configure && GOARCH=arm64 make build && touch jwt_signing_key.pem
# Copy binary to alpine
FROM arm64v8/alpine:3.10
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /bin/oauth2_proxy
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem
USER 2000:2000
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/oauth2_proxy"]
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
FROM golang:1.12-stretch AS builder
# Download tools
RUN curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.17.1
# Copy sources
# Fetch dependencies
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN GO111MODULE=on go mod download
# Now pull in our code
COPY . .
# Build binary and make sure there is at least an empty key file.
# This is useful for GCP App Engine custom runtime builds, because
# you cannot use multiline variables in their app.yaml, so you have to
# build the key into the container and then tell it where it is
# by setting OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY_FILE=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem
# in app.yaml instead.
RUN ./configure && GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 make build && touch jwt_signing_key.pem
# Copy binary to alpine
FROM arm32v6/alpine:3.10
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /bin/oauth2_proxy
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem
USER 2000:2000
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/oauth2_proxy"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
name = ""
packages = ["compute/metadata"]
revision = "2d3a6656c17a60b0815b7e06ab0be04eacb6e613"
version = "v0.16.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "b26d9c308763d68093482582cea63d69be07a0f0"
version = "v0.3.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "aabad6e819789e569bd6aabf444c935aa9ba1e44"
version = "v0.5.0"
branch = "v2"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "77e7f2010a464ade7338597afe650dfcffbe2ca8"
name = ""
packages = ["spew"]
revision = "346938d642f2ec3594ed81d874461961cd0faa76"
version = "v1.1.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = ["proto"]
revision = "1e59b77b52bf8e4b449a57e6f79f21226d571845"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "107c17adcc5eccc9935cd67d9bc2feaf5255d2cb"
version = "1.0.2"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "77551d20752b54535462404ad9d877ebdb26e53d"
name = ""
packages = ["difflib"]
revision = "792786c7400a136282c1664665ae0a8db921c6c2"
version = "v1.0.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "0dec1b30a0215bb68605dfc568e8855066c9202d"
name = ""
packages = ["assert"]
revision = "69483b4bd14f5845b5a1e55bca19e954e827f1d0"
version = "v1.1.4"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "9f005a07e0d31d45e6656d241bb5c0f2efd4bc94"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "9dfe39835686865bff950a07b394c12a98ddc811"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "9ff8ebcc8e241d46f52ecc5bff0e5a2f2dbef402"
branch = "master"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "8791354e7ab150705ede13637a18c1fcc16b62e8"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "150dc57a1b433e64154302bdc40b6bb8aefa313a"
version = "v1.0.0"
name = ""
packages = ["."]
revision = "836bfd95fecc0f1511dd66bdbf2b5b61ab8b00b6"
version = "v1.2.11"
name = ""
packages = [
revision = "f8f38de21b4dcd69d0413faf231983f5fd6634b1"
version = "v2.1.3"
analyzer-name = "dep"
analyzer-version = 1
inputs-digest = "b502c41a61115d14d6379be26b0300f65d173bdad852f0170d387ebf2d7ec173"
solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
solver-version = 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Refer to
# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
name = ""
version = "~1.0.1"
name = ""
version = "~0.3.0"
name = ""
version = "~0.5.0"
branch = "v2"
name = ""
branch = "master"
name = ""
name = ""
version = "~1.1.4"
branch = "master"
name = ""
branch = "master"
name = ""
name = ""
version = "~1.2.0"
branch = "master"
name = ""
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Joel Speed <> (@JoelSpeed)
Dan Bond (@syscll)
Henry Jenkins <> (@steakunderscore)
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
include .env
BINARY := oauth2_proxy
VERSION := $(shell git describe --always --dirty --tags 2>/dev/null || echo "undefined")
.PHONY: all
all: lint $(BINARY)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf release
rm -f $(BINARY)
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
rm -rf vendor
.PHONY: lint
.PHONY: build
build: clean $(BINARY)
GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" -o $@
.PHONY: docker
docker build -f Dockerfile -t .
.PHONY: docker-all
docker-all: docker
docker build -f Dockerfile -t .
docker build -f Dockerfile -t${VERSION} .
docker build -f Dockerfile -t${VERSION}-amd64 .
docker build -f Dockerfile.arm64 -t .
docker build -f Dockerfile.arm64 -t${VERSION}-arm64 .
docker build -f Dockerfile.armv6 -t .
docker build -f Dockerfile.armv6 -t${VERSION}-armv6 .
.PHONY: docker-push
docker push
.PHONY: docker-push-all
docker-push-all: docker-push
docker push
docker push${VERSION}
docker push${VERSION}-amd64
docker push
docker push${VERSION}-arm64
docker push
docker push${VERSION}-armv6
.PHONY: test
test: lint
GO111MODULE=on $(GO) test -v -race ./...
.PHONY: release
release: lint test
mkdir release
mkdir release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).darwin-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)
mkdir release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)
mkdir release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-arm64.$(GO_VERSION)
mkdir release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-armv6.$(GO_VERSION)
mkdir release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).windows-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)
GO111MODULE=on GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" \
-o release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).darwin-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY)
GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" \
-o release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY)
GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" \
-o release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-arm64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY)
GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go build -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" \
-o release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-armv6.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY)
GO111MODULE=on GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=${VERSION}" \
-o release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).windows-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY)
shasum -a 256 release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).darwin-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY) > release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).darwin-amd64-sha256sum.txt
shasum -a 256 release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY) > release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-amd64-sha256sum.txt
shasum -a 256 release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-arm64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY) > release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-arm64-sha256sum.txt
shasum -a 256 release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-armv6.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY) > release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-armv6-sha256sum.txt
shasum -a 256 release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).windows-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)/$(BINARY) > release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).windows-amd64-sha256sum.txt
tar -C release -czvf release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).darwin-amd64.$(GO_VERSION).tar.gz $(BINARY)-$(VERSION).darwin-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)
tar -C release -czvf release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-amd64.$(GO_VERSION).tar.gz $(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)
tar -C release -czvf release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-arm64.$(GO_VERSION).tar.gz $(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-arm64.$(GO_VERSION)
tar -C release -czvf release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-armv6.$(GO_VERSION).tar.gz $(BINARY)-$(VERSION).linux-armv6.$(GO_VERSION)
tar -C release -czvf release/$(BINARY)-$(VERSION).windows-amd64.$(GO_VERSION).tar.gz $(BINARY)-$(VERSION).windows-amd64.$(GO_VERSION)
@ -1,47 +1,422 @@
# oauth2_proxy
A reverse proxy and static file server that provides authentication using Providers (Google, GitHub, and others)
to validate accounts by email, domain or group.
**Note:** This repository was forked from [bitly/OAuth2_Proxy]( on 27/11/2018.
Versions v3.0.0 and up are from this fork and will have diverged from any changes in the original fork.
A list of changes can be seen in the [CHANGELOG](
[](
[](

## Installation
1. Choose how to deploy:
a. Download [Prebuilt Binary]( (current release is `v4.0.0`)
b. Build with `$ go get` which will put the binary in `$GOROOT/bin`
c. Using the prebuilt docker image []( (AMD64, ARMv6 and ARM64 tags available)
Prebuilt binaries can be validated by extracting the file and verifying it against the `sha256sum.txt` checksum file provided for each release starting with version `v3.0.0`.
sha256sum -c sha256sum.txt 2>&1 | grep OK
oauth2_proxy-4.0.0.linux-amd64: OK
2. [Select a Provider and Register an OAuth Application with a Provider](
3. [Configure OAuth2 Proxy using config file, command line options, or environment variables](
4. [Configure SSL or Deploy behind a SSL endpoint]( (example provided for Nginx)
## Docs
Read the docs on our [Docs site](
## Architecture

## Getting Involved
## Installation
If you would like to reach out to the maintainers, come talk to us in the `#oauth2_proxy` channel in the [Gophers slack](
1. Download [Prebuilt Binary]( (current release is `v2.2`) or build with `$ go get` which will put the binary in `$GOROOT/bin`
Prebuilt binaries can be validated by extracting the file and verifying it against the `sha256sum.txt` checksum file provided for each release starting with version `v2.3`.
sha256sum -c sha256sum.txt 2>&1 | grep OK
oauth2_proxy-2.3.linux-amd64: OK
2. Select a Provider and Register an OAuth Application with a Provider
3. Configure OAuth2 Proxy using config file, command line options, or environment variables
4. Configure SSL or Deploy behind a SSL endpoint (example provided for Nginx)
## Contributing
## OAuth Provider Configuration
Please see our [Contributing]( guidelines.
You will need to register an OAuth application with a Provider (Google, GitHub or another provider), and configure it with Redirect URI(s) for the domain you intend to run `oauth2_proxy` on.
Valid providers are :
* [Google](#google-auth-provider) *default*
* [Azure](#azure-auth-provider)
* [Facebook](#facebook-auth-provider)
* [GitHub](#github-auth-provider)
* [GitLab](#gitlab-auth-provider)
* [LinkedIn](#linkedin-auth-provider)
The provider can be selected using the `provider` configuration value.
### Google Auth Provider
For Google, the registration steps are:
1. Create a new project:
2. Choose the new project from the top right project dropdown (only if another project is selected)
3. In the project Dashboard center pane, choose **"API Manager"**
4. In the left Nav pane, choose **"Credentials"**
5. In the center pane, choose **"OAuth consent screen"** tab. Fill in **"Product name shown to users"** and hit save.
6. In the center pane, choose **"Credentials"** tab.
* Open the **"New credentials"** drop down
* Choose **"OAuth client ID"**
* Choose **"Web application"**
* Application name is freeform, choose something appropriate
* Authorized JavaScript origins is your domain ex: ``
* Authorized redirect URIs is the location of oauth2/callback ex: ``
* Choose **"Create"**
4. Take note of the **Client ID** and **Client Secret**
It's recommended to refresh sessions on a short interval (1h) with `cookie-refresh` setting which validates that the account is still authorized.
#### Restrict auth to specific Google groups on your domain. (optional)
1. Create a service account: and make sure to download the json file.
2. Make note of the Client ID for a future step.
3. Under "APIs & Auth", choose APIs.
4. Click on Admin SDK and then Enable API.
5. Follow the steps on and give the client id from step 2 the following oauth scopes:
6. Follow the steps on to enable Admin API access.
7. Create or choose an existing administrative email address on the Gmail domain to assign to the ```google-admin-email``` flag. This email will be impersonated by this client to make calls to the Admin SDK. See the note on the link from step 5 for the reason why.
8. Create or choose an existing email group and set that email to the ```google-group``` flag. You can pass multiple instances of this flag with different groups
and the user will be checked against all the provided groups.
9. Lock down the permissions on the json file downloaded from step 1 so only oauth2_proxy is able to read the file and set the path to the file in the ```google-service-account-json``` flag.
10. Restart oauth2_proxy.
Note: The user is checked against the group members list on initial authentication and every time the token is refreshed ( about once an hour ).
### Azure Auth Provider
1. [Add an application]( to your Azure Active Directory tenant.
2. On the App properties page provide the correct Sign-On URL ie ``
3. If applicable take note of your `TenantID` and provide it via the `--azure-tenant=<YOUR TENANT ID>` commandline option. Default the `common` tenant is used.
The Azure AD auth provider uses `openid` as it default scope. It uses `` as a default protected resource. It call to `` to get the email address of the user that logs in.
### Facebook Auth Provider
1. Create a new FB App from <>
2. Under FB Login, set your Valid OAuth redirect URIs to ``
### GitHub Auth Provider
1. Create a new project:
2. Under `Authorization callback URL` enter the correct url ie ``
The GitHub auth provider supports two additional parameters to restrict authentication to Organization or Team level access. Restricting by org and team is normally accompanied with `--email-domain=*`
-github-org="": restrict logins to members of this organisation
-github-team="": restrict logins to members of any of these teams (slug), separated by a comma
If you are using GitHub enterprise, make sure you set the following to the appropriate url:
-login-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/login/oauth/authorize"
-redeem-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/login/oauth/access_token"
-validate-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/api/v3"
### GitLab Auth Provider
Whether you are using or self-hosting GitLab, follow [these steps to add an application](
If you are using self-hosted GitLab, make sure you set the following to the appropriate URL:
-login-url="<your gitlab url>/oauth/authorize"
-redeem-url="<your gitlab url>/oauth/token"
-validate-url="<your gitlab url>/api/v4/user"
### LinkedIn Auth Provider
For LinkedIn, the registration steps are:
1. Create a new project:
2. In the OAuth User Agreement section:
* In default scope, select r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress.
* In "OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs", enter ``
3. Fill in the remaining required fields and Save.
4. Take note of the **Consumer Key / API Key** and **Consumer Secret / Secret Key**
### Microsoft Azure AD Provider
For adding an application to the Microsoft Azure AD follow [these steps to add an application](
Take note of your `TenantId` if applicable for your situation. The `TenantId` can be used to override the default `common` authorization server with a tenant specific server.
### OpenID Connect Provider
OpenID Connect is a spec for OAUTH 2.0 + identity that is implemented by many major providers and several open source projects. This provider was originally built against CoreOS Dex and we will use it as an example.
1. Launch a Dex instance using the [getting started guide](
2. Setup oauth2_proxy with the correct provider and using the default ports and callbacks.
3. Login with the fixture use in the dex guide and run the oauth2_proxy with the following args:
-provider oidc
-client-id oauth2_proxy
-client-secret proxy
## Email Authentication
To authorize by email domain use ``. To authorize individual email addresses use `--authenticated-emails-file=/path/to/file` with one email per line. To authorize all email addresses use `--email-domain=*`.
## Configuration
`oauth2_proxy` can be configured via [config file](#config-file), [command line options](#command-line-options) or [environment variables](#environment-variables).
To generate a strong cookie secret use `python -c 'import os,base64; print base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(16))'`
### Config File
An example [oauth2_proxy.cfg](contrib/oauth2_proxy.cfg.example) config file is in the contrib directory. It can be used by specifying `-config=/etc/oauth2_proxy.cfg`
### Command Line Options
Usage of oauth2_proxy:
-approval-prompt string: OAuth approval_prompt (default "force")
-authenticated-emails-file string: authenticate against emails via file (one per line)
-azure-tenant string: go to a tenant-specific or common (tenant-independent) endpoint. (default "common")
-basic-auth-password string: the password to set when passing the HTTP Basic Auth header
-client-id string: the OAuth Client ID: ie: ""
-client-secret string: the OAuth Client Secret
-config string: path to config file
-cookie-domain string: an optional cookie domain to force cookies to (ie:
-cookie-expire duration: expire timeframe for cookie (default 168h0m0s)
-cookie-httponly: set HttpOnly cookie flag (default true)
-cookie-name string: the name of the cookie that the oauth_proxy creates (default "_oauth2_proxy")
-cookie-refresh duration: refresh the cookie after this duration; 0 to disable
-cookie-secret string: the seed string for secure cookies (optionally base64 encoded)
-cookie-secure: set secure (HTTPS) cookie flag (default true)
-custom-templates-dir string: path to custom html templates
-display-htpasswd-form: display username / password login form if an htpasswd file is provided (default true)
-email-domain value: authenticate emails with the specified domain (may be given multiple times). Use * to authenticate any email
-footer string: custom footer string. Use "-" to disable default footer.
-github-org string: restrict logins to members of this organisation
-github-team string: restrict logins to members of any of these teams (slug), separated by a comma
-google-admin-email string: the google admin to impersonate for api calls
-google-group value: restrict logins to members of this google group (may be given multiple times).
-google-service-account-json string: the path to the service account json credentials
-htpasswd-file string: additionally authenticate against a htpasswd file. Entries must be created with "htpasswd -s" for SHA encryption
-http-address string: [http://]<addr>:<port> or unix://<path> to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")
-https-address string: <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTPS clients (default ":443")
-login-url string: Authentication endpoint
-pass-access-token: pass OAuth access_token to upstream via X-Forwarded-Access-Token header
-pass-basic-auth: pass HTTP Basic Auth, X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream (default true)
-pass-host-header: pass the request Host Header to upstream (default true)
-pass-user-headers: pass X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream (default true)
-profile-url string: Profile access endpoint
-provider string: OAuth provider (default "google")
-proxy-prefix string: the url root path that this proxy should be nested under (e.g. /<oauth2>/sign_in) (default "/oauth2")
-redeem-url string: Token redemption endpoint
-redirect-url string: the OAuth Redirect URL. ie: ""
-request-logging: Log requests to stdout (default true)
-request-logging-format: Template for request log lines (see "Logging Format" paragraph below)
-resource string: The resource that is protected (Azure AD only)
-scope string: OAuth scope specification
-set-xauthrequest: set X-Auth-Request-User and X-Auth-Request-Email response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)
-signature-key string: GAP-Signature request signature key (algorithm:secretkey)
-skip-auth-preflight: will skip authentication for OPTIONS requests
-skip-auth-regex value: bypass authentication for requests path's that match (may be given multiple times)
-skip-provider-button: will skip sign-in-page to directly reach the next step: oauth/start
-ssl-insecure-skip-verify: skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS
-tls-cert string: path to certificate file
-tls-key string: path to private key file
-upstream value: the http url(s) of the upstream endpoint or file:// paths for static files. Routing is based on the path
-validate-url string: Access token validation endpoint
-version: print version string
-whitelist-domain: allowed domains for redirection after authentication. Prefix domain with a . to allow subdomains (eg
Note, when using the `whitelist-domain` option, any domain prefixed with a `.` will allow any subdomain of the specified domain as a valid redirect URL.
See below for provider specific options
### Upstreams Configuration
`oauth2_proxy` supports having multiple upstreams, and has the option to pass requests on to HTTP(S) servers or serve static files from the file system. HTTP and HTTPS upstreams are configured by providing a URL such as `` for the upstream parameter, that will forward all authenticated requests to be forwarded to the upstream server. If you instead provide `` then it will only be requests that start with `/some/path/` which are forwarded to the upstream.
Static file paths are configured as a file:// URL. `file:///var/www/static/` will serve the files from that directory at `http://[oauth2_proxy url]/var/www/static/`, which may not be what you want. You can provide the path to where the files should be available by adding a fragment to the configured URL. The value of the fragment will then be used to specify which path the files are available at. `file:///var/www/static/#/static/` will ie. make `/var/www/static/` available at `http://[oauth2_proxy url]/static/`.
Multiple upstreams can either be configured by supplying a comma separated list to the `-upstream` parameter, supplying the parameter multiple times or provinding a list in the [config file](#config-file). When multiple upstreams are used routing to them will be based on the path they are set up with.
### Environment variables
The following environment variables can be used in place of the corresponding command-line arguments:
## SSL Configuration
There are two recommended configurations.
1) Configure SSL Termination with OAuth2 Proxy by providing a `--tls-cert=/path/to/cert.pem` and `--tls-key=/path/to/cert.key`.
The command line to run `oauth2_proxy` in this configuration would look like this:
./oauth2_proxy \
--email-domain="" \
--upstream= \
--tls-cert=/path/to/cert.pem \
--tls-key=/path/to/cert.key \
--cookie-secret=... \
--cookie-secure=true \
--provider=... \
--client-id=... \
2) Configure SSL Termination with [Nginx]( (example config below), Amazon ELB, Google Cloud Platform Load Balancing, or ....
Because `oauth2_proxy` listens on `` by default, to listen on all interfaces (needed when using an
external load balancer like Amazon ELB or Google Platform Load Balancing) use `--http-address=""` or
Nginx will listen on port `443` and handle SSL connections while proxying to `oauth2_proxy` on port `4180`.
`oauth2_proxy` will then authenticate requests for an upstream application. The external endpoint for this example
would be ``.
An example Nginx config follows. Note the use of `Strict-Transport-Security` header to pin requests to SSL
via [HSTS](
server {
listen 443 default ssl;
ssl_certificate /path/to/cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/cert.key;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=2592000;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_connect_timeout 1;
proxy_send_timeout 30;
proxy_read_timeout 30;
The command line to run `oauth2_proxy` in this configuration would look like this:
./oauth2_proxy \
--email-domain="" \
--upstream= \
--cookie-secret=... \
--cookie-secure=true \
--provider=... \
--client-id=... \
## Endpoint Documentation
OAuth2 Proxy responds directly to the following endpoints. All other endpoints will be proxied upstream when authenticated. The `/oauth2` prefix can be changed with the `--proxy-prefix` config variable.
* /robots.txt - returns a 200 OK response that disallows all User-agents from all paths; see []( for more info
* /ping - returns an 200 OK response
* /oauth2/sign_in - the login page, which also doubles as a sign out page (it clears cookies)
* /oauth2/start - a URL that will redirect to start the OAuth cycle
* /oauth2/callback - the URL used at the end of the OAuth cycle. The oauth app will be configured with this as the callback url.
* /oauth2/auth - only returns a 202 Accepted response or a 401 Unauthorized response; for use with the [Nginx `auth_request` directive](#nginx-auth-request)
## Request signatures
If `signature_key` is defined, proxied requests will be signed with the
`GAP-Signature` header, which is a [Hash-based Message Authentication Code
of selected request information and the request body [see `SIGNATURE_HEADERS`
in `oauthproxy.go`](./oauthproxy.go).
`signature_key` must be of the form `algorithm:secretkey`, (ie: `signature_key = "sha1:secret0"`)
For more information about HMAC request signature validation, read the
* [Amazon Web Services: Signing and Authenticating REST
* [ Using HMAC to authenticate Web service
## Logging Format
By default, OAuth2 Proxy logs requests to stdout in a format similar to Apache Combined Log.
If you require a different format than that, you can configure it with the `-request-logging-format` flag.
The default format is configured as follows:
{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] {{.Host}} {{.RequestMethod}} {{.Upstream}} {{.RequestURI}} {{.Protocol}} {{.UserAgent}} {{.StatusCode}} {{.ResponseSize}} {{.RequestDuration}}
[See `logMessageData` in `logging_handler.go`](./logging_handler.go) for all available variables.
## Adding a new Provider
Follow the examples in the [`providers` package](providers/) to define a new
`Provider` instance. Add a new `case` to
[`providers.New()`](providers/providers.go) to allow `oauth2_proxy` to use the
new `Provider`.
## <a name="nginx-auth-request"></a>Configuring for use with the Nginx `auth_request` directive
The [Nginx `auth_request` directive]( allows Nginx to authenticate requests via the oauth2_proxy's `/auth` endpoint, which only returns a 202 Accepted response or a 401 Unauthorized response without proxying the request through. For example:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name ...;
include ssl/ssl.conf;
location /oauth2/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Auth-Request-Redirect $request_uri;
location = /oauth2/auth {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
# nginx auth_request includes headers but not body
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_pass_request_body off;
location / {
auth_request /oauth2/auth;
error_page 401 = /oauth2/sign_in;
# pass information via X-User and X-Email headers to backend,
# requires running with --set-xauthrequest flag
auth_request_set $user $upstream_http_x_auth_request_user;
auth_request_set $email $upstream_http_x_auth_request_email;
proxy_set_header X-User $user;
proxy_set_header X-Email $email;
# if you enabled --cookie-refresh, this is needed for it to work with auth_request
auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_set_cookie;
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie;
proxy_pass http://backend/;
# or "root /path/to/site;" or "fastcgi_pass ..." etc
@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
package requests
package api
import (
// Request parses the request body into a simplejson.Json object
func Request(req *http.Request) (*simplejson.Json, error) {
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("%s %s %s", req.Method, req.URL, err)
log.Printf("%s %s %s", req.Method, req.URL, err)
return nil, err
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
logger.Printf("%d %s %s %s", resp.StatusCode, req.Method, req.URL, body)
log.Printf("%d %s %s %s", resp.StatusCode, req.Method, req.URL, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -33,16 +32,15 @@ func Request(req *http.Request) (*simplejson.Json, error) {
return data, nil
// RequestJSON parses the request body into the given interface
func RequestJSON(req *http.Request, v interface{}) error {
func RequestJson(req *http.Request, v interface{}) error {
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("%s %s %s", req.Method, req.URL, err)
log.Printf("%s %s %s", req.Method, req.URL, err)
return err
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
logger.Printf("%d %s %s %s", resp.StatusCode, req.Method, req.URL, body)
log.Printf("%d %s %s %s", resp.StatusCode, req.Method, req.URL, body)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -52,7 +50,6 @@ func RequestJSON(req *http.Request, v interface{}) error {
return json.Unmarshal(body, v)
// RequestUnparsedResponse performs a GET and returns the raw response object
func RequestUnparsedResponse(url string, header http.Header) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
package requests
package api
import (
func testBackend(responseCode int, payload string) *httptest.Server {
func testBackend(response_code int, payload string) *httptest.Server {
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -A tools=()
declare -A desired=()
for arg in "$@"; do
case ${arg%%=*} in
printf "${GREEN}$0${NC}\n"
printf " available options:\n"
printf " --with-go=${BLUE}<path_to_go_binary>${NC}\n"
exit 0
echo "Unknown option: $arg"
exit 2
vercomp () {
if [[ $1 == $2 ]]
return 0
local IFS=.
local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2)
# fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros
for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++))
for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++))
if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]]
# fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros
if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]}))
return 1
if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]}))
return 2
return 0
check_for() {
echo -n "Checking for $1... "
if ! [ -z "${desired[$1]}" ]; then
TOOL_PATH=$(command -v $1)
if ! [ -x "$TOOL_PATH" -a -f "$TOOL_PATH" ]; then
printf "${RED}not found${NC}\n"
cd -
exit 1
printf "${GREEN}found${NC}\n"
check_go_version() {
echo -n "Checking go version... "
GO_VERSION=$(${tools[go]} version | ${tools[awk]} '{where = match($0, /[0-9]\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]*/); if (where != 0) print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)}')
vercomp $GO_VERSION 1.12
case $? in
0) ;&
printf "${GREEN}"
printf "${NC}"
printf "${RED}"
echo "$GO_VERSION < 1.12"
exit 1
VERSION=$(${tools[go]} version | ${tools[awk]} '{print $3}')
check_docker_version() {
echo -n "Checking docker version... "
DOCKER_VERSION=$(${tools[docker]} version | ${tools[awk]})
check_go_env() {
echo -n "Checking \$GOPATH... "
GOPATH="$(go env GOPATH)"
if [ -z "$GOPATH" ]; then
printf "${RED}invalid${NC} - GOPATH not set\n"
exit 1
printf "${GREEN}valid${NC} - $GOPATH\n"
cd ${0%/*}
rm -fv .env
check_for make
check_for awk
check_for go
check_for golangci-lint
cat <<- EOF > .env
MAKE := "${tools[make]}"
GO := "${tools[go]}"
GO_VERSION := ${tools[go_version]}
GOLANGCILINT := "${tools[golangci-lint]}"
echo "Environment configuration written to .env"
cd - > /dev/null
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## OAuth2 Proxy Config File
## <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTP/HTTPS clients
# http_address = ""
@ -18,18 +18,8 @@
# ""
# ]
## Logging configuration
#logging_filename = ""
#logging_max_size = 100
#logging_max_age = 7
#logging_local_time = true
#logging_compress = false
#standard_logging = true
#standard_logging_format = "[{{.Timestamp}}] [{{.File}}] {{.Message}}"
#request_logging = true
#request_logging_format = "{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] {{.Host}} {{.RequestMethod}} {{.Upstream}} {{.RequestURI}} {{.Protocol}} {{.UserAgent}} {{.StatusCode}} {{.ResponseSize}} {{.RequestDuration}}"
#auth_logging = true
#auth_logging_format = "{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] [{{.Status}}] {{.Message}}"
## Log requests to stdout
# request_logging = true
## pass HTTP Basic Auth, X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream
# pass_basic_auth = true
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package encryption
package cookie
import (
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package encryption
package cookie
import (
@ -24,11 +24,10 @@ func TestEncodeAndDecodeAccessToken(t *testing.T) {
func TestEncodeAndDecodeAccessTokenB64(t *testing.T) {
const secretBase64 = "A3Xbr6fu6Al0HkgrP1ztjb-mYiwmxgNPP-XbNsz1WBk="
const secret_b64 = "A3Xbr6fu6Al0HkgrP1ztjb-mYiwmxgNPP-XbNsz1WBk="
const token = "my access token"
secret, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(secretBase64)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
secret, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(secret_b64)
c, err := NewCipher([]byte(secret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
package encryption
package cookie
import (
// Nonce generates a random 16 byte string to be used as a nonce
func Nonce() (nonce string, err error) {
b := make([]byte, 16)
_, err = rand.Read(b)
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
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title: Home
permalink: /
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# oauth2_proxy
A reverse proxy and static file server that provides authentication using Providers (Google, GitHub, and others)
to validate accounts by email, domain or group.
**Note:** This repository was forked from [bitly/OAuth2_Proxy]( on 27/11/2018.
Versions v3.0.0 and up are from this fork and will have diverged from any changes in the original fork.
A list of changes can be seen in the [CHANGELOG]({{ site.gitweb }}/
[](

## Architecture

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Installation
permalink: /installation
nav_order: 1
## Installation
1. Choose how to deploy:
a. Download [Prebuilt Binary]( (current release is `v3.2.0`)
b. Build with `$ go get` which will put the binary in `$GOROOT/bin`
c. Using the prebuilt docker image []( (AMD64, ARMv6 and ARM64 tags available)
Prebuilt binaries can be validated by extracting the file and verifying it against the `sha256sum.txt` checksum file provided for each release starting with version `v3.0.0`.
sha256sum -c sha256sum.txt 2>&1 | grep OK
oauth2_proxy-3.2.0.linux-amd64: OK
2. [Select a Provider and Register an OAuth Application with a Provider](auth-configuration)
3. [Configure OAuth2 Proxy using config file, command line options, or environment variables](configuration)
4. [Configure SSL or Deploy behind a SSL endpoint](tls-configuration) (example provided for Nginx)
@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
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title: Auth Configuration
permalink: /auth-configuration
nav_order: 2
## OAuth Provider Configuration
You will need to register an OAuth application with a Provider (Google, GitHub or another provider), and configure it with Redirect URI(s) for the domain you intend to run `oauth2_proxy` on.
Valid providers are :
- [Google](#google-auth-provider) _default_
- [Azure](#azure-auth-provider)
- [Facebook](#facebook-auth-provider)
- [GitHub](#github-auth-provider)
- [Keycloak](#keycloak-auth-provider)
- [GitLab](#gitlab-auth-provider)
- [LinkedIn](#linkedin-auth-provider)
- [](#logingov-provider)
The provider can be selected using the `provider` configuration value.
### Google Auth Provider
For Google, the registration steps are:
1. Create a new project:
2. Choose the new project from the top right project dropdown (only if another project is selected)
3. In the project Dashboard center pane, choose **"API Manager"**
4. In the left Nav pane, choose **"Credentials"**
5. In the center pane, choose **"OAuth consent screen"** tab. Fill in **"Product name shown to users"** and hit save.
6. In the center pane, choose **"Credentials"** tab.
- Open the **"New credentials"** drop down
- Choose **"OAuth client ID"**
- Choose **"Web application"**
- Application name is freeform, choose something appropriate
- Authorized JavaScript origins is your domain ex: ``
- Authorized redirect URIs is the location of oauth2/callback ex: ``
- Choose **"Create"**
7. Take note of the **Client ID** and **Client Secret**
It's recommended to refresh sessions on a short interval (1h) with `cookie-refresh` setting which validates that the account is still authorized.
#### Restrict auth to specific Google groups on your domain. (optional)
1. Create a service account: and make sure to download the json file.
2. Make note of the Client ID for a future step.
3. Under "APIs & Auth", choose APIs.
4. Click on Admin SDK and then Enable API.
5. Follow the steps on and give the client id from step 2 the following oauth scopes:
6. Follow the steps on to enable Admin API access.
7. Create or choose an existing administrative email address on the Gmail domain to assign to the `google-admin-email` flag. This email will be impersonated by this client to make calls to the Admin SDK. See the note on the link from step 5 for the reason why.
8. Create or choose an existing email group and set that email to the `google-group` flag. You can pass multiple instances of this flag with different groups
and the user will be checked against all the provided groups.
9. Lock down the permissions on the json file downloaded from step 1 so only oauth2_proxy is able to read the file and set the path to the file in the `google-service-account-json` flag.
10. Restart oauth2_proxy.
Note: The user is checked against the group members list on initial authentication and every time the token is refreshed ( about once an hour ).
### Azure Auth Provider
1. Add an application: go to [](, choose **"Azure Active Directory"** in the left menu, select **"App registrations"** and then click on **"New app registration"**.
2. Pick a name and choose **"Webapp / API"** as application type. Use `` as Sign-on URL. Click **"Create"**.
3. On the **"Settings"** / **"Properties"** page of the app, pick a logo and select **"Multi-tenanted"** if you want to allow users from multiple organizations to access your app. Note down the application ID. Click **"Save"**.
4. On the **"Settings"** / **"Required Permissions"** page of the app, click on **"Windows Azure Active Directory"** and then on **"Access the directory as the signed in user"**. Hit **"Save"** and then then on **"Grant permissions"** (you might need another admin to do this).
5. On the **"Settings"** / **"Reply URLs"** page of the app, add `https://internal.yourcompanycom/oauth2/callback` for each host that you want to protect by the oauth2 proxy. Click **"Save"**.
6. On the **"Settings"** / **"Keys"** page of the app, add a new key and note down the value after hitting **"Save"**.
7. Configure the proxy with
--client-id=<application ID from step 3>
--client-secret=<value from step 6>
### Facebook Auth Provider
1. Create a new FB App from <>
2. Under FB Login, set your Valid OAuth redirect URIs to ``
### GitHub Auth Provider
1. Create a new project:
2. Under `Authorization callback URL` enter the correct url ie ``
The GitHub auth provider supports two additional parameters to restrict authentication to Organization or Team level access. Restricting by org and team is normally accompanied with `--email-domain=*`
-github-org="": restrict logins to members of this organisation
-github-team="": restrict logins to members of any of these teams (slug), separated by a comma
If you are using GitHub enterprise, make sure you set the following to the appropriate url:
-login-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/login/oauth/authorize"
-redeem-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/login/oauth/access_token"
-validate-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/api/v3"
### Keycloak Auth Provider
1. Create new client in your Keycloak with **Access Type** 'confidental'.
2. Create a mapper with **Mapper Type** 'Group Membership'.
Make sure you set the following to the appropriate url:
-client-id=<client you have created>
-client-secret=<your client's secret>
-login-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/realms/<your realm>/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
-redeem-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/realms/master/<your realm>/openid-connect/auth/token"
-validate-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/realms/master/<your realm>/openid-connect/userinfo"
### GitLab Auth Provider
Whether you are using or self-hosting GitLab, follow [these steps to add an application]( Make sure to enable at least the `openid`, `profile` and `email` scopes.
Restricting by group membership is possible with the following option:
-gitlab-group="": restrict logins to members of any of these groups (slug), separated by a comma
If you are using self-hosted GitLab, make sure you set the following to the appropriate URL:
-oidc-issuer-url="<your gitlab url>"
### LinkedIn Auth Provider
For LinkedIn, the registration steps are:
1. Create a new project:
2. In the OAuth User Agreement section:
- In default scope, select r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress.
- In "OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs", enter ``
3. Fill in the remaining required fields and Save.
4. Take note of the **Consumer Key / API Key** and **Consumer Secret / Secret Key**
### Microsoft Azure AD Provider
For adding an application to the Microsoft Azure AD follow [these steps to add an application](
Take note of your `TenantId` if applicable for your situation. The `TenantId` can be used to override the default `common` authorization server with a tenant specific server.
### OpenID Connect Provider
OpenID Connect is a spec for OAUTH 2.0 + identity that is implemented by many major providers and several open source projects. This provider was originally built against CoreOS Dex and we will use it as an example.
1. Launch a Dex instance using the [getting started guide](
2. Setup oauth2_proxy with the correct provider and using the default ports and callbacks.
3. Login with the fixture use in the dex guide and run the oauth2_proxy with the following args:
-provider oidc
-client-id oauth2_proxy
-client-secret proxy
The OpenID Connect Provider (OIDC) can also be used to connect to other Identity Providers such as Okta. To configure the OIDC provider for Okta, perform
the following steps:
#### Configuring the OIDC Provider with Okta
1. Log in to Okta using an administrative account. It is suggested you try this in preview first, ``
2. (OPTIONAL) If you want to configure authorization scopes and claims to be passed on to multiple applications,
you may wish to configure an authorization server for each application. Otherwise, the provided `default` will work.
* Navigate to **Security** then select **API**
* Click **Add Authorization Server**, if this option is not available you may require an additional license for a custom authorization server.
* Fill out the **Name** with something to describe the application you are protecting. e.g. 'Example App'.
* For **Audience**, pick the URL of the application you wish to protect:
* Fill out a **Description**
* Add any **Access Policies** you wish to configure to limit application access.
* The default settings will work for other options.
[See Okta documentation for more information on Authorization Servers](
3. Navigate to **Applications** then select **Add Application**.
* Select **Web** for the **Platform** setting.
* Select **OpenID Connect** and click **Create**
* Pick an **Application Name** such as `Example App`.
* Set the **Login redirect URI** to ``.
* Under **General** set the **Allowed grant types** to `Authorization Code` and `Refresh Token`.
* Leave the rest as default, taking note of the `Client ID` and `Client Secret`.
* Under **Assignments** select the users or groups you wish to access your application.
4. Create a configuration file like the following:
provider = "oidc"
redirect_url = ""
oidc_issuer_url = ""
upstreams = [
email_domains = [
client_id = "XXXXX"
client_secret = "YYYYY"
pass_access_token = true
cookie_secret = "ZZZZZ"
skip_provider_button = true
The `oidc_issuer_url` is based on URL from your **Authorization Server**'s **Issuer** field in step 2, or simply
The `client_id` and `client_secret` are configured in the application settings.
Generate a unique `client_secret` to encrypt the cookie.
Then you can start the oauth2_proxy with `./oauth2_proxy -config /etc/example.cfg`
### Provider
|||| is an OIDC provider for the US Government.
If you are a US Government agency, you can contact the team through the contact information
that you can find on and work with them to understand how to get
accounts for integration/test and production access.
A developer guide is available here:, though this proxy handles everything
but the data you need to create to register your application in the dashboard.
As a demo, we will assume that you are running your application that you want to secure locally on
http://localhost:3000/, that you will be starting your proxy up on http://localhost:4180/, and that
you have an agency integration account for testing.
First, register your application in the dashboard. The important bits are:
* Identity protocol: make this `Openid connect`
* Issuer: do what they say for OpenID Connect. We will refer to this string as `${LOGINGOV_ISSUER}`.
* Public key: This is a self-signed certificate in .pem format generated from a 2048 bit RSA private key.
A quick way to do this is `openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=Washington/L=DC/O=GSA/OU=18F/CN=localhost'`,
The contents of the `key.pem` shall be referred to as `${OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY}`.
* Return to App URL: Make this be `http://localhost:4180/`
* Redirect URIs: Make this be `http://localhost:4180/oauth2/callback`.
* Attribute Bundle: Make sure that email is selected.
Now start the proxy up with the following options:
./oauth2_proxy -provider \
-client-id=${LOGINGOV_ISSUER} \
-redirect-url=http://localhost:4180/oauth2/callback \
-oidc-issuer-url= \
-cookie-secure=false \
|||| \
-upstream=http://localhost:3000/ \
-cookie-secret=somerandomstring12341234567890AB \
-cookie-domain=localhost \
-skip-provider-button=true \
-pubjwk-url= \
-profile-url= \
You can also set all these options with environment variables, for use in cloud/docker environments.
One tricky thing that you may encounter is that some cloud environments will pass in environment
variables in a docker env-file, which does not allow multiline variables like a PEM file.
If you encounter this, then you can create a `jwt_signing_key.pem` file in the top level
directory of the repo which contains the key in PEM format and then do your docker build.
The docker build process will copy that file into your image which you can then access by
setting the `OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY_FILE=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem`
environment variable, or by setting `-jwt-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem` on the commandline.
Once it is running, you should be able to go to `http://localhost:4180/` in your browser,
get authenticated by the integration server, and then get proxied on to your
application running on `http://localhost:3000/`. In a real deployment, you would secure
your application with a firewall or something so that it was only accessible from the
proxy, and you would use real hostnames everywhere.
#### Skip OIDC discovery
Some providers do not support OIDC discovery via their issuer URL, so oauth2_proxy cannot simply grab the authorization, token and jwks URI endpoints from the provider's metadata.
In this case, you can set the `-skip-oidc-discovery` option, and supply those required endpoints manually:
-provider oidc
-client-id oauth2_proxy
-client-secret proxy
## Email Authentication
To authorize by email domain use ``. To authorize individual email addresses use `--authenticated-emails-file=/path/to/file` with one email per line. To authorize all email addresses use `--email-domain=*`.
## Adding a new Provider
Follow the examples in the [`providers` package]({{ site.gitweb }}/providers/) to define a new
`Provider` instance. Add a new `case` to
[`providers.New()`]({{ site.gitweb }}/providers/providers.go) to allow `oauth2_proxy` to use the
new `Provider`.
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
layout: default
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.container {
margin: 10px auto;
max-width: 600px;
text-align: center;
h1 {
margin: 30px 0;
font-size: 4em;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: -1px;
<div class="container">
<p><strong>Page not found :(</strong></p>
<p>The requested page could not be found.</p>
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
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title: TLS Configuration
permalink: /tls-configuration
nav_order: 4
## SSL Configuration
There are two recommended configurations.
1. Configure SSL Termination with OAuth2 Proxy by providing a `--tls-cert-file=/path/to/cert.pem` and `--tls-key-file=/path/to/cert.key`.
The command line to run `oauth2_proxy` in this configuration would look like this:
./oauth2_proxy \
--email-domain="" \
--upstream= \
--tls-cert-file=/path/to/cert.pem \
--tls-key-file=/path/to/cert.key \
--cookie-secret=... \
--cookie-secure=true \
--provider=... \
--client-id=... \
2. Configure SSL Termination with [Nginx]( (example config below), Amazon ELB, Google Cloud Platform Load Balancing, or ....
Because `oauth2_proxy` listens on `` by default, to listen on all interfaces (needed when using an
external load balancer like Amazon ELB or Google Platform Load Balancing) use `--http-address=""` or
Nginx will listen on port `443` and handle SSL connections while proxying to `oauth2_proxy` on port `4180`.
`oauth2_proxy` will then authenticate requests for an upstream application. The external endpoint for this example
would be ``.
An example Nginx config follows. Note the use of `Strict-Transport-Security` header to pin requests to SSL
via [HSTS](
server {
listen 443 default ssl;
ssl_certificate /path/to/cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/cert.key;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=2592000;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_connect_timeout 1;
proxy_send_timeout 30;
proxy_read_timeout 30;
The command line to run `oauth2_proxy` in this configuration would look like this:
./oauth2_proxy \
--email-domain="" \
--upstream= \
--cookie-secret=... \
--cookie-secure=true \
--provider=... \
--client-id=... \
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
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title: Endpoints
permalink: /endpoints
nav_order: 5
## Endpoint Documentation
OAuth2 Proxy responds directly to the following endpoints. All other endpoints will be proxied upstream when authenticated. The `/oauth2` prefix can be changed with the `--proxy-prefix` config variable.
- /robots.txt - returns a 200 OK response that disallows all User-agents from all paths; see []( for more info
- /ping - returns a 200 OK response, which is intended for use with health checks
- /oauth2/sign_in - the login page, which also doubles as a sign out page (it clears cookies)
- /oauth2/start - a URL that will redirect to start the OAuth cycle
- /oauth2/callback - the URL used at the end of the OAuth cycle. The oauth app will be configured with this as the callback url.
- /oauth2/auth - only returns a 202 Accepted response or a 401 Unauthorized response; for use with the [Nginx `auth_request` directive](#nginx-auth-request)
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title: Request Signatures
permalink: /request-signatures
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## Request signatures
If `signature_key` is defined, proxied requests will be signed with the
`GAP-Signature` header, which is a [Hash-based Message Authentication Code
of selected request information and the request body [see `SIGNATURE_HEADERS`
in `oauthproxy.go`]({{ site.gitweb }}/oauthproxy.go).
`signature_key` must be of the form `algorithm:secretkey`, (ie: `signature_key = "sha1:secret0"`)
For more information about HMAC request signature validation, read the
- [Amazon Web Services: Signing and Authenticating REST
- [ Using HMAC to authenticate Web service
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
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echo "Please install ruby version 2.1.0 or higher"; \
.PHONY: bundle
bundle: ruby
@ if [ ! $$(which bundle) ]; then \
echo "Please install bundle: `gem install bundler`"; \
vendor/bundle: bundle
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
.PHONY: serve
serve: vendor/bundle
bundle exec jekyll serve
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# Docs
This folder contains our Jekyll based docs site which is hosted at
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make serve
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# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: OAuth2_Proxy
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
OAuth2_Proxy documentation site
baseurl: "/oauth2_proxy" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
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gitweb: ""
# Build settings
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search_enabled: true
# Aux links for the upper right navigation
"OAuth2_Proxy on GitHub":
- ""
# Exclude from processing.
# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
# to override the default setting.
# exclude:
# - Gemfile
# - Gemfile.lock
# - node_modules
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# - vendor/cache/
# - vendor/gems/
# - vendor/ruby/
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layout: default
title: Configuration
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## Configuration
`oauth2_proxy` can be configured via [config file](#config-file), [command line options](#command-line-options) or [environment variables](#environment-variables).
To generate a strong cookie secret use `python -c 'import os,base64; print base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(16))'`
### Config File
An example [oauth2_proxy.cfg]({{ site.gitweb }}/contrib/oauth2_proxy.cfg.example) config file is in the contrib directory. It can be used by specifying `-config=/etc/oauth2_proxy.cfg`
### Command Line Options
| Option | Type | Description | Default |
| ------ | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| `-acr-values` | string | optional, used by | `""` |
| `-approval-prompt` | string | OAuth approval_prompt | `"force"` |
| `-auth-logging` | bool | Log authentication attempts | true |
| `-auth-logging-format` | string | Template for authentication log lines | see [Logging Configuration](#logging-configuration) |
| `-authenticated-emails-file` | string | authenticate against emails via file (one per line) | |
| `-azure-tenant string` | string | go to a tenant-specific or common (tenant-independent) endpoint. | `"common"` |
| `-basic-auth-password` | string | the password to set when passing the HTTP Basic Auth header | |
| `-client-id` | string | the OAuth Client ID: ie: `""` | |
| `-client-secret` | string | the OAuth Client Secret | |
| `-config` | string | path to config file | |
| `-cookie-domain` | string | an optional cookie domain to force cookies to (ie: ``) | |
| `-cookie-expire` | duration | expire timeframe for cookie | 168h0m0s |
| `-cookie-httponly` | bool | set HttpOnly cookie flag | true |
| `-cookie-name` | string | the name of the cookie that the oauth_proxy creates | `"_oauth2_proxy"` |
| `-cookie-path` | string | an optional cookie path to force cookies to (ie: `/poc/`) | `"/"` |
| `-cookie-refresh` | duration | refresh the cookie after this duration; `0` to disable | |
| `-cookie-secret` | string | the seed string for secure cookies (optionally base64 encoded) | |
| `-cookie-secure` | bool | set secure (HTTPS) cookie flag | true |
| `-custom-templates-dir` | string | path to custom html templates | |
| `-display-htpasswd-form` | bool | display username / password login form if an htpasswd file is provided | true |
| `-email-domain` | string | authenticate emails with the specified domain (may be given multiple times). Use `*` to authenticate any email | |
| `-extra-jwt-issuers` | string | if `-skip-jwt-bearer-tokens` is set, a list of extra JWT `issuer=audience` pairs (where the issuer URL has a `.well-known/openid-configuration` or a `.well-known/jwks.json`) | |
| `-exclude-logging-paths` | string | comma separated list of paths to exclude from logging, eg: `"/ping,/path2"` |`""` (no paths excluded) |
| `-flush-interval` | duration | period between flushing response buffers when streaming responses | `"1s"` |
| `-banner` | string | custom banner string. Use `"-"` to disable default banner. | |
| `-footer` | string | custom footer string. Use `"-"` to disable default footer. | |
| `-gcp-healthchecks` | bool | will enable `/liveness_check`, `/readiness_check`, and `/` (with the proper user-agent) endpoints that will make it work well with GCP App Engine and GKE Ingresses | false |
| `-github-org` | string | restrict logins to members of this organisation | |
| `-github-team` | string | restrict logins to members of any of these teams (slug), separated by a comma | |
| `-gitlab-group` | string | restrict logins to members of any of these groups (slug), separated by a comma | |
| `-google-admin-email` | string | the google admin to impersonate for api calls | |
| `-google-group` | string | restrict logins to members of this google group (may be given multiple times). | |
| `-google-service-account-json` | string | the path to the service account json credentials | |
| `-htpasswd-file` | string | additionally authenticate against a htpasswd file. Entries must be created with `htpasswd -s` for SHA encryption | |
| `-http-address` | string | `[http://]<addr>:<port>` or `unix://<path>` to listen on for HTTP clients | `""` |
| `-https-address` | string | `<addr>:<port>` to listen on for HTTPS clients | `":443"` |
| `-logging-compress` | bool | Should rotated log files be compressed using gzip | false |
| `-logging-filename` | string | File to log requests to, empty for `stdout` | `""` (stdout) |
| `-logging-local-time` | bool | Use local time in log files and backup filenames instead of UTC | true (local time) |
| `-logging-max-age` | int | Maximum number of days to retain old log files | 7 |
| `-logging-max-backups` | int | Maximum number of old log files to retain; 0 to disable | 0 |
| `-logging-max-size` | int | Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before rotation | 100 |
| `-jwt-key` | string | private key in PEM format used to sign JWT, so that you can say something like `-jwt-key="${OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY}"`: required by | |
| `-jwt-key-file` | string | path to the private key file in PEM format used to sign the JWT so that you can say something like `-jwt-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem`: required by | |
| `-login-url` | string | Authentication endpoint | |
| `-insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email` | bool | don't fail if an email address in an id_token is not verified | false |
| `-oidc-issuer-url` | string | the OpenID Connect issuer URL. ie: `""` | |
| `-oidc-jwks-url` | string | OIDC JWKS URI for token verification; required if OIDC discovery is disabled | |
| `-pass-access-token` | bool | pass OAuth access_token to upstream via X-Forwarded-Access-Token header | false |
| `-pass-authorization-header` | bool | pass OIDC IDToken to upstream via Authorization Bearer header | false |
| `-pass-basic-auth` | bool | pass HTTP Basic Auth, X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream | true |
| `-pass-host-header` | bool | pass the request Host Header to upstream | true |
| `-pass-user-headers` | bool | pass X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream | true |
| `-profile-url` | string | Profile access endpoint | |
| `-provider` | string | OAuth provider | google |
| `-ping-path` | string | the ping endpoint that can be used for basic health checks | `"/ping"` |
| `-proxy-prefix` | string | the url root path that this proxy should be nested under (e.g. /`<oauth2>/sign_in`) | `"/oauth2"` |
| `-proxy-websockets` | bool | enables WebSocket proxying | true |
| `-pubjwk-url` | string | JWK pubkey access endpoint: required by | |
| `-redeem-url` | string | Token redemption endpoint | |
| `-redirect-url` | string | the OAuth Redirect URL. ie: `""` | |
| `-redis-connection-url` | string | URL of redis server for redis session storage (eg: `redis://HOST[:PORT]`) | |
| `-redis-sentinel-master-name` | string | Redis sentinel master name. Used in conjunction with `--redis-use-sentinel` | |
| `-redis-sentinel-connection-urls` | string \| list | List of Redis sentinel connection URLs (eg `redis://HOST[:PORT]`). Used in conjunction with `--redis-use-sentinel` | |
| `-redis-use-sentinel` | bool | Connect to redis via sentinels. Must set `--redis-sentinel-master-name` and `--redis-sentinel-connection-urls` to use this feature | false |
| `-request-logging` | bool | Log requests | true |
| `-request-logging-format` | string | Template for request log lines | see [Logging Configuration](#logging-configuration) |
| `-resource` | string | The resource that is protected (Azure AD only) | |
| `-scope` | string | OAuth scope specification | |
| `-session-store-type` | string | Session data storage backend | cookie |
| `-set-xauthrequest` | bool | set X-Auth-Request-User and X-Auth-Request-Email response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode) | false |
| `-set-authorization-header` | bool | set Authorization Bearer response header (useful in Nginx auth_request mode) | false |
| `-signature-key` | string | GAP-Signature request signature key (algorithm:secretkey) | |
| `-silence-ping-logging` | bool | disable logging of requests to ping endpoint | false |
| `-skip-auth-preflight` | bool | will skip authentication for OPTIONS requests | false |
| `-skip-auth-regex` | string | bypass authentication for requests paths that match (may be given multiple times) | |
| `-skip-jwt-bearer-tokens` | bool | will skip requests that have verified JWT bearer tokens | false |
| `-skip-oidc-discovery` | bool | bypass OIDC endpoint discovery. `-login-url`, `-redeem-url` and `-oidc-jwks-url` must be configured in this case | false |
| `-skip-provider-button` | bool | will skip sign-in-page to directly reach the next step: oauth/start | false |
| `-ssl-insecure-skip-verify` | bool | skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS providers | false |
| `-ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify` | bool | skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS upstreams | false |
| `-standard-logging` | bool | Log standard runtime information | true |
| `-standard-logging-format` | string | Template for standard log lines | see [Logging Configuration](#logging-configuration) |
| `-tls-cert-file` | string | path to certificate file | |
| `-tls-key-file` | string | path to private key file | |
| `-upstream` | string \| list | the http url(s) of the upstream endpoint or `file://` paths for static files. Routing is based on the path | |
| `-validate-url` | string | Access token validation endpoint | |
| `-version` | n/a | print version string | |
| `-whitelist-domain` | string \| list | allowed domains for redirection after authentication. Prefix domain with a `.` to allow subdomains (eg ``) | |
Note, when using the `whitelist-domain` option, any domain prefixed with a `.` will allow any subdomain of the specified domain as a valid redirect URL.
See below for provider specific options
### Upstreams Configuration
`oauth2_proxy` supports having multiple upstreams, and has the option to pass requests on to HTTP(S) servers or serve static files from the file system. HTTP and HTTPS upstreams are configured by providing a URL such as `` for the upstream parameter, that will forward all authenticated requests to be forwarded to the upstream server. If you instead provide `` then it will only be requests that start with `/some/path/` which are forwarded to the upstream.
Static file paths are configured as a file:// URL. `file:///var/www/static/` will serve the files from that directory at `http://[oauth2_proxy url]/var/www/static/`, which may not be what you want. You can provide the path to where the files should be available by adding a fragment to the configured URL. The value of the fragment will then be used to specify which path the files are available at. `file:///var/www/static/#/static/` will ie. make `/var/www/static/` available at `http://[oauth2_proxy url]/static/`.
Multiple upstreams can either be configured by supplying a comma separated list to the `-upstream` parameter, supplying the parameter multiple times or provinding a list in the [config file](#config-file). When multiple upstreams are used routing to them will be based on the path they are set up with.
### Environment variables
Every command line argument can be specified as an environment variable by
prefixing it with `OAUTH2_PROXY_`, capitalising it, and replacing hypens (`-`)
with underscores (`_`). If the argument can be specified multiple times, the
environment variable should be plural (trailing `S`).
This is particularly useful for storing secrets outside of a configuration file
or the command line.
For example, the `--cookie-secret` flag becomes `OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET`,
and the `--email-domain` flag becomes `OAUTH2_PROXY_EMAIL_DOMAINS`.
## Logging Configuration
By default, OAuth2 Proxy logs all output to stdout. Logging can be configured to output to a rotating log file using the `-logging-filename` command.
If logging to a file you can also configure the maximum file size (`-logging-max-size`), age (`-logging-max-age`), max backup logs (`-logging-max-backups`), and if backup logs should be compressed (`-logging-compress`).
There are three different types of logging: standard, authentication, and HTTP requests. These can each be enabled or disabled with `-standard-logging`, `-auth-logging`, and `-request-logging`.
Each type of logging has their own configurable format and variables. By default these formats are similar to the Apache Combined Log.
Logging of requests to the `/ping` endpoint can be disabled with `-silence-ping-logging` reducing log volume. This flag appends the `-ping-path` to `-exclude-logging-paths`.
### Auth Log Format
Authentication logs are logs which are guaranteed to contain a username or email address of a user attempting to authenticate. These logs are output by default in the below format:
<REMOTE_ADDRESS> - <> [19/Mar/2015:17:20:19 -0400] [<STATUS>] <MESSAGE>
The status block will contain one of the below strings:
- `AuthSuccess` If a user has authenticated successfully by any method
- `AuthFailure` If the user failed to authenticate explicitly
- `AuthError` If there was an unexpected error during authentication
If you require a different format than that, you can configure it with the `-auth-logging-format` flag.
The default format is configured as follows:
{% raw %}{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] [{{.Status}}] {{.Message}}{% endraw %}
Available variables for auth logging:
| Variable | Example | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Client | | The client/remote IP address. Will use the X-Real-IP header it if exists. |
| Host | | The value of the Host header. |
| Protocol | HTTP/1.0 | The request protocol. |
| RequestMethod | GET | The request method. |
| Timestamp | 19/Mar/2015:17:20:19 -0400 | The date and time of the logging event. |
| UserAgent | - | The full user agent as reported by the requesting client. |
| Username | | The email or username of the auth request. |
| Status | AuthSuccess | The status of the auth request. See above for details. |
| Message | Authenticated via OAuth2 | The details of the auth attempt. |
### Request Log Format
HTTP request logs will output by default in the below format:
If you require a different format than that, you can configure it with the `-request-logging-format` flag.
The default format is configured as follows:
{% raw %}{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] {{.Host}} {{.RequestMethod}} {{.Upstream}} {{.RequestURI}} {{.Protocol}} {{.UserAgent}} {{.StatusCode}} {{.ResponseSize}} {{.RequestDuration}}{% endraw %}
Available variables for request logging:
| Variable | Example | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Client | | The client/remote IP address. Will use the X-Real-IP header it if exists. |
| Host | | The value of the Host header. |
| Protocol | HTTP/1.0 | The request protocol. |
| RequestDuration | 0.001 | The time in seconds that a request took to process. |
| RequestMethod | GET | The request method. |
| RequestURI | "/oauth2/auth" | The URI path of the request. |
| ResponseSize | 12 | The size in bytes of the response. |
| StatusCode | 200 | The HTTP status code of the response. |
| Timestamp | 19/Mar/2015:17:20:19 -0400 | The date and time of the logging event. |
| Upstream | - | The upstream data of the HTTP request. |
| UserAgent | - | The full user agent as reported by the requesting client. |
| Username | | The email or username of the auth request. |
### Standard Log Format
All other logging that is not covered by the above two types of logging will be output in this standard logging format. This includes configuration information at startup and errors that occur outside of a session. The default format is below:
[19/Mar/2015:17:20:19 -0400] [main.go:40] <MESSAGE>
If you require a different format than that, you can configure it with the `-standard-logging-format` flag. The default format is configured as follows:
{% raw %}[{{.Timestamp}}] [{{.File}}] {{.Message}}{% endraw %}
Available variables for standard logging:
| Variable | Example | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Timestamp | 19/Mar/2015:17:20:19 -0400 | The date and time of the logging event. |
| File | main.go:40 | The file and line number of the logging statement. |
| Message | HTTP: listening on | The details of the log statement. |
## <a name="nginx-auth-request"></a>Configuring for use with the Nginx `auth_request` directive
The [Nginx `auth_request` directive]( allows Nginx to authenticate requests via the oauth2_proxy's `/auth` endpoint, which only returns a 202 Accepted response or a 401 Unauthorized response without proxying the request through. For example:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name ...;
include ssl/ssl.conf;
location /oauth2/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Auth-Request-Redirect $request_uri;
location = /oauth2/auth {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
# nginx auth_request includes headers but not body
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_pass_request_body off;
location / {
auth_request /oauth2/auth;
error_page 401 = /oauth2/sign_in;
# pass information via X-User and X-Email headers to backend,
# requires running with --set-xauthrequest flag
auth_request_set $user $upstream_http_x_auth_request_user;
auth_request_set $email $upstream_http_x_auth_request_email;
proxy_set_header X-User $user;
proxy_set_header X-Email $email;
# if you enabled --pass-access-token, this will pass the token to the backend
auth_request_set $token $upstream_http_x_auth_request_access_token;
proxy_set_header X-Access-Token $token;
# if you enabled --cookie-refresh, this is needed for it to work with auth_request
auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_set_cookie;
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie;
# When using the --set-authorization-header flag, some provider's cookies can exceed the 4kb
# limit and so the OAuth2 Proxy splits these into multiple parts.
# Nginx normally only copies the first `Set-Cookie` header from the auth_request to the response,
# so if your cookies are larger than 4kb, you will need to extract additional cookies manually.
auth_request_set $auth_cookie_name_upstream_1 $upstream_cookie_auth_cookie_name_1;
# Extract the Cookie attributes from the first Set-Cookie header and append them
# to the second part ($upstream_cookie_* variables only contain the raw cookie content)
if ($auth_cookie ~* "(; .*)") {
set $auth_cookie_name_0 $auth_cookie;
set $auth_cookie_name_1 "auth_cookie_name_1=$auth_cookie_name_upstream_1$1";
# Send both Set-Cookie headers now if there was a second part
if ($auth_cookie_name_upstream_1) {
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie_name_0;
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie_name_1;
proxy_pass http://backend/;
# or "root /path/to/site;" or "fastcgi_pass ..." etc
If you use ingress-nginx in Kubernetes (which includes the Lua module), you also can use the following configuration snippet for your Ingress:
|||| Authorization
|||| https://$host/oauth2/start?rd=$request_uri
|||| https://$host/oauth2/auth
|||| |
auth_request_set $name_upstream_1 $upstream_cookie_name_1;
access_by_lua_block {
if ngx.var.name_upstream_1 ~= "" then
ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = "name_1=" .. ngx.var.name_upstream_1 .. ngx.var.auth_cookie:match("(; .*)")
You have to substitute *name* with the actual cookie name you configured via --cookie-name parameter. If you don't set a custom cookie name the variable should be "$upstream_cookie__oauth2_proxy_1" instead of "$upstream_cookie_name_1" and the new cookie-name should be "_oauth2_proxy_1=" instead of "name_1=".
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Sessions
permalink: /configuration
parent: Configuration
nav_order: 3
## Sessions
Sessions allow a user's authentication to be tracked between multiple HTTP
requests to a service.
The OAuth2 Proxy uses a Cookie to track user sessions and will store the session
data in one of the available session storage backends.
At present the available backends are (as passed to `--session-store-type`):
- [cookie](#cookie-storage) (default)
- [redis](#redis-storage)
### Cookie Storage
The Cookie storage backend is the default backend implementation and has
been used in the OAuth2 Proxy historically.
With the Cookie storage backend, all session information is stored in client
side cookies and transferred with each and every request.
The following should be known when using this implementation:
- Since all state is stored client side, this storage backend means that the OAuth2 Proxy is completely stateless
- Cookies are signed server side to prevent modification client-side
- It is recommended to set a `cookie-secret` which will ensure data is encrypted within the cookie data.
- Since multiple requests can be made concurrently to the OAuth2 Proxy, this session implementation
cannot lock sessions and while updating and refreshing sessions, there can be conflicts which force
users to re-authenticate
### Redis Storage
The Redis Storage backend stores sessions, encrypted, in redis. Instead sending all the information
back the the client for storage, as in the [Cookie storage](cookie-storage), a ticket is sent back
to the user as the cookie value instead.
A ticket is composed as the following:
- The `CookieName` is the OAuth2 cookie name (_oauth2_proxy by default)
- The `ticketID` is a 128 bit random number, hex-encoded
- The `secret` is a 128 bit random number, base64url encoded (no padding). The secret is unique for every session.
- The pair of `{CookieName}-{ticketID}` comprises a ticket handle, and thus, the redis key
to which the session is stored. The encoded session is encrypted with the secret and stored
in redis via the `SETEX` command.
Encrypting every session uniquely protects the refresh/access/id tokens stored in the session from
#### Usage
When using the redis store, specify `--session-store-type=redis` as well as the Redis connection URL, via
You may also configure the store for Redis Sentinel. In this case, you will want to use the
`--redis-use-sentinel=true` flag, as well as configure the flags `--redis-sentinel-master-name`
and `--redis-sentinel-connection-urls` appropriately.
@ -6,36 +6,17 @@ import (
// EnvOptions holds program options loaded from the process environment
type EnvOptions map[string]interface{}
// LoadEnvForStruct loads environment variables for each field in an options
// struct passed into it.
// Fields in the options struct must have an `env` and `cfg` tag to be read
// from the environment
func (cfg EnvOptions) LoadEnvForStruct(options interface{}) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(options)
var typ reflect.Type
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = val.Elem().Type()
} else {
typ = val.Type()
val := reflect.ValueOf(options).Elem()
typ := val.Type()
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
// pull out the struct tags:
// flag - the name of the command line flag
// deprecated - (optional) the name of the deprecated command line flag
// cfg - (optional, defaults to underscored flag) the name of the config file option
field := typ.Field(i)
fieldV := reflect.Indirect(val).Field(i)
if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && field.Anonymous {
flagName := field.Tag.Get("flag")
envName := field.Tag.Get("env")
cfgName := field.Tag.Get("cfg")
@ -1,46 +1,26 @@
package main_test
package main
import (
proxy ""
type EnvTest struct {
TestField string `cfg:"target_field" env:"TEST_ENV_FIELD"`
type EnvTestEmbed struct {
TestFieldEmbed string `cfg:"target_field_embed" env:"TEST_ENV_FIELD_EMBED"`
type envTest struct {
testField string `cfg:"target_field" env:"TEST_ENV_FIELD"`
func TestLoadEnvForStruct(t *testing.T) {
cfg := make(proxy.EnvOptions)
cfg := make(EnvOptions)
_, ok := cfg["target_field"]
assert.Equal(t, ok, false)
os.Setenv("TEST_ENV_FIELD", "1234abcd")
v := cfg["target_field"]
assert.Equal(t, v, "1234abcd")
func TestLoadEnvForStructWithEmbeddedFields(t *testing.T) {
cfg := make(proxy.EnvOptions)
_, ok := cfg["target_field_embed"]
assert.Equal(t, ok, false)
os.Setenv("TEST_ENV_FIELD_EMBED", "1234abcd")
v := cfg["target_field_embed"]
assert.Equal(t, v, "1234abcd")
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
go 1.12
require (
|||| v0.41.0 // indirect
|||| v0.3.1
|||| v1.0.0 // indirect
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|||| v0.0.0-20190417180845-3d7aa1333af5
|||| v0.5.0
|||| v0.0.0-20160611221934-b7ed37b82869 // indirect
|||| v1.3.3 // indirect
|||| v3.3.13+incompatible // indirect
|||| v2.0.0+incompatible
|||| v0.3.0 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190620071333-e64a0ec8b42a // indirect
|||| v3.2.0+incompatible
|||| v1.7.0 // indirect
|||| v0.3.4 // indirect
|||| v0.9.0 // indirect
|||| v1.2.4 // indirect
|||| v6.15.2+incompatible
|||| v0.0.0-20190702054246-869f871628b6 // indirect
|||| v1.3.2 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20181223084120-ef45e06d44b6 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190124090046-35a9f45a5db0 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20180528144436-0a533e8fa43d // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20181222123516-0b8337e80d98 // indirect
|||| v1.17.1 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20180901114220-8afd9cbb6cfb // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20181222135242-d2cdd8c08219 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20180812185044-276a5c0a1039 // indirect
|||| v0.0.2 // indirect
|||| v1.9.4 // indirect
|||| v1.2.0 // indirect
|||| v1.7.2 // indirect
|||| v1.2.1 // indirect
|||| v1.0.2 // indirect
|||| v1.1.8 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190428105938-cea283e61946 // indirect
|||| v1.8.1 // indirect
|||| v0.1.2 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20170912224942-107c17adcc5e
|||| v0.0.0-20190302064952-20ba7d382d05
|||| v0.0.0-20180912185939-ae427f1e4c1d // indirect
|||| v1.8.0
|||| v1.5.0
|||| v1.4.0 // indirect
|||| v0.8.1 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20171018203845-0dec1b30a021 // indirect
|||| v0.6.0 // indirect
|||| v0.0.3 // indirect
|||| v1.2.0 // indirect
|||| v1.3.0 // indirect
|||| v2.0.0+incompatible // indirect
|||| v2.18.12+incompatible // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190704215121-7189cc372560 // indirect
|||| v1.4.2 // indirect
|||| v1.2.2 // indirect
|||| v0.0.5 // indirect
|||| v1.1.0 // indirect
|||| v1.4.0 // indirect
|||| v0.2.0 // indirect
|||| v1.3.0
|||| v0.0.0-20190713050349-d96ec0dee822 // indirect
|||| v1.1.7 // indirect
|||| v1.4.0 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20170731153501-1d66fa95c997
|||| v1.3.3 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190701094942-4def268fd1a4
|||| v0.0.0-20190627132806-fd42eb6b336f // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190703141733-d6a02ce849c9 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190711165009-e47acb2ca7f9 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20190628185345-da137c7871d7
|||| v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45
|||| v0.0.0-20190712062909-fae7ac547cb7 // indirect
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|||| v0.7.0
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|||| v1.22.0 // indirect
|||| v1.2.11
|||| v2.0.0-20170531160350-a96e63847dc3
|||| v2.1.3
|||| v0.0.0-20190310220240-1b9ccfa71afe // indirect
|||| v1.0.0 // indirect
@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
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|||| v1.0.0 h1:OMgl1b1MEpjFQ1m5ztEO06rz5CUd3oBv9RF7+DyvdG8=
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|||| v1.2.1 h1:/s5zKNz0uPFCZ5hddgPdo2TK2TVrUNMn0OOX8/aZMTE=
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|||| v1.3.1 h1:qGJ6qTW+x6xX/my+8YUVl4WNpX9B7+/l2tRsHGZ7f2s=
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|||| v1.0.0 h1:AV2c/EiW3KqPNT9ZKl07ehoAGi4C5/01Cfbblndcapg=
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|||| v0.1.0 h1:45sCR5RtlFHMR4UwH9sdQ5TC8v0qDQCHnXt+kaKSTVE=
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|||| v1.8.1 h1:ZC2Vc7/ZFkGmsVC9KvOjumD+G5lXy2RtTKyzRKO2BQ4=
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|||| v0.1.2 h1:/bC9yWikZXAL9uJdulbSfyVNIR3n3trXl+v8+1sx8mU=
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|||| v1.1.0 h1:lukF9ziXFxDFPkA1vsr5zpc1XuPDn/wFntq5mG+4E0Y=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190302064952-20ba7d382d05 h1:9cELXrXqZu2sczHBZHRpZ+84SR27+yXSKb1MBiUaPhA=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190213061140-3a22650c66bd/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190313220215-9f648a60d977/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190501004415-9ce7a6920f09/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190628185345-da137c7871d7 h1:rTIdg5QFRR7XCaK4LCjBiPbx8j4DQRpdYMnGn/bJUEU=
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|||| v0.0.0-20171106152852-9ff8ebcc8e24 h1:nP0LlV1P7+z/qtbjHygz+Bba7QsbB4MqdhGJmAyicuI=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45 h1:SVwTIAaPC2U/AvvLNZ2a7OVsmBpC8L5BlwK1whH3hm0=
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|||| v0.0.0-20180314180146-1d60e4601c6f h1:wMNYb4v58l5UBM7MYRLPG6ZhfOqbKu7X5eyFl8ZhKvA=
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|||| v0.0.0-20181221193216-37e7f081c4d4/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190506115046-ca7f33d4116e h1:bq5BY1tGuaK8HxuwN6pT6kWgTVLeJ5KwuyBpsl1CZL4=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190712062909-fae7ac547cb7 h1:LepdCS8Gf/MVejFIt8lsiexZATdoGVyp5bcyS+rYoUI=
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|||| v0.3.2 h1:tW2bmiBqwgJj/UpqtC8EpXEZVYOwU0yG4iWbprSVAcs=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190712213246-8b927904ee0d h1:JZPFnINSinLUdC0BJDoKhrky8niIzXMPIY2oR07+I+E=
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|||| v0.0.0-20171116170945-8791354e7ab1 h1:g6iAMpIfX2EaDmaU3Nm8KcWAuf9yDiM3uE5a7/9gZao=
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|||| v0.7.0 h1:9sdfJOzWlkqPltHAuzT2Cp+yrBeY1KRVYgms8soxMwM=
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|||| v1.0.0 h1:dN4LljjBKVChsv0XCSI+zbyzdqrkEwX5LQFUMRSGqOc=
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|||| v0.0.0-20190708153700-3bdd9d9f5532 h1:5pOB7se0B2+IssELuQUs6uoBgYJenkU2AQlvopc2sRw=
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|||| v1.22.0 h1:J0UbZOIrCAl+fpTOf8YLs4dJo8L/owV4LYVtAXQoPkw=
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|||| v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405 h1:yhCVgyC4o1eVCa2tZl7eS0r+SDo693bJlVdllGtEeKM=
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|||| v1.4.7 h1:xOHLXZwVvI9hhs+cLKq5+I5onOuwQLhQwiu63xxlHs4=
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|||| v1.2.11 h1:m6l7lekIm1I7UEqyXifLaHywMLxwlWea1o3zUGDGQHs=
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|||| v2.0.0-20170531160350-a96e63847dc3 h1:AFxeG48hTWHhDTQDk/m2gorfVHUEa9vo3tp3D7TzwjI=
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|||| v2.1.3 h1:/FoFBTvlJN6MTTVCe9plTOG+YydzkjvDGxiSPzIyoDM=
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|||| v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7 h1:uRGJdciOHaEIrze2W8Q3AKkepLTh2hOroT7a+7czfdQ=
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|||| v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
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|||| v0.0.0-20180901003855-c20040233aed/go.mod h1:Xkxe497xwlCKkIaQYRfC7CSLworTXY9RMqwhhCm+8Nc=
|||| v0.0.0-20170908181259-adc824a0674b h1:DxJ5nJdkhDlLok9K6qO+5290kphDJbHOQO1DFFFTeBo=
|||| v0.0.0-20170908181259-adc824a0674b/go.mod h1:2odslEg/xrtNQqCYg2/jCoyKnw3vv5biOc3JnIcYfL4=
|||| v0.0.0-20190124213536-fbb59629db34/go.mod h1:H6SUd1XjIs+qQCyskXg5OFSrilMRUkD8ePJpHKDPaeY=
|||| v0.0.0-20190310220240-1b9ccfa71afe h1:Ekmnp+NcP2joadI9pbK4Bva87QKZSeY7le//oiMrc9g=
|||| v0.0.0-20190310220240-1b9ccfa71afe/go.mod h1:BnhuWBAqxH3+J5bDybdxgw5ZfS+DsVd4iylsKQePN8o=
|||| v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=
|||| v0.0.0-20180604144634-d3ebe8f20ae4/go.mod h1:ketZ/q3QxT9HOBeFhu6RdvsftgpsbFHBF5Cas6cDKZ0=
|||| v1.0.0 h1:f7lAwqviDEGvON4kRv0o5V7FT/IQK+tbkF664XMbP3o=
|||| v1.0.0/go.mod h1:3AciMUv4qUuRHRHhOG4TZOB+72GdPVz5k+c648qsFS4=
@ -5,21 +5,19 @@ import (
// Lookup passwords in a htpasswd file
// Passwords must be generated with -B for bcrypt or -s for SHA1.
// HtpasswdFile represents the structure of an htpasswd file
type HtpasswdFile struct {
Users map[string]string
// NewHtpasswdFromFile constructs an HtpasswdFile from the file at the path given
func NewHtpasswdFromFile(path string) (*HtpasswdFile, error) {
r, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
@ -29,14 +27,13 @@ func NewHtpasswdFromFile(path string) (*HtpasswdFile, error) {
return NewHtpasswd(r)
// NewHtpasswd consctructs an HtpasswdFile from an io.Reader (opened file)
func NewHtpasswd(file io.Reader) (*HtpasswdFile, error) {
csvReader := csv.NewReader(file)
csvReader.Comma = ':'
csvReader.Comment = '#'
csvReader.TrimLeadingSpace = true
csv_reader := csv.NewReader(file)
csv_reader.Comma = ':'
csv_reader.Comment = '#'
csv_reader.TrimLeadingSpace = true
records, err := csvReader.ReadAll()
records, err := csv_reader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -47,7 +44,6 @@ func NewHtpasswd(file io.Reader) (*HtpasswdFile, error) {
return h, nil
// Validate checks a users password against the HtpasswdFile entries
func (h *HtpasswdFile) Validate(user string, password string) bool {
realPassword, exists := h.Users[user]
if !exists {
@ -67,6 +63,6 @@ func (h *HtpasswdFile) Validate(user string, password string) bool {
return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(realPassword), []byte(password)) == nil
logger.Printf("Invalid htpasswd entry for %s. Must be a SHA or bcrypt entry.", user)
log.Printf("Invalid htpasswd entry for %s. Must be a SHA or bcrypt entry.", user)
return false
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ func TestSHA(t *testing.T) {
func TestBcrypt(t *testing.T) {
hash1, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte("password"), 1)
assert.Equal(t, err, nil)
hash2, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte("top-secret"), 2)
assert.Equal(t, err, nil)
@ -2,21 +2,18 @@ package main
import (
// Server represents an HTTP server
type Server struct {
Handler http.Handler
Opts *Options
// ListenAndServe will serve traffic on HTTP or HTTPS depending on TLS options
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe() {
if s.Opts.TLSKeyFile != "" || s.Opts.TLSCertFile != "" {
@ -25,53 +22,13 @@ func (s *Server) ListenAndServe() {
// Used with gcpHealthcheck()
const userAgentHeader = "User-Agent"
const googleHealthCheckUserAgent = "GoogleHC/1.0"
const rootPath = "/"
// gcpHealthcheck handles healthcheck queries from GCP.
func gcpHealthcheck(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Check for liveness and readiness: used for Google App Engine
if r.URL.EscapedPath() == "/liveness_check" {
if r.URL.EscapedPath() == "/readiness_check" {
// Check for GKE ingress healthcheck: The ingress requires the root
// path of the target to return a 200 (OK) to indicate the service's good health. This can be quite a challenging demand
// depending on the application's path structure. This middleware filters out the requests from the health check by
// 1. checking that the request path is indeed the root path
// 2. ensuring that the User-Agent is "GoogleHC/1.0", the health checker
// 3. ensuring the request method is "GET"
if r.URL.Path == rootPath &&
r.Header.Get(userAgentHeader) == googleHealthCheckUserAgent &&
r.Method == http.MethodGet {
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// ServeHTTP constructs a net.Listener and starts handling HTTP requests
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP() {
HTTPAddress := s.Opts.HTTPAddress
var scheme string
httpAddress := s.Opts.HttpAddress
scheme := ""
i := strings.Index(HTTPAddress, "://")
i := strings.Index(httpAddress, "://")
if i > -1 {
scheme = HTTPAddress[0:i]
scheme = httpAddress[0:i]
var networkType string
@ -82,27 +39,26 @@ func (s *Server) ServeHTTP() {
networkType = scheme
slice := strings.SplitN(HTTPAddress, "//", 2)
slice := strings.SplitN(httpAddress, "//", 2)
listenAddr := slice[len(slice)-1]
listener, err := net.Listen(networkType, listenAddr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("FATAL: listen (%s, %s) failed - %s", networkType, listenAddr, err)
log.Fatalf("FATAL: listen (%s, %s) failed - %s", networkType, listenAddr, err)
logger.Printf("HTTP: listening on %s", listenAddr)
log.Printf("HTTP: listening on %s", listenAddr)
server := &http.Server{Handler: s.Handler}
err = server.Serve(listener)
if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
logger.Printf("ERROR: http.Serve() - %s", err)
log.Printf("ERROR: http.Serve() - %s", err)
logger.Printf("HTTP: closing %s", listener.Addr())
log.Printf("HTTP: closing %s", listener.Addr())
// ServeHTTPS constructs a net.Listener and starts handling HTTPS requests
func (s *Server) ServeHTTPS() {
addr := s.Opts.HTTPSAddress
addr := s.Opts.HttpsAddress
config := &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
MaxVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
@ -115,24 +71,24 @@ func (s *Server) ServeHTTPS() {
config.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 1)
config.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(s.Opts.TLSCertFile, s.Opts.TLSKeyFile)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("FATAL: loading tls config (%s, %s) failed - %s", s.Opts.TLSCertFile, s.Opts.TLSKeyFile, err)
log.Fatalf("FATAL: loading tls config (%s, %s) failed - %s", s.Opts.TLSCertFile, s.Opts.TLSKeyFile, err)
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("FATAL: listen (%s) failed - %s", addr, err)
log.Fatalf("FATAL: listen (%s) failed - %s", addr, err)
logger.Printf("HTTPS: listening on %s", ln.Addr())
log.Printf("HTTPS: listening on %s", ln.Addr())
tlsListener := tls.NewListener(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)}, config)
srv := &http.Server{Handler: s.Handler}
err = srv.Serve(tlsListener)
if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
logger.Printf("ERROR: https.Serve() - %s", err)
log.Printf("ERROR: https.Serve() - %s", err)
logger.Printf("HTTPS: closing %s", tlsListener.Addr())
log.Printf("HTTPS: closing %s", tlsListener.Addr())
// tcpKeepAliveListener sets TCP keep-alive timeouts on accepted
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
const localhost = ""
const host = "test-server"
func TestGCPHealthcheckLiveness(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := gcpHealthcheck(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/liveness_check", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = localhost
r.Host = host
h.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
assert.Equal(t, 200, rw.Code)
assert.Equal(t, "OK", rw.Body.String())
func TestGCPHealthcheckReadiness(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := gcpHealthcheck(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/readiness_check", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = localhost
r.Host = host
h.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
assert.Equal(t, 200, rw.Code)
assert.Equal(t, "OK", rw.Body.String())
func TestGCPHealthcheckNotHealthcheck(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := gcpHealthcheck(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/not_any_check", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = localhost
r.Host = host
h.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
assert.Equal(t, "test", rw.Body.String())
func TestGCPHealthcheckIngress(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := gcpHealthcheck(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = localhost
r.Host = host
r.Header.Set(userAgentHeader, googleHealthCheckUserAgent)
h.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
assert.Equal(t, 200, rw.Code)
assert.Equal(t, "", rw.Body.String())
func TestGCPHealthcheckNotIngress(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := gcpHealthcheck(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = localhost
r.Host = host
r.Header.Set(userAgentHeader, googleHealthCheckUserAgent)
h.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
assert.Equal(t, "test", rw.Body.String())
func TestGCPHealthcheckNotIngressPut(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
h := gcpHealthcheck(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
r, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", "/", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = localhost
r.Host = host
r.Header.Set(userAgentHeader, googleHealthCheckUserAgent)
h.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
assert.Equal(t, "test", rw.Body.String())
@ -4,13 +4,17 @@
package main
import (
const (
defaultRequestLoggingFormat = "{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] {{.Host}} {{.RequestMethod}} {{.Upstream}} {{.RequestURI}} {{.Protocol}} {{.UserAgent}} {{.StatusCode}} {{.ResponseSize}} {{.RequestDuration}}"
// responseLogger is wrapper of http.ResponseWriter that keeps track of its HTTP status
@ -23,21 +27,10 @@ type responseLogger struct {
authInfo string
// Header returns the ResponseWriter's Header
func (l *responseLogger) Header() http.Header {
return l.w.Header()
// Support Websocket
func (l *responseLogger) Hijack() (rwc net.Conn, buf *bufio.ReadWriter, err error) {
if hj, ok := l.w.(http.Hijacker); ok {
return hj.Hijack()
return nil, nil, errors.New("http.Hijacker is not available on writer")
// ExtractGAPMetadata extracts and removes GAP headers from the ResponseWriter's
// Header
func (l *responseLogger) ExtractGAPMetadata() {
upstream := l.w.Header().Get("GAP-Upstream-Address")
if upstream != "" {
@ -51,7 +44,6 @@ func (l *responseLogger) ExtractGAPMetadata() {
// Write writes the response using the ResponseWriter
func (l *responseLogger) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if l.status == 0 {
// The status will be StatusOK if WriteHeader has not been called yet
@ -63,46 +55,106 @@ func (l *responseLogger) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return size, err
// WriteHeader writes the status code for the Response
func (l *responseLogger) WriteHeader(s int) {
l.status = s
// Status returns the response status code
func (l *responseLogger) Status() int {
return l.status
// Size returns the response size
func (l *responseLogger) Size() int {
return l.size
// Flush sends any buffered data to the client
func (l *responseLogger) Flush() {
if flusher, ok := l.w.(http.Flusher); ok {
// logMessageData is the container for all values that are available as variables in the request logging format.
// All values are pre-formatted strings so it is easy to use them in the format string.
type logMessageData struct {
Username string
// loggingHandler is the http.Handler implementation for LoggingHandler
// loggingHandler is the http.Handler implementation for LoggingHandlerTo and its friends
type loggingHandler struct {
handler http.Handler
writer io.Writer
handler http.Handler
enabled bool
logTemplate *template.Template
// LoggingHandler provides an http.Handler which logs requests to the HTTP server
func LoggingHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
func LoggingHandler(out io.Writer, h http.Handler, v bool, requestLoggingTpl string) http.Handler {
return loggingHandler{
handler: h,
writer: out,
handler: h,
enabled: v,
logTemplate: template.Must(template.New("request-log").Parse(requestLoggingTpl)),
func (h loggingHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
t := time.Now()
url := *req.URL
responseLogger := &responseLogger{w: w}
h.handler.ServeHTTP(responseLogger, req)
logger.PrintReq(responseLogger.authInfo, responseLogger.upstream, req, url, t, responseLogger.Status(), responseLogger.Size())
logger := &responseLogger{w: w}
h.handler.ServeHTTP(logger, req)
if !h.enabled {
h.writeLogLine(logger.authInfo, logger.upstream, req, url, t, logger.Status(), logger.Size())
// Log entry for req similar to Apache Common Log Format.
// ts is the timestamp with which the entry should be logged.
// status, size are used to provide the response HTTP status and size.
func (h loggingHandler) writeLogLine(username, upstream string, req *http.Request, url url.URL, ts time.Time, status int, size int) {
if username == "" {
username = "-"
if upstream == "" {
upstream = "-"
if url.User != nil && username == "-" {
if name := url.User.Username(); name != "" {
username = name
client := req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")
if client == "" {
client = req.RemoteAddr
if c, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(client); err == nil {
client = c
duration := float64(time.Now().Sub(ts)) / float64(time.Second)
h.logTemplate.Execute(h.writer, logMessageData{
Client: client,
Host: req.Host,
Protocol: req.Proto,
RequestDuration: fmt.Sprintf("%0.3f", duration),
RequestMethod: req.Method,
RequestURI: fmt.Sprintf("%q", url.RequestURI()),
ResponseSize: fmt.Sprintf("%d", size),
StatusCode: fmt.Sprintf("%d", status),
Timestamp: ts.Format("02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"),
Upstream: upstream,
UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("%q", req.UserAgent()),
Username: username,
@ -5,11 +5,8 @@ import (
func TestLoggingHandler_ServeHTTP(t *testing.T) {
@ -17,53 +14,29 @@ func TestLoggingHandler_ServeHTTP(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Path string
ExcludePaths []string
SilencePingLogging bool
ExpectedLogMessage string
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, fmt.Sprintf(" - - [%s] test-server GET - \"/foo/bar\" HTTP/1.1 \"\" 200 4 0.000\n", logger.FormatTimestamp(ts)), "/foo/bar", []string{}, false},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, fmt.Sprintf(" - - [%s] test-server GET - \"/foo/bar\" HTTP/1.1 \"\" 200 4 0.000\n", logger.FormatTimestamp(ts)), "/foo/bar", []string{}, true},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, fmt.Sprintf(" - - [%s] test-server GET - \"/foo/bar\" HTTP/1.1 \"\" 200 4 0.000\n", logger.FormatTimestamp(ts)), "/foo/bar", []string{"/ping"}, false},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "", "/foo/bar", []string{"/foo/bar"}, false},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "", "/ping", []string{}, true},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "", "/ping", []string{"/ping"}, false},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "", "/ping", []string{"/ping"}, true},
{logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "", "/ping", []string{"/foo/bar", "/ping"}, false},
{"{{.RequestMethod}}", "GET\n", "/foo/bar", []string{}, true},
{"{{.RequestMethod}}", "GET\n", "/foo/bar", []string{"/ping"}, false},
{"{{.RequestMethod}}", "GET\n", "/ping", []string{}, false},
{"{{.RequestMethod}}", "", "/ping", []string{"/ping"}, true},
{defaultRequestLoggingFormat, fmt.Sprintf(" - - [%s] test-server GET - \"/foo/bar\" HTTP/1.1 \"\" 200 4 0.000\n", ts.Format("02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"))},
{"{{.RequestMethod}}", "GET\n"},
for _, test := range tests {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
_, ok := w.(http.Hijacker)
if !ok {
t.Error("http.Hijacker is not available")
if test.SilencePingLogging {
test.ExcludePaths = append(test.ExcludePaths, "/ping")
h := LoggingHandler(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
h := LoggingHandler(buf, http.HandlerFunc(handler), true, test.Format)
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", test.Path, nil)
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil)
r.RemoteAddr = ""
r.Host = "test-server"
h.ServeHTTP(httptest.NewRecorder(), r)
actual := buf.String()
if !strings.Contains(actual, test.ExpectedLogMessage) {
t.Errorf("Log message was\n%s\ninstead of matching \n%s", actual, test.ExpectedLogMessage)
if actual != test.ExpectedLogMessage {
t.Errorf("Log message was\n%s\ninstead of expected \n%s", actual, test.ExpectedLogMessage)
@ -3,37 +3,33 @@ package main
import (
options ""
func main() {
log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lshortfile)
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("oauth2_proxy", flag.ExitOnError)
emailDomains := StringArray{}
whitelistDomains := StringArray{}
upstreams := StringArray{}
skipAuthRegex := StringArray{}
jwtIssuers := StringArray{}
googleGroups := StringArray{}
redisSentinelConnectionURLs := StringArray{}
config := flagSet.String("config", "", "path to config file")
showVersion := flagSet.Bool("version", false, "print version string")
flagSet.String("http-address", "", "[http://]<addr>:<port> or unix://<path> to listen on for HTTP clients")
flagSet.String("https-address", ":443", "<addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTPS clients")
flagSet.String("tls-cert-file", "", "path to certificate file")
flagSet.String("tls-key-file", "", "path to private key file")
flagSet.String("tls-cert", "", "path to certificate file")
flagSet.String("tls-key", "", "path to private key file")
flagSet.String("redirect-url", "", "the OAuth Redirect URL. ie: \"\"")
flagSet.Bool("set-xauthrequest", false, "set X-Auth-Request-User and X-Auth-Request-Email response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)")
flagSet.Var(&upstreams, "upstream", "the http url(s) of the upstream endpoint or file:// paths for static files. Routing is based on the path")
@ -47,21 +43,13 @@ func main() {
flagSet.Var(&skipAuthRegex, "skip-auth-regex", "bypass authentication for requests path's that match (may be given multiple times)")
flagSet.Bool("skip-provider-button", false, "will skip sign-in-page to directly reach the next step: oauth/start")
flagSet.Bool("skip-auth-preflight", false, "will skip authentication for OPTIONS requests")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS providers")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS upstreams")
flagSet.Duration("flush-interval", time.Duration(1)*time.Second, "period between response flushing when streaming responses")
flagSet.Bool("skip-jwt-bearer-tokens", false, "will skip requests that have verified JWT bearer tokens (default false)")
flagSet.Var(&jwtIssuers, "extra-jwt-issuers", "if skip-jwt-bearer-tokens is set, a list of extra JWT issuer=audience pairs (where the issuer URL has a .well-known/openid-configuration or a .well-known/jwks.json)")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS")
flagSet.Var(&emailDomains, "email-domain", "authenticate emails with the specified domain (may be given multiple times). Use * to authenticate any email")
flagSet.Var(&whitelistDomains, "whitelist-domain", "allowed domains for redirection after authentication. Prefix domain with a . to allow subdomains (eg")
flagSet.String("keycloak-group", "", "restrict login to members of this group.")
flagSet.String("azure-tenant", "common", "go to a tenant-specific or common (tenant-independent) endpoint.")
flagSet.String("bitbucket-team", "", "restrict logins to members of this team")
flagSet.String("bitbucket-repository", "", "restrict logins to user with access to this repository")
flagSet.String("github-org", "", "restrict logins to members of this organisation")
flagSet.String("github-team", "", "restrict logins to members of this team")
flagSet.String("gitlab-group", "", "restrict logins to members of this group")
flagSet.Var(&googleGroups, "google-group", "restrict logins to members of this google group (may be given multiple times).")
flagSet.String("google-admin-email", "", "the google admin to impersonate for api calls")
flagSet.String("google-service-account-json", "", "the path to the service account json credentials")
@ -71,50 +59,22 @@ func main() {
flagSet.String("htpasswd-file", "", "additionally authenticate against a htpasswd file. Entries must be created with \"htpasswd -s\" for SHA encryption or \"htpasswd -B\" for bcrypt encryption")
flagSet.Bool("display-htpasswd-form", true, "display username / password login form if an htpasswd file is provided")
flagSet.String("custom-templates-dir", "", "path to custom html templates")
flagSet.String("banner", "", "custom banner string. Use \"-\" to disable default banner.")
flagSet.String("footer", "", "custom footer string. Use \"-\" to disable default footer.")
flagSet.String("proxy-prefix", "/oauth2", "the url root path that this proxy should be nested under (e.g. /<oauth2>/sign_in)")
flagSet.String("ping-path", "/ping", "the ping endpoint that can be used for basic health checks")
flagSet.Bool("proxy-websockets", true, "enables WebSocket proxying")
flagSet.String("cookie-name", "_oauth2_proxy", "the name of the cookie that the oauth_proxy creates")
flagSet.String("cookie-secret", "", "the seed string for secure cookies (optionally base64 encoded)")
flagSet.String("cookie-domain", "", "an optional cookie domain to force cookies to (ie:*")
flagSet.String("cookie-path", "/", "an optional cookie path to force cookies to (ie: /poc/)*")
flagSet.Duration("cookie-expire", time.Duration(168)*time.Hour, "expire timeframe for cookie")
flagSet.Duration("cookie-refresh", time.Duration(0), "refresh the cookie after this duration; 0 to disable")
flagSet.Bool("cookie-secure", true, "set secure (HTTPS) cookie flag")
flagSet.Bool("cookie-httponly", true, "set HttpOnly cookie flag")
flagSet.String("session-store-type", "cookie", "the session storage provider to use")
flagSet.String("redis-connection-url", "", "URL of redis server for redis session storage (eg: redis://HOST[:PORT])")
flagSet.Bool("redis-use-sentinel", false, "Connect to redis via sentinels. Must set --redis-sentinel-master-name and --redis-sentinel-connection-urls to use this feature")
flagSet.String("redis-sentinel-master-name", "", "Redis sentinel master name. Used in conjunction with --redis-use-sentinel")
flagSet.Var(&redisSentinelConnectionURLs, "redis-sentinel-connection-urls", "List of Redis sentinel connection URLs (eg redis://HOST[:PORT]). Used in conjunction with --redis-use-sentinel")
flagSet.String("logging-filename", "", "File to log requests to, empty for stdout")
flagSet.Int("logging-max-size", 100, "Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before rotation")
flagSet.Int("logging-max-age", 7, "Maximum number of days to retain old log files")
flagSet.Int("logging-max-backups", 0, "Maximum number of old log files to retain; 0 to disable")
flagSet.Bool("logging-local-time", true, "If the time in log files and backup filenames are local or UTC time")
flagSet.Bool("logging-compress", false, "Should rotated log files be compressed using gzip")
flagSet.Bool("standard-logging", true, "Log standard runtime information")
flagSet.String("standard-logging-format", logger.DefaultStandardLoggingFormat, "Template for standard log lines")
flagSet.Bool("request-logging", true, "Log HTTP requests")
flagSet.String("request-logging-format", logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "Template for HTTP request log lines")
flagSet.String("exclude-logging-paths", "", "Exclude logging requests to paths (eg: '/path1,/path2,/path3')")
flagSet.Bool("silence-ping-logging", false, "Disable logging of requests to ping endpoint")
flagSet.Bool("auth-logging", true, "Log authentication attempts")
flagSet.String("auth-logging-format", logger.DefaultAuthLoggingFormat, "Template for authentication log lines")
flagSet.Bool("request-logging", true, "Log requests to stdout")
flagSet.String("request-logging-format", defaultRequestLoggingFormat, "Template for log lines")
flagSet.String("provider", "google", "OAuth provider")
flagSet.String("oidc-issuer-url", "", "OpenID Connect issuer URL (ie:")
flagSet.Bool("insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email", false, "Don't fail if an email address in an id_token is not verified")
flagSet.Bool("skip-oidc-discovery", false, "Skip OIDC discovery and use manually supplied Endpoints")
flagSet.String("oidc-jwks-url", "", "OpenID Connect JWKS URL (ie:")
flagSet.String("login-url", "", "Authentication endpoint")
flagSet.String("redeem-url", "", "Token redemption endpoint")
flagSet.String("profile-url", "", "Profile access endpoint")
@ -124,16 +84,11 @@ func main() {
flagSet.String("approval-prompt", "force", "OAuth approval_prompt")
flagSet.String("signature-key", "", "GAP-Signature request signature key (algorithm:secretkey)")
flagSet.String("acr-values", "", "acr values string: optional, used by")
flagSet.String("jwt-key", "", "private key in PEM format used to sign JWT, so that you can say something like -jwt-key=\"${OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY}\": required by")
flagSet.String("jwt-key-file", "", "path to the private key file in PEM format used to sign the JWT so that you can say something like -jwt-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem: required by")
flagSet.String("pubjwk-url", "", "JWK pubkey access endpoint: required by")
flagSet.Bool("gcp-healthchecks", false, "Enable GCP/GKE healthcheck endpoints")
if *showVersion {
fmt.Printf("oauth2_proxy %s (built with %s)\n", VERSION, runtime.Version())
fmt.Printf("oauth2_proxy v%s (built with %s)\n", VERSION, runtime.Version())
@ -143,7 +98,7 @@ func main() {
if *config != "" {
_, err := toml.DecodeFile(*config, &cfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("ERROR: failed to load config file %s - %s", *config, err)
log.Fatalf("ERROR: failed to load config file %s - %s", *config, err)
@ -151,20 +106,13 @@ func main() {
err := opts.Validate()
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("%s", err)
log.Printf("%s", err)
validator := NewValidator(opts.EmailDomains, opts.AuthenticatedEmailsFile)
oauthproxy := NewOAuthProxy(opts, validator)
if len(opts.Banner) >= 1 {
if opts.Banner == "-" {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = ""
} else {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = opts.Banner
} else if len(opts.EmailDomains) != 0 && opts.AuthenticatedEmailsFile == "" {
if len(opts.EmailDomains) != 0 && opts.AuthenticatedEmailsFile == "" {
if len(opts.EmailDomains) > 1 {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = fmt.Sprintf("Authenticate using one of the following domains: %v", strings.Join(opts.EmailDomains, ", "))
} else if opts.EmailDomains[0] != "*" {
@ -173,24 +121,16 @@ func main() {
if opts.HtpasswdFile != "" {
logger.Printf("using htpasswd file %s", opts.HtpasswdFile)
log.Printf("using htpasswd file %s", opts.HtpasswdFile)
oauthproxy.HtpasswdFile, err = NewHtpasswdFromFile(opts.HtpasswdFile)
oauthproxy.DisplayHtpasswdForm = opts.DisplayHtpasswdForm
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("FATAL: unable to open %s %s", opts.HtpasswdFile, err)
log.Fatalf("FATAL: unable to open %s %s", opts.HtpasswdFile, err)
var handler http.Handler
if opts.GCPHealthChecks {
handler = gcpHealthcheck(LoggingHandler(oauthproxy))
} else {
handler = LoggingHandler(oauthproxy)
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
Handler: LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, oauthproxy, opts.RequestLogging, opts.RequestLoggingFormat),
Opts: opts,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -14,193 +13,123 @@ import (
oidc ""
sessionsapi ""
// Options holds Configuration Options that can be set by Command Line Flag,
// or Config File
// Configuration Options that can be set by Command Line Flag, or Config File
type Options struct {
ProxyPrefix string `flag:"proxy-prefix" cfg:"proxy_prefix" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PROXY_PREFIX"`
PingPath string `flag:"ping-path" cfg:"ping_path" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PING_PATH"`
ProxyWebSockets bool `flag:"proxy-websockets" cfg:"proxy_websockets" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PROXY_WEBSOCKETS"`
HTTPAddress string `flag:"http-address" cfg:"http_address" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_HTTP_ADDRESS"`
HTTPSAddress string `flag:"https-address" cfg:"https_address" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_HTTPS_ADDRESS"`
RedirectURL string `flag:"redirect-url" cfg:"redirect_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL"`
ClientID string `flag:"client-id" cfg:"client_id" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID"`
ClientSecret string `flag:"client-secret" cfg:"client_secret" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET"`
TLSCertFile string `flag:"tls-cert-file" cfg:"tls_cert_file" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_CERT_FILE"`
TLSKeyFile string `flag:"tls-key-file" cfg:"tls_key_file" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_KEY_FILE"`
ProxyPrefix string `flag:"proxy-prefix" cfg:"proxy-prefix"`
HttpAddress string `flag:"http-address" cfg:"http_address"`
HttpsAddress string `flag:"https-address" cfg:"https_address"`
RedirectURL string `flag:"redirect-url" cfg:"redirect_url"`
ClientID string `flag:"client-id" cfg:"client_id" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID"`
ClientSecret string `flag:"client-secret" cfg:"client_secret" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET"`
TLSCertFile string `flag:"tls-cert" cfg:"tls_cert_file"`
TLSKeyFile string `flag:"tls-key" cfg:"tls_key_file"`
AuthenticatedEmailsFile string `flag:"authenticated-emails-file" cfg:"authenticated_emails_file" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_AUTHENTICATED_EMAILS_FILE"`
KeycloakGroup string `flag:"keycloak-group" cfg:"keycloak_group" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_KEYCLOAK_GROUP"`
AzureTenant string `flag:"azure-tenant" cfg:"azure_tenant" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_AZURE_TENANT"`
BitbucketTeam string `flag:"bitbucket-team" cfg:"bitbucket_team" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_BITBUCKET_TEAM"`
BitbucketRepository string `flag:"bitbucket-repository" cfg:"bitbucket_repository" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY"`
EmailDomains []string `flag:"email-domain" cfg:"email_domains" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_EMAIL_DOMAINS"`
AuthenticatedEmailsFile string `flag:"authenticated-emails-file" cfg:"authenticated_emails_file"`
AzureTenant string `flag:"azure-tenant" cfg:"azure_tenant"`
EmailDomains []string `flag:"email-domain" cfg:"email_domains"`
WhitelistDomains []string `flag:"whitelist-domain" cfg:"whitelist_domains" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_WHITELIST_DOMAINS"`
GitHubOrg string `flag:"github-org" cfg:"github_org" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GITHUB_ORG"`
GitHubTeam string `flag:"github-team" cfg:"github_team" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GITHUB_TEAM"`
GitLabGroup string `flag:"gitlab-group" cfg:"gitlab_group" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GITLAB_GROUP"`
GoogleGroups []string `flag:"google-group" cfg:"google_group" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GOOGLE_GROUPS"`
GoogleAdminEmail string `flag:"google-admin-email" cfg:"google_admin_email" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GOOGLE_ADMIN_EMAIL"`
GoogleServiceAccountJSON string `flag:"google-service-account-json" cfg:"google_service_account_json" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON"`
HtpasswdFile string `flag:"htpasswd-file" cfg:"htpasswd_file" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_HTPASSWD_FILE"`
DisplayHtpasswdForm bool `flag:"display-htpasswd-form" cfg:"display_htpasswd_form" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_DISPLAY_HTPASSWD_FORM"`
CustomTemplatesDir string `flag:"custom-templates-dir" cfg:"custom_templates_dir" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR"`
Banner string `flag:"banner" cfg:"banner" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_BANNER"`
Footer string `flag:"footer" cfg:"footer" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_FOOTER"`
GitHubOrg string `flag:"github-org" cfg:"github_org"`
GitHubTeam string `flag:"github-team" cfg:"github_team"`
GoogleGroups []string `flag:"google-group" cfg:"google_group"`
GoogleAdminEmail string `flag:"google-admin-email" cfg:"google_admin_email"`
GoogleServiceAccountJSON string `flag:"google-service-account-json" cfg:"google_service_account_json"`
HtpasswdFile string `flag:"htpasswd-file" cfg:"htpasswd_file"`
DisplayHtpasswdForm bool `flag:"display-htpasswd-form" cfg:"display_htpasswd_form"`
CustomTemplatesDir string `flag:"custom-templates-dir" cfg:"custom_templates_dir"`
Footer string `flag:"footer" cfg:"footer"`
// Embed CookieOptions
CookieName string `flag:"cookie-name" cfg:"cookie_name" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_NAME"`
CookieSecret string `flag:"cookie-secret" cfg:"cookie_secret" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET"`
CookieDomain string `flag:"cookie-domain" cfg:"cookie_domain" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_DOMAIN"`
CookieExpire time.Duration `flag:"cookie-expire" cfg:"cookie_expire" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_EXPIRE"`
CookieRefresh time.Duration `flag:"cookie-refresh" cfg:"cookie_refresh" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_REFRESH"`
CookieSecure bool `flag:"cookie-secure" cfg:"cookie_secure"`
CookieHttpOnly bool `flag:"cookie-httponly" cfg:"cookie_httponly"`
// Embed SessionOptions
Upstreams []string `flag:"upstream" cfg:"upstreams" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_UPSTREAMS"`
SkipAuthRegex []string `flag:"skip-auth-regex" cfg:"skip_auth_regex" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_AUTH_REGEX"`
SkipJwtBearerTokens bool `flag:"skip-jwt-bearer-tokens" cfg:"skip_jwt_bearer_tokens" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_JWT_BEARER_TOKENS"`
ExtraJwtIssuers []string `flag:"extra-jwt-issuers" cfg:"extra_jwt_issuers" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_EXTRA_JWT_ISSUERS"`
PassBasicAuth bool `flag:"pass-basic-auth" cfg:"pass_basic_auth" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PASS_BASIC_AUTH"`
BasicAuthPassword string `flag:"basic-auth-password" cfg:"basic_auth_password" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD"`
PassAccessToken bool `flag:"pass-access-token" cfg:"pass_access_token" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PASS_ACCESS_TOKEN"`
PassHostHeader bool `flag:"pass-host-header" cfg:"pass_host_header" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PASS_HOST_HEADER"`
SkipProviderButton bool `flag:"skip-provider-button" cfg:"skip_provider_button" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_PROVIDER_BUTTON"`
PassUserHeaders bool `flag:"pass-user-headers" cfg:"pass_user_headers" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PASS_USER_HEADERS"`
SSLInsecureSkipVerify bool `flag:"ssl-insecure-skip-verify" cfg:"ssl_insecure_skip_verify" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SSL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY"`
SSLUpstreamInsecureSkipVerify bool `flag:"ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify" cfg:"ssl_upstream_insecure_skip_verify" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SSL_UPSTREAM_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY"`
SetXAuthRequest bool `flag:"set-xauthrequest" cfg:"set_xauthrequest" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SET_XAUTHREQUEST"`
SetAuthorization bool `flag:"set-authorization-header" cfg:"set_authorization_header" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SET_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER"`
PassAuthorization bool `flag:"pass-authorization-header" cfg:"pass_authorization_header" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PASS_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER"`
SkipAuthPreflight bool `flag:"skip-auth-preflight" cfg:"skip_auth_preflight" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_AUTH_PREFLIGHT"`
FlushInterval time.Duration `flag:"flush-interval" cfg:"flush_interval" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_FLUSH_INTERVAL"`
Upstreams []string `flag:"upstream" cfg:"upstreams"`
SkipAuthRegex []string `flag:"skip-auth-regex" cfg:"skip_auth_regex"`
PassBasicAuth bool `flag:"pass-basic-auth" cfg:"pass_basic_auth"`
BasicAuthPassword string `flag:"basic-auth-password" cfg:"basic_auth_password"`
PassAccessToken bool `flag:"pass-access-token" cfg:"pass_access_token"`
PassHostHeader bool `flag:"pass-host-header" cfg:"pass_host_header"`
SkipProviderButton bool `flag:"skip-provider-button" cfg:"skip_provider_button"`
PassUserHeaders bool `flag:"pass-user-headers" cfg:"pass_user_headers"`
SSLInsecureSkipVerify bool `flag:"ssl-insecure-skip-verify" cfg:"ssl_insecure_skip_verify"`
SetXAuthRequest bool `flag:"set-xauthrequest" cfg:"set_xauthrequest"`
SetAuthorization bool `flag:"set-authorization-header" cfg:"set_authorization_header"`
PassAuthorization bool `flag:"pass-authorization-header" cfg:"pass_authorization_header"`
SkipAuthPreflight bool `flag:"skip-auth-preflight" cfg:"skip_auth_preflight"`
// These options allow for other providers besides Google, with
// potential overrides.
Provider string `flag:"provider" cfg:"provider" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PROVIDER"`
OIDCIssuerURL string `flag:"oidc-issuer-url" cfg:"oidc_issuer_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL"`
InsecureOIDCAllowUnverifiedEmail bool `flag:"insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email" cfg:"insecure_oidc_allow_unverified_email" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_INSECURE_OIDC_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_EMAIL"`
SkipOIDCDiscovery bool `flag:"skip-oidc-discovery" cfg:"skip_oidc_discovery" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_OIDC_DISCOVERY"`
OIDCJwksURL string `flag:"oidc-jwks-url" cfg:"oidc_jwks_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_JWKS_URL"`
LoginURL string `flag:"login-url" cfg:"login_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGIN_URL"`
RedeemURL string `flag:"redeem-url" cfg:"redeem_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REDEEM_URL"`
ProfileURL string `flag:"profile-url" cfg:"profile_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PROFILE_URL"`
ProtectedResource string `flag:"resource" cfg:"resource" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_RESOURCE"`
ValidateURL string `flag:"validate-url" cfg:"validate_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_VALIDATE_URL"`
Scope string `flag:"scope" cfg:"scope" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SCOPE"`
ApprovalPrompt string `flag:"approval-prompt" cfg:"approval_prompt" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_APPROVAL_PROMPT"`
Provider string `flag:"provider" cfg:"provider"`
OIDCIssuerURL string `flag:"oidc-issuer-url" cfg:"oidc_issuer_url"`
LoginURL string `flag:"login-url" cfg:"login_url"`
RedeemURL string `flag:"redeem-url" cfg:"redeem_url"`
ProfileURL string `flag:"profile-url" cfg:"profile_url"`
ProtectedResource string `flag:"resource" cfg:"resource"`
ValidateURL string `flag:"validate-url" cfg:"validate_url"`
Scope string `flag:"scope" cfg:"scope"`
ApprovalPrompt string `flag:"approval-prompt" cfg:"approval_prompt"`
// Configuration values for logging
LoggingFilename string `flag:"logging-filename" cfg:"logging_filename" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_FILENAME"`
LoggingMaxSize int `flag:"logging-max-size" cfg:"logging_max_size" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_MAX_SIZE"`
LoggingMaxAge int `flag:"logging-max-age" cfg:"logging_max_age" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_MAX_AGE"`
LoggingMaxBackups int `flag:"logging-max-backups" cfg:"logging_max_backups" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_MAX_BACKUPS"`
LoggingLocalTime bool `flag:"logging-local-time" cfg:"logging_local_time" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_LOCAL_TIME"`
LoggingCompress bool `flag:"logging-compress" cfg:"logging_compress" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_COMPRESS"`
StandardLogging bool `flag:"standard-logging" cfg:"standard_logging" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_STANDARD_LOGGING"`
StandardLoggingFormat string `flag:"standard-logging-format" cfg:"standard_logging_format" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_STANDARD_LOGGING_FORMAT"`
RequestLogging bool `flag:"request-logging" cfg:"request_logging" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGING"`
RequestLoggingFormat string `flag:"request-logging-format" cfg:"request_logging_format" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REQUEST_LOGGING_FORMAT"`
ExcludeLoggingPaths string `flag:"exclude-logging-paths" cfg:"exclude_logging_paths" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_EXCLUDE_LOGGING_PATHS"`
SilencePingLogging bool `flag:"silence-ping-logging" cfg:"silence_ping_logging" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SILENCE_PING_LOGGING"`
AuthLogging bool `flag:"auth-logging" cfg:"auth_logging" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_LOGGING_AUTH_LOGGING"`
AuthLoggingFormat string `flag:"auth-logging-format" cfg:"auth_logging_format" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_AUTH_LOGGING_FORMAT"`
SignatureKey string `flag:"signature-key" cfg:"signature_key" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SIGNATURE_KEY"`
AcrValues string `flag:"acr-values" cfg:"acr_values" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_ACR_VALUES"`
JWTKey string `flag:"jwt-key" cfg:"jwt_key" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY"`
JWTKeyFile string `flag:"jwt-key-file" cfg:"jwt_key_file" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY_FILE"`
PubJWKURL string `flag:"pubjwk-url" cfg:"pubjwk_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_PUBJWK_URL"`
GCPHealthChecks bool `flag:"gcp-healthchecks" cfg:"gcp_healthchecks" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_GCP_HEALTHCHECKS"`
RequestLogging bool `flag:"request-logging" cfg:"request_logging"`
RequestLoggingFormat string `flag:"request-logging-format" cfg:"request_logging_format"`
SignatureKey string `flag:"signature-key" cfg:"signature_key" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SIGNATURE_KEY"`
// internal values that are set after config validation
redirectURL *url.URL
proxyURLs []*url.URL
CompiledRegex []*regexp.Regexp
provider providers.Provider
sessionStore sessionsapi.SessionStore
signatureData *SignatureData
oidcVerifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
jwtBearerVerifiers []*oidc.IDTokenVerifier
redirectURL *url.URL
proxyURLs []*url.URL
CompiledRegex []*regexp.Regexp
provider providers.Provider
signatureData *SignatureData
oidcVerifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
// SignatureData holds hmacauth signature hash and key
type SignatureData struct {
hash crypto.Hash
key string
// NewOptions constructs a new Options with defaulted values
func NewOptions() *Options {
return &Options{
ProxyPrefix: "/oauth2",
PingPath: "/ping",
ProxyWebSockets: true,
HTTPAddress: "",
HTTPSAddress: ":443",
DisplayHtpasswdForm: true,
CookieOptions: options.CookieOptions{
CookieName: "_oauth2_proxy",
CookieSecure: true,
CookieHTTPOnly: true,
CookieExpire: time.Duration(168) * time.Hour,
CookieRefresh: time.Duration(0),
SessionOptions: options.SessionOptions{
Type: "cookie",
SetXAuthRequest: false,
SkipAuthPreflight: false,
PassBasicAuth: true,
PassUserHeaders: true,
PassAccessToken: false,
PassHostHeader: true,
SetAuthorization: false,
PassAuthorization: false,
ApprovalPrompt: "force",
InsecureOIDCAllowUnverifiedEmail: false,
SkipOIDCDiscovery: false,
LoggingFilename: "",
LoggingMaxSize: 100,
LoggingMaxAge: 7,
LoggingMaxBackups: 0,
LoggingLocalTime: true,
LoggingCompress: false,
ExcludeLoggingPaths: "",
SilencePingLogging: false,
StandardLogging: true,
StandardLoggingFormat: logger.DefaultStandardLoggingFormat,
RequestLogging: true,
RequestLoggingFormat: logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat,
AuthLogging: true,
AuthLoggingFormat: logger.DefaultAuthLoggingFormat,
ProxyPrefix: "/oauth2",
HttpAddress: "",
HttpsAddress: ":443",
DisplayHtpasswdForm: true,
CookieName: "_oauth2_proxy",
CookieSecure: true,
CookieHttpOnly: true,
CookieExpire: time.Duration(168) * time.Hour,
CookieRefresh: time.Duration(0),
SetXAuthRequest: false,
SkipAuthPreflight: false,
PassBasicAuth: true,
PassUserHeaders: true,
PassAccessToken: false,
PassHostHeader: true,
SetAuthorization: false,
PassAuthorization: false,
ApprovalPrompt: "force",
RequestLogging: true,
RequestLoggingFormat: defaultRequestLoggingFormat,
// jwtIssuer hold parsed JWT issuer info that's used to construct a verifier.
type jwtIssuer struct {
issuerURI string
audience string
func parseURL(toParse string, urltype string, msgs []string) (*url.URL, []string) {
parsed, err := url.Parse(toParse)
func parseURL(to_parse string, urltype string, msgs []string) (*url.URL, []string) {
parsed, err := url.Parse(to_parse)
if err != nil {
return nil, append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf(
"error parsing %s-url=%q %s", urltype, toParse, err))
"error parsing %s-url=%q %s", urltype, to_parse, err))
return parsed, msgs
// Validate checks that required options are set and validates those that they
// are of the correct format
func (o *Options) Validate() error {
if o.SSLInsecureSkipVerify {
// TODO: Accept a certificate bundle.
@ -217,8 +146,7 @@ func (o *Options) Validate() error {
if o.ClientID == "" {
msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: client-id")
// uses a signed JWT to authenticate, not a client-secret
if o.ClientSecret == "" && o.Provider != "" {
if o.ClientSecret == "" {
msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: client-secret")
if o.AuthenticatedEmailsFile == "" && len(o.EmailDomains) == 0 && o.HtpasswdFile == "" {
@ -227,64 +155,21 @@ func (o *Options) Validate() error {
if o.OIDCIssuerURL != "" {
ctx := context.Background()
// Construct a manual IDTokenVerifier from issuer URL & JWKS URI
// instead of metadata discovery if we enable -skip-oidc-discovery.
// In this case we need to make sure the required endpoints for
// the provider are configured.
if o.SkipOIDCDiscovery {
if o.LoginURL == "" {
msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: login-url")
if o.RedeemURL == "" {
msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: redeem-url")
if o.OIDCJwksURL == "" {
msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: oidc-jwks-url")
keySet := oidc.NewRemoteKeySet(ctx, o.OIDCJwksURL)
o.oidcVerifier = oidc.NewVerifier(o.OIDCIssuerURL, keySet, &oidc.Config{
ClientID: o.ClientID,
} else {
// Configure discoverable provider data.
provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, o.OIDCIssuerURL)
if err != nil {
return err
o.oidcVerifier = provider.Verifier(&oidc.Config{
ClientID: o.ClientID,
o.LoginURL = provider.Endpoint().AuthURL
o.RedeemURL = provider.Endpoint().TokenURL
// Configure discoverable provider data.
provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(context.Background(), o.OIDCIssuerURL)
if err != nil {
return err
o.oidcVerifier = provider.Verifier(&oidc.Config{
ClientID: o.ClientID,
o.LoginURL = provider.Endpoint().AuthURL
o.RedeemURL = provider.Endpoint().TokenURL
if o.Scope == "" {
o.Scope = "openid email profile"
if o.SkipJwtBearerTokens {
// If we are using an oidc provider, go ahead and add that provider to the list
if o.oidcVerifier != nil {
o.jwtBearerVerifiers = append(o.jwtBearerVerifiers, o.oidcVerifier)
// Configure extra issuers
if len(o.ExtraJwtIssuers) > 0 {
var jwtIssuers []jwtIssuer
jwtIssuers, msgs = parseJwtIssuers(o.ExtraJwtIssuers, msgs)
for _, jwtIssuer := range jwtIssuers {
verifier, err := newVerifierFromJwtIssuer(jwtIssuer)
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("error building verifiers: %s", err))
o.jwtBearerVerifiers = append(o.jwtBearerVerifiers, verifier)
o.redirectURL, msgs = parseURL(o.RedirectURL, "redirect", msgs)
for _, u := range o.Upstreams {
@ -309,19 +194,18 @@ func (o *Options) Validate() error {
msgs = parseProviderInfo(o, msgs)
var cipher *encryption.Cipher
if o.PassAccessToken || o.SetAuthorization || o.PassAuthorization || (o.CookieRefresh != time.Duration(0)) {
validCookieSecretSize := false
if o.PassAccessToken || (o.CookieRefresh != time.Duration(0)) {
valid_cookie_secret_size := false
for _, i := range []int{16, 24, 32} {
if len(secretBytes(o.CookieSecret)) == i {
validCookieSecretSize = true
valid_cookie_secret_size = true
var decoded bool
if string(secretBytes(o.CookieSecret)) != o.CookieSecret {
decoded = true
if validCookieSecretSize == false {
if valid_cookie_secret_size == false {
var suffix string
if decoded {
suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" note: cookie secret was base64 decoded from %q", o.CookieSecret)
@ -332,23 +216,9 @@ func (o *Options) Validate() error {
"pass_access_token == true or "+
"cookie_refresh != 0, but is %d bytes.%s",
len(secretBytes(o.CookieSecret)), suffix))
} else {
var err error
cipher, err = encryption.NewCipher(secretBytes(o.CookieSecret))
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("cookie-secret error: %v", err))
o.SessionOptions.Cipher = cipher
sessionStore, err := sessions.NewSessionStore(&o.SessionOptions, &o.CookieOptions)
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("error initialising session storage: %v", err))
} else {
o.sessionStore = sessionStore
if o.CookieRefresh >= o.CookieExpire {
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf(
"cookie_refresh (%s) must be less than "+
@ -371,7 +241,6 @@ func (o *Options) Validate() error {
msgs = parseSignatureKey(o, msgs)
msgs = validateCookieName(o, msgs)
msgs = setupLogger(o, msgs)
if len(msgs) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid configuration:\n %s",
@ -399,8 +268,6 @@ func parseProviderInfo(o *Options, msgs []string) []string {
case *providers.GitHubProvider:
p.SetOrgTeam(o.GitHubOrg, o.GitHubTeam)
case *providers.KeycloakProvider:
case *providers.GoogleProvider:
if o.GoogleServiceAccountJSON != "" {
file, err := os.Open(o.GoogleServiceAccountJSON)
@ -410,70 +277,12 @@ func parseProviderInfo(o *Options, msgs []string) []string {
p.SetGroupRestriction(o.GoogleGroups, o.GoogleAdminEmail, file)
case *providers.BitbucketProvider:
case *providers.OIDCProvider:
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = o.InsecureOIDCAllowUnverifiedEmail
if o.oidcVerifier == nil {
msgs = append(msgs, "oidc provider requires an oidc issuer URL")
} else {
p.Verifier = o.oidcVerifier
case *providers.GitLabProvider:
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = o.InsecureOIDCAllowUnverifiedEmail
p.Group = o.GitLabGroup
p.EmailDomains = o.EmailDomains
if o.oidcVerifier != nil {
p.Verifier = o.oidcVerifier
} else {
// Initialize with default verifier for
ctx := context.Background()
provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, "failed to initialize oidc provider for")
} else {
p.Verifier = provider.Verifier(&oidc.Config{
ClientID: o.ClientID,
p.LoginURL, msgs = parseURL(provider.Endpoint().AuthURL, "login", msgs)
p.RedeemURL, msgs = parseURL(provider.Endpoint().TokenURL, "redeem", msgs)
case *providers.LoginGovProvider:
p.AcrValues = o.AcrValues
p.PubJWKURL, msgs = parseURL(o.PubJWKURL, "pubjwk", msgs)
// JWT key can be supplied via env variable or file in the filesystem, but not both.
switch {
case o.JWTKey != "" && o.JWTKeyFile != "":
msgs = append(msgs, "cannot set both jwt-key and jwt-key-file options")
case o.JWTKey == "" && o.JWTKeyFile == "":
msgs = append(msgs, " provider requires a private key for signing JWTs")
case o.JWTKey != "":
// The JWT Key is in the commandline argument
signKey, err := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM([]byte(o.JWTKey))
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, "could not parse RSA Private Key PEM")
} else {
p.JWTKey = signKey
case o.JWTKeyFile != "":
// The JWT key is in the filesystem
keyData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(o.JWTKeyFile)
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, "could not read key file: "+o.JWTKeyFile)
signKey, err := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(keyData)
if err != nil {
msgs = append(msgs, "could not parse private key from PEM file:"+o.JWTKeyFile)
} else {
p.JWTKey = signKey
return msgs
@ -490,53 +299,13 @@ func parseSignatureKey(o *Options, msgs []string) []string {
algorithm, secretKey := components[0], components[1]
var hash crypto.Hash
var err error
if hash, err = hmacauth.DigestNameToCryptoHash(algorithm); err != nil {
if hash, err := hmacauth.DigestNameToCryptoHash(algorithm); err != nil {
return append(msgs, "unsupported signature hash algorithm: "+
o.signatureData = &SignatureData{hash: hash, key: secretKey}
return msgs
// parseJwtIssuers takes in an array of strings in the form of issuer=audience
// and parses to an array of jwtIssuer structs.
func parseJwtIssuers(issuers []string, msgs []string) ([]jwtIssuer, []string) {
var parsedIssuers []jwtIssuer
for _, jwtVerifier := range issuers {
components := strings.Split(jwtVerifier, "=")
if len(components) < 2 {
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("invalid jwt verifier uri=audience spec: %s", jwtVerifier))
uri, audience := components[0], strings.Join(components[1:], "=")
parsedIssuers = append(parsedIssuers, jwtIssuer{issuerURI: uri, audience: audience})
return parsedIssuers, msgs
// newVerifierFromJwtIssuer takes in issuer information in jwtIssuer info and returns
// a verifier for that issuer.
func newVerifierFromJwtIssuer(jwtIssuer jwtIssuer) (*oidc.IDTokenVerifier, error) {
config := &oidc.Config{
ClientID: jwtIssuer.audience,
// Try as an OpenID Connect Provider first
var verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(context.Background(), jwtIssuer.issuerURI)
if err != nil {
// Try as JWKS URI
jwksURI := strings.TrimSuffix(jwtIssuer.issuerURI, "/") + "/.well-known/jwks.json"
_, err := http.NewRequest("GET", jwksURI, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
verifier = oidc.NewVerifier(jwtIssuer.issuerURI, oidc.NewRemoteKeySet(context.Background(), jwksURI), config)
} else {
verifier = provider.Verifier(config)
o.signatureData = &SignatureData{hash, secretKey}
return verifier, nil
return msgs
func validateCookieName(o *Options, msgs []string) []string {
@ -569,57 +338,3 @@ func secretBytes(secret string) []byte {
return []byte(secret)
func setupLogger(o *Options, msgs []string) []string {
// Setup the log file
if len(o.LoggingFilename) > 0 {
// Validate that the file/dir can be written
file, err := os.OpenFile(o.LoggingFilename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
if os.IsPermission(err) {
return append(msgs, "unable to write to log file: "+o.LoggingFilename)
logger.Printf("Redirecting logging to file: %s", o.LoggingFilename)
logWriter := &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: o.LoggingFilename,
MaxSize: o.LoggingMaxSize, // megabytes
MaxAge: o.LoggingMaxAge, // days
MaxBackups: o.LoggingMaxBackups,
LocalTime: o.LoggingLocalTime,
Compress: o.LoggingCompress,
// Supply a sanity warning to the logger if all logging is disabled
if !o.StandardLogging && !o.AuthLogging && !o.RequestLogging {
logger.Print("Warning: Logging disabled. No further logs will be shown.")
// Pass configuration values to the standard logger
excludePaths := make([]string, 0)
excludePaths = append(excludePaths, strings.Split(o.ExcludeLoggingPaths, ",")...)
if o.SilencePingLogging {
excludePaths = append(excludePaths, o.PingPath)
if !o.LoggingLocalTime {
logger.SetFlags(logger.Flags() | logger.LUTC)
return msgs
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ func TestProxyURLs(t *testing.T) {
o.Upstreams = append(o.Upstreams, "")
assert.Equal(t, nil, o.Validate())
expected := []*url.URL{
{Scheme: "http", Host: "", Path: "/"},
&url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "", Path: "/"},
// note the '/' was added
{Scheme: "http", Host: "", Path: "/"},
&url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "", Path: "/"},
assert.Equal(t, expected, o.proxyURLs)
@ -251,26 +251,3 @@ func TestValidateCookieBadName(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), "Invalid configuration:\n"+
fmt.Sprintf(" invalid cookie name: %q", o.CookieName))
func TestSkipOIDCDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
o := testOptions()
o.Provider = "oidc"
o.OIDCIssuerURL = ""
o.SkipOIDCDiscovery = true
err := o.Validate()
assert.Equal(t, "Invalid configuration:\n"+
fmt.Sprintf(" missing setting: login-url\n missing setting: redeem-url\n missing setting: oidc-jwks-url"), err.Error())
o.LoginURL = ""
o.RedeemURL = ""
o.OIDCJwksURL = ""
assert.Equal(t, nil, o.Validate())
func TestGCPHealthcheck(t *testing.T) {
o := testOptions()
o.GCPHealthChecks = true
assert.Equal(t, nil, o.Validate())
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package options
import "time"
// CookieOptions contains configuration options relating to Cookie configuration
type CookieOptions struct {
CookieName string `flag:"cookie-name" cfg:"cookie_name" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_NAME"`
CookieSecret string `flag:"cookie-secret" cfg:"cookie_secret" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET"`
CookieDomain string `flag:"cookie-domain" cfg:"cookie_domain" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_DOMAIN"`
CookiePath string `flag:"cookie-path" cfg:"cookie_path" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_PATH"`
CookieExpire time.Duration `flag:"cookie-expire" cfg:"cookie_expire" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_EXPIRE"`
CookieRefresh time.Duration `flag:"cookie-refresh" cfg:"cookie_refresh" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_REFRESH"`
CookieSecure bool `flag:"cookie-secure" cfg:"cookie_secure" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECURE"`
CookieHTTPOnly bool `flag:"cookie-httponly" cfg:"cookie_httponly" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_HTTPONLY"`
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package options
import ""
// SessionOptions contains configuration options for the SessionStore providers.
type SessionOptions struct {
Type string `flag:"session-store-type" cfg:"session_store_type" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_SESSION_STORE_TYPE"`
Cipher *encryption.Cipher
// CookieSessionStoreType is used to indicate the CookieSessionStore should be
// used for storing sessions.
var CookieSessionStoreType = "cookie"
// CookieStoreOptions contains configuration options for the CookieSessionStore.
type CookieStoreOptions struct{}
// RedisSessionStoreType is used to indicate the RedisSessionStore should be
// used for storing sessions.
var RedisSessionStoreType = "redis"
// RedisStoreOptions contains configuration options for the RedisSessionStore.
type RedisStoreOptions struct {
RedisConnectionURL string `flag:"redis-connection-url" cfg:"redis_connection_url" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIS_CONNECTION_URL"`
UseSentinel bool `flag:"redis-use-sentinel" cfg:"redis_use_sentinel" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIS_USE_SENTINEL"`
SentinelMasterName string `flag:"redis-sentinel-master-name" cfg:"redis_sentinel_master_name" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER_NAME"`
SentinelConnectionURLs []string `flag:"redis-sentinel-connection-urls" cfg:"redis_sentinel_connection_urls" env:"OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIS_SENTINEL_CONNECTION_URLS"`
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
package sessions
import (
// SessionStore is an interface to storing user sessions in the proxy
type SessionStore interface {
Save(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, s *SessionState) error
Load(req *http.Request) (*SessionState, error)
Clear(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error
@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
package sessions
import (
// SessionState is used to store information about the currently authenticated user session
type SessionState struct {
AccessToken string `json:",omitempty"`
IDToken string `json:",omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
ExpiresOn time.Time `json:"-"`
RefreshToken string `json:",omitempty"`
Email string `json:",omitempty"`
User string `json:",omitempty"`
// SessionStateJSON is used to encode SessionState into JSON without exposing time.Time zero value
type SessionStateJSON struct {
CreatedAt *time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
ExpiresOn *time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
// IsExpired checks whether the session has expired
func (s *SessionState) IsExpired() bool {
if !s.ExpiresOn.IsZero() && s.ExpiresOn.Before(time.Now()) {
return true
return false
// Age returns the age of a session
func (s *SessionState) Age() time.Duration {
if !s.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
return time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).Sub(s.CreatedAt)
return 0
// String constructs a summary of the session state
func (s *SessionState) String() string {
o := fmt.Sprintf("Session{email:%s user:%s", s.Email, s.User)
if s.AccessToken != "" {
o += " token:true"
if s.IDToken != "" {
o += " id_token:true"
if !s.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
o += fmt.Sprintf(" created:%s", s.CreatedAt)
if !s.ExpiresOn.IsZero() {
o += fmt.Sprintf(" expires:%s", s.ExpiresOn)
if s.RefreshToken != "" {
o += " refresh_token:true"
return o + "}"
// EncodeSessionState returns string representation of the current session
func (s *SessionState) EncodeSessionState(c *encryption.Cipher) (string, error) {
var ss SessionState
if c == nil {
// Store only Email and User when cipher is unavailable
ss.Email = s.Email
ss.User = s.User
} else {
ss = *s
var err error
if ss.Email != "" {
ss.Email, err = c.Encrypt(ss.Email)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ss.User != "" {
ss.User, err = c.Encrypt(ss.User)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ss.AccessToken != "" {
ss.AccessToken, err = c.Encrypt(ss.AccessToken)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ss.IDToken != "" {
ss.IDToken, err = c.Encrypt(ss.IDToken)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ss.RefreshToken != "" {
ss.RefreshToken, err = c.Encrypt(ss.RefreshToken)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Embed SessionState and ExpiresOn pointer into SessionStateJSON
ssj := &SessionStateJSON{SessionState: &ss}
if !ss.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
ssj.CreatedAt = &ss.CreatedAt
if !ss.ExpiresOn.IsZero() {
ssj.ExpiresOn = &ss.ExpiresOn
b, err := json.Marshal(ssj)
return string(b), err
// legacyDecodeSessionStatePlain decodes older plain session state string
func legacyDecodeSessionStatePlain(v string) (*SessionState, error) {
chunks := strings.Split(v, " ")
if len(chunks) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid session state (legacy: expected 2 chunks for user/email got %d)", len(chunks))
user := strings.TrimPrefix(chunks[1], "user:")
email := strings.TrimPrefix(chunks[0], "email:")
return &SessionState{User: user, Email: email}, nil
// legacyDecodeSessionState attempts to decode the session state string
// generated by v3.1.0 or older
func legacyDecodeSessionState(v string, c *encryption.Cipher) (*SessionState, error) {
chunks := strings.Split(v, "|")
if c == nil {
if len(chunks) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid session state (legacy: expected 1 chunk for plain got %d)", len(chunks))
return legacyDecodeSessionStatePlain(chunks[0])
if len(chunks) != 4 && len(chunks) != 5 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid session state (legacy: expected 4 or 5 chunks for full got %d)", len(chunks))
i := 0
ss, err := legacyDecodeSessionStatePlain(chunks[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ss.AccessToken = chunks[i]
if len(chunks) == 5 {
// SessionState with IDToken in v3.1.0
ss.IDToken = chunks[i]
ts, err := strconv.Atoi(chunks[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid session state (legacy: wrong expiration time: %s)", err)
ss.ExpiresOn = time.Unix(int64(ts), 0)
ss.RefreshToken = chunks[i]
return ss, nil
// DecodeSessionState decodes the session cookie string into a SessionState
func DecodeSessionState(v string, c *encryption.Cipher) (*SessionState, error) {
var ssj SessionStateJSON
var ss *SessionState
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &ssj)
if err == nil && ssj.SessionState != nil {
// Extract SessionState and CreatedAt,ExpiresOn value from SessionStateJSON
ss = ssj.SessionState
if ssj.CreatedAt != nil {
ss.CreatedAt = *ssj.CreatedAt
if ssj.ExpiresOn != nil {
ss.ExpiresOn = *ssj.ExpiresOn
} else {
// Try to decode a legacy string when json.Unmarshal failed
ss, err = legacyDecodeSessionState(v, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c == nil {
// Load only Email and User when cipher is unavailable
ss = &SessionState{
Email: ss.Email,
User: ss.User,
} else {
// Backward compatibility with using unencrypted Email
if ss.Email != "" {
decryptedEmail, errEmail := c.Decrypt(ss.Email)
if errEmail == nil {
ss.Email = decryptedEmail
// Backward compatibility with using unencrypted User
if ss.User != "" {
decryptedUser, errUser := c.Decrypt(ss.User)
if errUser == nil {
ss.User = decryptedUser
if ss.AccessToken != "" {
ss.AccessToken, err = c.Decrypt(ss.AccessToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ss.IDToken != "" {
ss.IDToken, err = c.Decrypt(ss.IDToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ss.RefreshToken != "" {
ss.RefreshToken, err = c.Decrypt(ss.RefreshToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ss.User == "" {
ss.User = ss.Email
return ss, nil
@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
package sessions_test
import (
const secret = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
const altSecret = "0000000000abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
func TestSessionStateSerialization(t *testing.T) {
c, err := encryption.NewCipher([]byte(secret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
c2, err := encryption.NewCipher([]byte(altSecret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
s := &sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
IDToken: "rawtoken1234",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(c)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
ss, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(encoded, c)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, s.IDToken, ss.IDToken)
assert.Equal(t, s.CreatedAt.Unix(), ss.CreatedAt.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
// ensure a different cipher can't decode properly (ie: it gets gibberish)
ss, err = sessions.DecodeSessionState(encoded, c2)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, "", ss.User)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.CreatedAt.Unix(), ss.CreatedAt.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.NotEqual(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.IDToken, ss.IDToken)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateSerializationWithUser(t *testing.T) {
c, err := encryption.NewCipher([]byte(secret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
c2, err := encryption.NewCipher([]byte(altSecret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
s := &sessions.SessionState{
User: "just-user",
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(c)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
ss, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(encoded, c)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, s.User, ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, s.CreatedAt.Unix(), ss.CreatedAt.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
// ensure a different cipher can't decode properly (ie: it gets gibberish)
ss, err = sessions.DecodeSessionState(encoded, c2)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.User, ss.User)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.CreatedAt.Unix(), ss.CreatedAt.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.NotEqual(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateSerializationNoCipher(t *testing.T) {
s := &sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
// only email should have been serialized
ss, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(encoded, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateSerializationNoCipherWithUser(t *testing.T) {
s := &sessions.SessionState{
User: "just-user",
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
// only email should have been serialized
ss, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(encoded, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, s.User, ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.RefreshToken)
func TestExpired(t *testing.T) {
s := &sessions.SessionState{ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(-1) * time.Minute)}
assert.Equal(t, true, s.IsExpired())
s = &sessions.SessionState{ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Minute)}
assert.Equal(t, false, s.IsExpired())
s = &sessions.SessionState{}
assert.Equal(t, false, s.IsExpired())
type testCase struct {
Encoded string
Cipher *encryption.Cipher
Error bool
// TestEncodeSessionState tests EncodeSessionState with the test vector
// Currently only tests without cipher here because we have no way to mock
// the random generator used in EncodeSessionState.
func TestEncodeSessionState(t *testing.T) {
c := time.Now()
e := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour)
testCases := []testCase{
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
Encoded: `{"Email":"","User":"just-user"}`,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
AccessToken: "token1234",
IDToken: "rawtoken1234",
CreatedAt: c,
ExpiresOn: e,
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
Encoded: `{"Email":"","User":"just-user"}`,
for i, tc := range testCases {
encoded, err := tc.EncodeSessionState(tc.Cipher)
t.Logf("i:%d Encoded:%#vsessions.SessionState:%#v Error:%#v", i, encoded, tc.SessionState, err)
if tc.Error {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, encoded)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.JSONEq(t, tc.Encoded, encoded)
// TestDecodeSessionState testssessions.DecodeSessionState with the test vector
func TestDecodeSessionState(t *testing.T) {
created := time.Now()
createdJSON, _ := created.MarshalJSON()
createdString := string(createdJSON)
e := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour)
eJSON, _ := e.MarshalJSON()
eString := string(eJSON)
eUnix := e.Unix()
c, err := encryption.NewCipher([]byte(secret))
assert.NoError(t, err)
testCases := []testCase{
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
Encoded: `{"Email":"","User":"just-user"}`,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "",
Encoded: `{"Email":""}`,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
User: "just-user",
Encoded: `{"User":"just-user"}`,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
Encoded: fmt.Sprintf(`{"Email":"","User":"just-user","AccessToken":"I6s+ml+/MldBMgHIiC35BTKTh57skGX24w==","IDToken":"xojNdyyjB1HgYWh6XMtXY/Ph5eCVxa1cNsklJw==","RefreshToken":"qEX0x6RmASxo4dhlBG6YuRs9Syn/e9sHu/+K","CreatedAt":%s,"ExpiresOn":%s}`, createdString, eString),
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
AccessToken: "token1234",
IDToken: "rawtoken1234",
CreatedAt: created,
ExpiresOn: e,
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
Encoded: fmt.Sprintf(`{"Email":"FsKKYrTWZWrxSOAqA/fTNAUZS5QWCqOBjuAbBlbVOw==","User":"rT6JP3dxQhxUhkWrrd7yt6c1mDVyQCVVxw==","AccessToken":"I6s+ml+/MldBMgHIiC35BTKTh57skGX24w==","IDToken":"xojNdyyjB1HgYWh6XMtXY/Ph5eCVxa1cNsklJw==","RefreshToken":"qEX0x6RmASxo4dhlBG6YuRs9Syn/e9sHu/+K","CreatedAt":%s,"ExpiresOn":%s}`, createdString, eString),
Cipher: c,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
Encoded: `{"Email":"EGTllJcOFC16b7LBYzLekaHAC5SMMSPdyUrg8hd25g==","User":"rT6JP3dxQhxUhkWrrd7yt6c1mDVyQCVVxw=="}`,
Cipher: c,
Encoded: `{"Email":"","User":"just-user","AccessToken":"X"}`,
Cipher: c,
Error: true,
Encoded: `{"Email":"","User":"just-user","IDToken":"XXXX"}`,
Cipher: c,
Error: true,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
User: "just-user",
Email: "",
Encoded: " user:just-user",
Encoded: " user:just-user||||",
Error: true,
Encoded: " user:just-user",
Cipher: c,
Error: true,
Encoded: " user:just-user|||99999999999999999999|",
Cipher: c,
Error: true,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
AccessToken: "token1234",
ExpiresOn: e,
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
Encoded: fmt.Sprintf(" user:just-user|I6s+ml+/MldBMgHIiC35BTKTh57skGX24w==|%d|qEX0x6RmASxo4dhlBG6YuRs9Syn/e9sHu/+K", eUnix),
Cipher: c,
SessionState: sessions.SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
AccessToken: "token1234",
IDToken: "rawtoken1234",
ExpiresOn: e,
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
Encoded: fmt.Sprintf(" user:just-user|I6s+ml+/MldBMgHIiC35BTKTh57skGX24w==|xojNdyyjB1HgYWh6XMtXY/Ph5eCVxa1cNsklJw==|%d|qEX0x6RmASxo4dhlBG6YuRs9Syn/e9sHu/+K", eUnix),
Cipher: c,
for i, tc := range testCases {
ss, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(tc.Encoded, tc.Cipher)
t.Logf("i:%d Encoded:%#vsessions.SessionState:%#v Error:%#v", i, tc.Encoded, ss, err)
if tc.Error {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, ss)
assert.NoError(t, err)
if assert.NotNil(t, ss) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.User, ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, tc.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, tc.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
assert.Equal(t, tc.IDToken, ss.IDToken)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
func TestSessionStateAge(t *testing.T) {
ss := &sessions.SessionState{}
// Created at unset so should be 0
assert.Equal(t, time.Duration(0), ss.Age())
// Set CreatedAt to 1 hour ago
ss.CreatedAt = time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour)
assert.Equal(t, time.Hour, ss.Age().Round(time.Minute))
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package cookies
import (
// MakeCookie constructs a cookie from the given parameters,
// discovering the domain from the request if not specified.
func MakeCookie(req *http.Request, name string, value string, path string, domain string, httpOnly bool, secure bool, expiration time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie {
if domain != "" {
host := req.Host
if h, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host); err == nil {
host = h
if !strings.HasSuffix(host, domain) {
logger.Printf("Warning: request host is %q but using configured cookie domain of %q", host, domain)
return &http.Cookie{
Name: name,
Value: value,
Path: path,
Domain: domain,
HttpOnly: httpOnly,
Secure: secure,
Expires: now.Add(expiration),
// MakeCookieFromOptions constructs a cookie based on the givemn *options.CookieOptions,
// value and creation time
func MakeCookieFromOptions(req *http.Request, name string, value string, opts *options.CookieOptions, expiration time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie {
return MakeCookie(req, name, value, opts.CookiePath, opts.CookieDomain, opts.CookieHTTPOnly, opts.CookieSecure, expiration, now)
@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
package logger
import (
// AuthStatus defines the different types of auth logging that occur
type AuthStatus string
const (
// DefaultStandardLoggingFormat defines the default standard log format
DefaultStandardLoggingFormat = "[{{.Timestamp}}] [{{.File}}] {{.Message}}"
// DefaultAuthLoggingFormat defines the default auth log format
DefaultAuthLoggingFormat = "{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] [{{.Status}}] {{.Message}}"
// DefaultRequestLoggingFormat defines the default request log format
DefaultRequestLoggingFormat = "{{.Client}} - {{.Username}} [{{.Timestamp}}] {{.Host}} {{.RequestMethod}} {{.Upstream}} {{.RequestURI}} {{.Protocol}} {{.UserAgent}} {{.StatusCode}} {{.ResponseSize}} {{.RequestDuration}}"
// AuthSuccess indicates that an auth attempt has succeeded explicitly
AuthSuccess AuthStatus = "AuthSuccess"
// AuthFailure indicates that an auth attempt has failed explicitly
AuthFailure AuthStatus = "AuthFailure"
// AuthError indicates that an auth attempt has failed due to an error
AuthError AuthStatus = "AuthError"
// Llongfile flag to log full file name and line number: /a/b/c/d.go:23
Llongfile = 1 << iota
// Lshortfile flag to log final file name element and line number: d.go:23. overrides Llongfile
// LUTC flag to log UTC datetime rather than the local time zone
// LstdFlags flag for initial values for the logger
LstdFlags = Lshortfile
// These are the containers for all values that are available as variables in the logging formats.
// All values are pre-formatted strings so it is easy to use them in the format string.
type stdLogMessageData struct {
Message string
type authLogMessageData struct {
Message string
type reqLogMessageData struct {
Username string
// A Logger represents an active logging object that generates lines of
// output to an io.Writer passed through a formatter. Each logging
// operation makes a single call to the Writer's Write method. A Logger
// can be used simultaneously from multiple goroutines; it guarantees to
// serialize access to the Writer.
type Logger struct {
mu sync.Mutex
flag int
writer io.Writer
stdEnabled bool
authEnabled bool
reqEnabled bool
excludePaths map[string]struct{}
stdLogTemplate *template.Template
authTemplate *template.Template
reqTemplate *template.Template
// New creates a new Standarderr Logger.
func New(flag int) *Logger {
return &Logger{
writer: os.Stderr,
flag: flag,
stdEnabled: true,
authEnabled: true,
reqEnabled: true,
excludePaths: nil,
stdLogTemplate: template.Must(template.New("std-log").Parse(DefaultStandardLoggingFormat)),
authTemplate: template.Must(template.New("auth-log").Parse(DefaultAuthLoggingFormat)),
reqTemplate: template.Must(template.New("req-log").Parse(DefaultRequestLoggingFormat)),
var std = New(LstdFlags)
// Output a standard log template with a simple message.
// Write a final newline at the end of every message.
func (l *Logger) Output(calldepth int, message string) {
if !l.stdEnabled {
now := time.Now()
file := "???:0"
if l.flag&(Lshortfile|Llongfile) != 0 {
file = l.GetFileLineString(calldepth + 1)
l.stdLogTemplate.Execute(l.writer, stdLogMessageData{
Timestamp: FormatTimestamp(now),
File: file,
Message: message,
// PrintAuth writes auth info to the logger. Requires an http.Request to
// log request details. Remaining arguments are handled in the manner of
// fmt.Sprintf. Writes a final newline to the end of every message.
func (l *Logger) PrintAuth(username string, req *http.Request, status AuthStatus, format string, a ...interface{}) {
if !l.authEnabled {
now := time.Now()
if username == "" {
username = "-"
client := GetClient(req)
l.authTemplate.Execute(l.writer, authLogMessageData{
Client: client,
Host: req.Host,
Protocol: req.Proto,
RequestMethod: req.Method,
Timestamp: FormatTimestamp(now),
UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("%q", req.UserAgent()),
Username: username,
Status: fmt.Sprintf("%s", status),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...),
// PrintReq writes request details to the Logger using the http.Request,
// url, and timestamp of the request. Writes a final newline to the end
// of every message.
func (l *Logger) PrintReq(username, upstream string, req *http.Request, url url.URL, ts time.Time, status int, size int) {
if !l.reqEnabled {
if _, ok := l.excludePaths[url.Path]; ok {
duration := float64(time.Now().Sub(ts)) / float64(time.Second)
if username == "" {
username = "-"
if upstream == "" {
upstream = "-"
if url.User != nil && username == "-" {
if name := url.User.Username(); name != "" {
username = name
client := GetClient(req)
l.reqTemplate.Execute(l.writer, reqLogMessageData{
Client: client,
Host: req.Host,
Protocol: req.Proto,
RequestDuration: fmt.Sprintf("%0.3f", duration),
RequestMethod: req.Method,
RequestURI: fmt.Sprintf("%q", url.RequestURI()),
ResponseSize: fmt.Sprintf("%d", size),
StatusCode: fmt.Sprintf("%d", status),
Timestamp: FormatTimestamp(ts),
Upstream: upstream,
UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("%q", req.UserAgent()),
Username: username,
// GetFileLineString will find the caller file and line number
// taking in to account the calldepth to iterate up the stack
// to find the non-logging call location.
func (l *Logger) GetFileLineString(calldepth int) string {
var file string
var line int
var ok bool
_, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(calldepth)
if !ok {
file = "???"
line = 0
if l.flag&Lshortfile != 0 {
short := file
for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if file[i] == '/' {
short = file[i+1:]
file = short
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
// GetClient parses an HTTP request for the client/remote IP address.
func GetClient(req *http.Request) string {
client := req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")
if client == "" {
client = req.RemoteAddr
if c, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(client); err == nil {
client = c
return client
// FormatTimestamp returns a formatted timestamp.
func (l *Logger) FormatTimestamp(ts time.Time) string {
if l.flag&LUTC != 0 {
ts = ts.UTC()
return ts.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05")
// Flags returns the output flags for the logger.
func (l *Logger) Flags() int {
return l.flag
// SetFlags sets the output flags for the logger.
func (l *Logger) SetFlags(flag int) {
l.flag = flag
// SetStandardEnabled enables or disables standard logging.
func (l *Logger) SetStandardEnabled(e bool) {
l.stdEnabled = e
// SetAuthEnabled enables or disables auth logging.
func (l *Logger) SetAuthEnabled(e bool) {
l.authEnabled = e
// SetReqEnabled enabled or disables request logging.
func (l *Logger) SetReqEnabled(e bool) {
l.reqEnabled = e
// SetExcludePaths sets the paths to exclude from logging.
func (l *Logger) SetExcludePaths(s []string) {
l.excludePaths = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, p := range s {
l.excludePaths[p] = struct{}{}
// SetStandardTemplate sets the template for standard logging.
func (l *Logger) SetStandardTemplate(t string) {
l.stdLogTemplate = template.Must(template.New("std-log").Parse(t))
// SetAuthTemplate sets the template for auth logging.
func (l *Logger) SetAuthTemplate(t string) {
l.authTemplate = template.Must(template.New("auth-log").Parse(t))
// SetReqTemplate sets the template for request logging.
func (l *Logger) SetReqTemplate(t string) {
l.reqTemplate = template.Must(template.New("req-log").Parse(t))
// These functions utilize the standard logger.
// FormatTimestamp returns a formatted timestamp for the standard logger.
func FormatTimestamp(ts time.Time) string {
return std.FormatTimestamp(ts)
// Flags returns the output flags for the standard logger.
func Flags() int {
return std.Flags()
// SetFlags sets the output flags for the standard logger.
func SetFlags(flag int) {
// SetOutput sets the output destination for the standard logger.
func SetOutput(w io.Writer) {
std.writer = w
// SetStandardEnabled enables or disables standard logging for the
// standard logger.
func SetStandardEnabled(e bool) {
// SetAuthEnabled enables or disables auth logging for the standard
// logger.
func SetAuthEnabled(e bool) {
// SetReqEnabled enables or disables request logging for the
// standard logger.
func SetReqEnabled(e bool) {
// SetExcludePaths sets the path to exclude from logging, eg: health checks
func SetExcludePaths(s []string) {
// SetStandardTemplate sets the template for standard logging for
// the standard logger.
func SetStandardTemplate(t string) {
// SetAuthTemplate sets the template for auth logging for the
// standard logger.
func SetAuthTemplate(t string) {
// SetReqTemplate sets the template for request logging for the
// standard logger.
func SetReqTemplate(t string) {
// Print calls Output to print to the standard logger.
// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
func Print(v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprint(v...))
// Printf calls Output to print to the standard logger.
// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
func Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Println calls Output to print to the standard logger.
// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
func Println(v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v...))
// Fatal is equivalent to Print() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func Fatal(v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprint(v...))
// Fatalf is equivalent to Printf() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Fatalln is equivalent to Println() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func Fatalln(v ...interface{}) {
std.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v...))
// Panic is equivalent to Print() followed by a call to panic().
func Panic(v ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprint(v...)
std.Output(2, s)
// Panicf is equivalent to Printf() followed by a call to panic().
func Panicf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
std.Output(2, s)
// Panicln is equivalent to Println() followed by a call to panic().
func Panicln(v ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprintln(v...)
std.Output(2, s)
// PrintAuthf writes authentication details to the standard logger.
// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
func PrintAuthf(username string, req *http.Request, status AuthStatus, format string, a ...interface{}) {
std.PrintAuth(username, req, status, format, a...)
// PrintReq writes request details to the standard logger.
func PrintReq(username, upstream string, req *http.Request, url url.URL, ts time.Time, status int, size int) {
std.PrintReq(username, upstream, req, url, ts, status, size)
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
package cookie
import (
const (
// Cookies are limited to 4kb including the length of the cookie name,
// the cookie name can be up to 256 bytes
maxCookieLength = 3840
// Ensure CookieSessionStore implements the interface
var _ sessions.SessionStore = &SessionStore{}
// SessionStore is an implementation of the sessions.SessionStore
// interface that stores sessions in client side cookies
type SessionStore struct {
CookieOptions *options.CookieOptions
CookieCipher *encryption.Cipher
// Save takes a sessions.SessionState and stores the information from it
// within Cookies set on the HTTP response writer
func (s *SessionStore) Save(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ss *sessions.SessionState) error {
if ss.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
ss.CreatedAt = time.Now()
value, err := utils.CookieForSession(ss, s.CookieCipher)
if err != nil {
return err
s.setSessionCookie(rw, req, value, ss.CreatedAt)
return nil
// Load reads sessions.SessionState information from Cookies within the
// HTTP request object
func (s *SessionStore) Load(req *http.Request) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
c, err := loadCookie(req, s.CookieOptions.CookieName)
if err != nil {
// always http.ErrNoCookie
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cookie %q not present", s.CookieOptions.CookieName)
val, _, ok := encryption.Validate(c, s.CookieOptions.CookieSecret, s.CookieOptions.CookieExpire)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("Cookie Signature not valid")
session, err := utils.SessionFromCookie(val, s.CookieCipher)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return session, nil
// Clear clears any saved session information by writing a cookie to
// clear the session
func (s *SessionStore) Clear(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
var cookies []*http.Cookie
// matches CookieName, CookieName_<number>
var cookieNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s(_\\d+)?$", s.CookieOptions.CookieName))
for _, c := range req.Cookies() {
if cookieNameRegex.MatchString(c.Name) {
clearCookie := s.makeCookie(req, c.Name, "", time.Hour*-1, time.Now())
http.SetCookie(rw, clearCookie)
cookies = append(cookies, clearCookie)
return nil
// setSessionCookie adds the user's session cookie to the response
func (s *SessionStore) setSessionCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, val string, created time.Time) {
for _, c := range s.makeSessionCookie(req, val, created) {
http.SetCookie(rw, c)
// makeSessionCookie creates an http.Cookie containing the authenticated user's
// authentication details
func (s *SessionStore) makeSessionCookie(req *http.Request, value string, now time.Time) []*http.Cookie {
if value != "" {
value = encryption.SignedValue(s.CookieOptions.CookieSecret, s.CookieOptions.CookieName, value, now)
c := s.makeCookie(req, s.CookieOptions.CookieName, value, s.CookieOptions.CookieExpire, now)
if len(c.Value) > 4096-len(s.CookieOptions.CookieName) {
return splitCookie(c)
return []*http.Cookie{c}
func (s *SessionStore) makeCookie(req *http.Request, name string, value string, expiration time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie {
return cookies.MakeCookieFromOptions(
// NewCookieSessionStore initialises a new instance of the SessionStore from
// the configuration given
func NewCookieSessionStore(opts *options.SessionOptions, cookieOpts *options.CookieOptions) (sessions.SessionStore, error) {
return &SessionStore{
CookieCipher: opts.Cipher,
CookieOptions: cookieOpts,
}, nil
// splitCookie reads the full cookie generated to store the session and splits
// it into a slice of cookies which fit within the 4kb cookie limit indexing
// the cookies from 0
func splitCookie(c *http.Cookie) []*http.Cookie {
if len(c.Value) < maxCookieLength {
return []*http.Cookie{c}
cookies := []*http.Cookie{}
valueBytes := []byte(c.Value)
count := 0
for len(valueBytes) > 0 {
new := copyCookie(c)
new.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", c.Name, count)
if len(valueBytes) < maxCookieLength {
new.Value = string(valueBytes)
valueBytes = []byte{}
} else {
newValue := valueBytes[:maxCookieLength]
valueBytes = valueBytes[maxCookieLength:]
new.Value = string(newValue)
cookies = append(cookies, new)
return cookies
// loadCookie retreieves the sessions state cookie from the http request.
// If a single cookie is present this will be returned, otherwise it attempts
// to reconstruct a cookie split up by splitCookie
func loadCookie(req *http.Request, cookieName string) (*http.Cookie, error) {
c, err := req.Cookie(cookieName)
if err == nil {
return c, nil
cookies := []*http.Cookie{}
err = nil
count := 0
for err == nil {
var c *http.Cookie
c, err = req.Cookie(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", cookieName, count))
if err == nil {
cookies = append(cookies, c)
if len(cookies) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find cookie %s", cookieName)
return joinCookies(cookies)
// joinCookies takes a slice of cookies from the request and reconstructs the
// full session cookie
func joinCookies(cookies []*http.Cookie) (*http.Cookie, error) {
if len(cookies) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("list of cookies must be > 0")
if len(cookies) == 1 {
return cookies[0], nil
c := copyCookie(cookies[0])
for i := 1; i < len(cookies); i++ {
c.Value += cookies[i].Value
c.Name = strings.TrimRight(c.Name, "_0")
return c, nil
func copyCookie(c *http.Cookie) *http.Cookie {
return &http.Cookie{
Name: c.Name,
Value: c.Value,
Path: c.Path,
Domain: c.Domain,
Expires: c.Expires,
RawExpires: c.RawExpires,
MaxAge: c.MaxAge,
Secure: c.Secure,
HttpOnly: c.HttpOnly,
Raw: c.Raw,
Unparsed: c.Unparsed,
@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
package redis
import (
// TicketData is a structure representing the ticket used in server session storage
type TicketData struct {
TicketID string
Secret []byte
// SessionStore is an implementation of the sessions.SessionStore
// interface that stores sessions in redis
type SessionStore struct {
CookieCipher *encryption.Cipher
CookieOptions *options.CookieOptions
Client *redis.Client
// NewRedisSessionStore initialises a new instance of the SessionStore from
// the configuration given
func NewRedisSessionStore(opts *options.SessionOptions, cookieOpts *options.CookieOptions) (sessions.SessionStore, error) {
client, err := newRedisClient(opts.RedisStoreOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error constructing redis client: %v", err)
rs := &SessionStore{
Client: client,
CookieCipher: opts.Cipher,
CookieOptions: cookieOpts,
return rs, nil
func newRedisClient(opts options.RedisStoreOptions) (*redis.Client, error) {
if opts.UseSentinel {
client := redis.NewFailoverClient(&redis.FailoverOptions{
MasterName: opts.SentinelMasterName,
SentinelAddrs: opts.SentinelConnectionURLs,
return client, nil
opt, err := redis.ParseURL(opts.RedisConnectionURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse redis url: %s", err)
client := redis.NewClient(opt)
return client, nil
// Save takes a sessions.SessionState and stores the information from it
// to redies, and adds a new ticket cookie on the HTTP response writer
func (store *SessionStore) Save(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, s *sessions.SessionState) error {
if s.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
s.CreatedAt = time.Now()
// Old sessions that we are refreshing would have a request cookie
// New sessions don't, so we ignore the error. storeValue will check requestCookie
requestCookie, _ := req.Cookie(store.CookieOptions.CookieName)
value, err := s.EncodeSessionState(store.CookieCipher)
if err != nil {
return err
ticketString, err := store.storeValue(value, store.CookieOptions.CookieExpire, requestCookie)
if err != nil {
return err
ticketCookie := store.makeCookie(
http.SetCookie(rw, ticketCookie)
return nil
// Load reads sessions.SessionState information from a ticket
// cookie within the HTTP request object
func (store *SessionStore) Load(req *http.Request) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
requestCookie, err := req.Cookie(store.CookieOptions.CookieName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading session: %s", err)
val, _, ok := encryption.Validate(requestCookie, store.CookieOptions.CookieSecret, store.CookieOptions.CookieExpire)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cookie Signature not valid")
session, err := store.loadSessionFromString(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading session: %s", err)
return session, nil
// loadSessionFromString loads the session based on the ticket value
func (store *SessionStore) loadSessionFromString(value string) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
ticket, err := decodeTicket(store.CookieOptions.CookieName, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result, err := store.Client.Get(ticket.asHandle(store.CookieOptions.CookieName)).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resultBytes := []byte(result)
block, err := aes.NewCipher(ticket.Secret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use secret as the IV too, because each entry has it's own key
stream := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(block, ticket.Secret)
stream.XORKeyStream(resultBytes, resultBytes)
session, err := sessions.DecodeSessionState(string(resultBytes), store.CookieCipher)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return session, nil
// Clear clears any saved session information for a given ticket cookie
// from redis, and then clears the session
func (store *SessionStore) Clear(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
// We go ahead and clear the cookie first, always.
clearCookie := store.makeCookie(
http.SetCookie(rw, clearCookie)
// If there was an existing cookie we should clear the session in redis
requestCookie, err := req.Cookie(store.CookieOptions.CookieName)
if err != nil && err == http.ErrNoCookie {
// No existing cookie so can't clear redis
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving cookie: %v", err)
val, _, ok := encryption.Validate(requestCookie, store.CookieOptions.CookieSecret, store.CookieOptions.CookieExpire)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Cookie Signature not valid")
// We only return an error if we had an issue with redis
// If there's an issue decoding the ticket, ignore it
ticket, _ := decodeTicket(store.CookieOptions.CookieName, val)
if ticket != nil {
_, err := store.Client.Del(ticket.asHandle(store.CookieOptions.CookieName)).Result()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error clearing cookie from redis: %s", err)
return nil
// makeCookie makes a cookie, signing the value if present
func (store *SessionStore) makeCookie(req *http.Request, value string, expires time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie {
if value != "" {
value = encryption.SignedValue(store.CookieOptions.CookieSecret, store.CookieOptions.CookieName, value, now)
return cookies.MakeCookieFromOptions(
func (store *SessionStore) storeValue(value string, expiration time.Duration, requestCookie *http.Cookie) (string, error) {
ticket, err := store.getTicket(requestCookie)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error getting ticket: %v", err)
ciphertext := make([]byte, len(value))
block, err := aes.NewCipher(ticket.Secret)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error initiating cipher block %s", err)
// Use secret as the Initialization Vector too, because each entry has it's own key
stream := cipher.NewCFBEncrypter(block, ticket.Secret)
stream.XORKeyStream(ciphertext, []byte(value))
handle := ticket.asHandle(store.CookieOptions.CookieName)
err = store.Client.Set(handle, ciphertext, expiration).Err()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ticket.encodeTicket(store.CookieOptions.CookieName), nil
// getTicket retrieves an existing ticket from the cookie if present,
// or creates a new ticket
func (store *SessionStore) getTicket(requestCookie *http.Cookie) (*TicketData, error) {
if requestCookie == nil {
return newTicket()
// An existing cookie exists, try to retrieve the ticket
val, _, ok := encryption.Validate(requestCookie, store.CookieOptions.CookieSecret, store.CookieOptions.CookieExpire)
if !ok {
// Cookie is invalid, create a new ticket
return newTicket()
// Valid cookie, decode the ticket
ticket, err := decodeTicket(store.CookieOptions.CookieName, val)
if err != nil {
// If we can't decode the ticket we have to create a new one
return newTicket()
return ticket, nil
func newTicket() (*TicketData, error) {
rawID := make([]byte, 16)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, rawID); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new ticket ID %s", err)
// ticketID is hex encoded
ticketID := fmt.Sprintf("%x", rawID)
secret := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, secret); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create initialization vector %s", err)
ticket := &TicketData{
TicketID: ticketID,
Secret: secret,
return ticket, nil
func (ticket *TicketData) asHandle(prefix string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", prefix, ticket.TicketID)
func decodeTicket(cookieName string, ticketString string) (*TicketData, error) {
prefix := cookieName + "-"
if !strings.HasPrefix(ticketString, prefix) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode ticket handle")
trimmedTicket := strings.TrimPrefix(ticketString, prefix)
ticketParts := strings.Split(trimmedTicket, ".")
if len(ticketParts) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode ticket")
ticketID, secretBase64 := ticketParts[0], ticketParts[1]
// ticketID must be a hexadecimal string
_, err := hex.DecodeString(ticketID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("server ticket failed sanity checks")
secret, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(secretBase64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode initialization vector %s", err)
ticketData := &TicketData{
TicketID: ticketID,
Secret: secret,
return ticketData, nil
func (ticket *TicketData) encodeTicket(prefix string) string {
handle := ticket.asHandle(prefix)
ticketString := handle + "." + base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(ticket.Secret)
return ticketString
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
package sessions
import (
// NewSessionStore creates a SessionStore from the provided configuration
func NewSessionStore(opts *options.SessionOptions, cookieOpts *options.CookieOptions) (sessions.SessionStore, error) {
switch opts.Type {
case options.CookieSessionStoreType:
return cookie.NewCookieSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
case options.RedisSessionStoreType:
return redis.NewRedisSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown session store type '%s'", opts.Type)
@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
package sessions_test
import (
. ""
. ""
sessionsapi ""
sessionscookie ""
func TestSessionStore(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "SessionStore")
var _ = Describe("NewSessionStore", func() {
var opts *options.SessionOptions
var cookieOpts *options.CookieOptions
var request *http.Request
var response *httptest.ResponseRecorder
var session *sessionsapi.SessionState
var ss sessionsapi.SessionStore
var mr *miniredis.Miniredis
CheckCookieOptions := func() {
Context("the cookies returned", func() {
var cookies []*http.Cookie
BeforeEach(func() {
cookies = response.Result().Cookies()
It("have the correct name set", func() {
if len(cookies) == 1 {
} else {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
It("have the correct path set", func() {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
It("have the correct domain set", func() {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
It("have the correct HTTPOnly set", func() {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
It("have the correct secure set", func() {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
It("have a signature timestamp matching session.CreatedAt", func() {
for _, cookie := range cookies {
if cookie.Value != "" {
parts := strings.Split(cookie.Value, "|")
// The following should only be for server stores
PersistentSessionStoreTests := func() {
Context("when Clear is called on a persistent store", func() {
var resultCookies []*http.Cookie
BeforeEach(func() {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
saveResp := httptest.NewRecorder()
err := ss.Save(saveResp, req, session)
resultCookies = saveResp.Result().Cookies()
for _, c := range resultCookies {
err = ss.Clear(response, request)
Context("attempting to Load", func() {
var loadedAfterClear *sessionsapi.SessionState
var loadErr error
BeforeEach(func() {
loadReq := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
for _, c := range resultCookies {
loadedAfterClear, loadErr = ss.Load(loadReq)
It("returns an empty session", func() {
It("returns an error", func() {
SessionStoreInterfaceTests := func(persistent bool) {
Context("when Save is called", func() {
Context("with no existing session", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
err := ss.Save(response, request, session)
It("sets a `set-cookie` header in the response", func() {
It("Ensures the session CreatedAt is not zero", func() {
Context("with a broken session", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
By("Using a valid cookie with a different providers session encoding")
broken := "BrokenSessionFromADifferentSessionImplementation"
value := encryption.SignedValue(cookieOpts.CookieSecret, cookieOpts.CookieName, broken, time.Now())
cookie := cookies.MakeCookieFromOptions(request, cookieOpts.CookieName, value, cookieOpts, cookieOpts.CookieExpire, time.Now())
err := ss.Save(response, request, session)
It("sets a `set-cookie` header in the response", func() {
It("Ensures the session CreatedAt is not zero", func() {
Context("with an expired saved session", func() {
var err error
BeforeEach(func() {
By("saving a session")
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
saveResp := httptest.NewRecorder()
err = ss.Save(saveResp, req, session)
By("and clearing the session")
for _, c := range saveResp.Result().Cookies() {
clearResp := httptest.NewRecorder()
err = ss.Clear(clearResp, request)
By("then saving a request with the cleared session")
err = ss.Save(response, request, session)
It("no error should occur", func() {
Context("when Clear is called", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
saveResp := httptest.NewRecorder()
err := ss.Save(saveResp, req, session)
for _, c := range saveResp.Result().Cookies() {
err = ss.Clear(response, request)
It("sets a `set-cookie` header in the response", func() {
Context("when Load is called", func() {
LoadSessionTests := func() {
var loadedSession *sessionsapi.SessionState
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
loadedSession, err = ss.Load(request)
It("loads a session equal to the original session", func() {
if cookieOpts.CookieSecret == "" {
// Only Email and User stored in session when encrypted
} else {
// All fields stored in session if encrypted
// Can't compare time.Time using Equal() so remove ExpiresOn from sessions
l := *loadedSession
l.CreatedAt = time.Time{}
l.ExpiresOn = time.Time{}
s := *session
s.CreatedAt = time.Time{}
s.ExpiresOn = time.Time{}
// Compare time.Time separately
BeforeEach(func() {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
err := ss.Save(resp, req, session)
for _, cookie := range resp.Result().Cookies() {
Context("before the refresh period", func() {
// Test TTLs and cleanup of persistent session storage
// For non-persistent we rely on the browser cookie lifecycle
if persistent {
Context("after the refresh period, but before the cookie expire period", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
switch ss.(type) {
case *redis.SessionStore:
mr.FastForward(cookieOpts.CookieRefresh + time.Minute)
Context("after the cookie expire period", func() {
var loadedSession *sessionsapi.SessionState
var err error
BeforeEach(func() {
switch ss.(type) {
case *redis.SessionStore:
mr.FastForward(cookieOpts.CookieExpire + time.Minute)
loadedSession, err = ss.Load(request)
It("returns an error loading the session", func() {
It("returns an empty session", func() {
if persistent {
RunSessionTests := func(persistent bool) {
Context("with default options", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
ss, err = sessions.NewSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
Context("with non-default options", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
cookieOpts = &options.CookieOptions{
CookieName: "_cookie_name",
CookiePath: "/path",
CookieExpire: time.Duration(72) * time.Hour,
CookieRefresh: time.Duration(2) * time.Hour,
CookieSecure: false,
CookieHTTPOnly: false,
CookieDomain: "",
var err error
ss, err = sessions.NewSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
Context("with a cipher", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
secret := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := rand.Read(secret)
cookieOpts.CookieSecret = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(secret)
cipher, err := encryption.NewCipher(utils.SecretBytes(cookieOpts.CookieSecret))
opts.Cipher = cipher
ss, err = sessions.NewSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
BeforeEach(func() {
ss = nil
opts = &options.SessionOptions{}
// Set default options in CookieOptions
cookieOpts = &options.CookieOptions{
CookieName: "_oauth2_proxy",
CookiePath: "/",
CookieExpire: time.Duration(168) * time.Hour,
CookieRefresh: time.Duration(1) * time.Hour,
CookieSecure: true,
CookieHTTPOnly: true,
session = &sessionsapi.SessionState{
AccessToken: "AccessToken",
IDToken: "IDToken",
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "RefreshToken",
Email: "",
User: "john.doe",
request = httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
response = httptest.NewRecorder()
Context("with type 'cookie'", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
opts.Type = options.CookieSessionStoreType
It("creates a cookie.SessionStore", func() {
ss, err := sessions.NewSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
Context("the cookie.SessionStore", func() {
Context("with type 'redis'", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
mr, err = miniredis.Run()
opts.Type = options.RedisSessionStoreType
opts.RedisConnectionURL = "redis://" + mr.Addr()
AfterEach(func() {
It("creates a redis.SessionStore", func() {
ss, err := sessions.NewSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
Context("the redis.SessionStore", func() {
Context("with an invalid type", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
opts.Type = "invalid-type"
It("returns an error", func() {
ss, err := sessions.NewSessionStore(opts, cookieOpts)
Expect(err.Error()).To(Equal("unknown session store type 'invalid-type'"))
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
package utils
import (
// CookieForSession serializes a session state for storage in a cookie
func CookieForSession(s *sessions.SessionState, c *encryption.Cipher) (string, error) {
return s.EncodeSessionState(c)
// SessionFromCookie deserializes a session from a cookie value
func SessionFromCookie(v string, c *encryption.Cipher) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
return sessions.DecodeSessionState(v, c)
// SecretBytes attempts to base64 decode the secret, if that fails it treats the secret as binary
func SecretBytes(secret string) []byte {
b, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(addPadding(secret))
if err == nil {
return []byte(addPadding(string(b)))
return []byte(secret)
func addPadding(secret string) string {
padding := len(secret) % 4
switch padding {
case 1:
return secret + "==="
case 2:
return secret + "=="
case 3:
return secret + "="
return secret
@ -3,22 +3,18 @@ package providers
import (
// AzureProvider represents an Azure based Identity Provider
type AzureProvider struct {
Tenant string
// NewAzureProvider initiates a new AzureProvider
func NewAzureProvider(p *ProviderData) *AzureProvider {
p.ProviderName = "Azure"
@ -43,7 +39,6 @@ func NewAzureProvider(p *ProviderData) *AzureProvider {
return &AzureProvider{ProviderData: p}
// Configure defaults the AzureProvider configuration options
func (p *AzureProvider) Configure(tenant string) {
p.Tenant = tenant
if tenant == "" {
@ -65,9 +60,9 @@ func (p *AzureProvider) Configure(tenant string) {
func getAzureHeader(accessToken string) http.Header {
func getAzureHeader(access_token string) http.Header {
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", accessToken))
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", access_token))
return header
@ -88,8 +83,7 @@ func getEmailFromJSON(json *simplejson.Json) (string, error) {
return email, err
// GetEmailAddress returns the Account email address
func (p *AzureProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *AzureProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
var email string
var err error
@ -102,7 +96,7 @@ func (p *AzureProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error
req.Header = getAzureHeader(s.AccessToken)
json, err := requests.Request(req)
json, err := api.Request(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -117,12 +111,12 @@ func (p *AzureProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error
email, err = json.Get("userPrincipalName").String()
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed making request %s", err)
log.Printf("failed making request %s", err)
return "", err
if email == "" {
logger.Printf("failed to get email address")
log.Printf("failed to get email address")
return "", err
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -111,7 +110,8 @@ func testAzureBackend(payload string) *httptest.Server {
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path != path || r.URL.RawQuery != query {
url := r.URL
if url.Path != path || url.RawQuery != query {
} else if r.Header.Get("Authorization") != "Bearer imaginary_access_token" {
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func TestAzureProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testAzureProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ func TestAzureProviderGetEmailAddressMailNull(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testAzureProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func TestAzureProviderGetEmailAddressGetUserPrincipalName(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testAzureProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func TestAzureProviderGetEmailAddressFailToGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testAzureProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, "type assertion to string failed", err.Error())
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ func TestAzureProviderGetEmailAddressEmptyUserPrincipalName(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testAzureProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ func TestAzureProviderGetEmailAddressIncorrectOtherMails(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testAzureProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, "type assertion to string failed", err.Error())
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
package providers
import (
// BitbucketProvider represents an Bitbucket based Identity Provider
type BitbucketProvider struct {
Team string
Repository string
// NewBitbucketProvider initiates a new BitbucketProvider
func NewBitbucketProvider(p *ProviderData) *BitbucketProvider {
p.ProviderName = "Bitbucket"
if p.LoginURL == nil || p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
p.LoginURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/site/oauth2/authorize",
if p.RedeemURL == nil || p.RedeemURL.String() == "" {
p.RedeemURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/site/oauth2/access_token",
if p.ValidateURL == nil || p.ValidateURL.String() == "" {
p.ValidateURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/2.0/user/emails",
if p.Scope == "" {
p.Scope = "email"
return &BitbucketProvider{ProviderData: p}
// SetTeam defines the Bitbucket team the user must be part of
func (p *BitbucketProvider) SetTeam(team string) {
p.Team = team
if !strings.Contains(p.Scope, "team") {
p.Scope += " team"
// SetRepository defines the repository the user must have access to
func (p *BitbucketProvider) SetRepository(repository string) {
p.Repository = repository
if !strings.Contains(p.Scope, "repository") {
p.Scope += " repository"
// GetEmailAddress returns the email of the authenticated user
func (p *BitbucketProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
var emails struct {
Values []struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Primary bool `json:"is_primary"`
var teams struct {
Values []struct {
Name string `json:"username"`
var repositories struct {
Values []struct {
FullName string `json:"full_name"`
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET",
p.ValidateURL.String()+"?access_token="+s.AccessToken, nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed building request %s", err)
return "", err
err = requests.RequestJSON(req, &emails)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed making request %s", err)
return "", err
if p.Team != "" {
teamURL := &url.URL{}
*teamURL = *p.ValidateURL
teamURL.Path = "/2.0/teams"
req, err = http.NewRequest("GET",
teamURL.String()+"?role=member&access_token="+s.AccessToken, nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed building request %s", err)
return "", err
err = requests.RequestJSON(req, &teams)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed requesting teams membership %s", err)
return "", err
var found = false
for _, team := range teams.Values {
if p.Team == team.Name {
found = true
if found != true {
logger.Print("team membership test failed, access denied")
return "", nil
if p.Repository != "" {
repositoriesURL := &url.URL{}
*repositoriesURL = *p.ValidateURL
repositoriesURL.Path = "/2.0/repositories/" + strings.Split(p.Repository, "/")[0]
req, err = http.NewRequest("GET",
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed building request %s", err)
return "", err
err = requests.RequestJSON(req, &repositories)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed checking repository access %s", err)
return "", err
var found = false
for _, repository := range repositories.Values {
if p.Repository == repository.FullName {
found = true
if found != true {
logger.Print("repository access test failed, access denied")
return "", nil
for _, email := range emails.Values {
if email.Primary {
return email.Email, nil
return "", nil
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
package providers
import (
func testBitbucketProvider(hostname, team string, repository string) *BitbucketProvider {
p := NewBitbucketProvider(
ProviderName: "",
LoginURL: &url.URL{},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{},
ProfileURL: &url.URL{},
ValidateURL: &url.URL{},
Scope: ""})
if team != "" {
if repository != "" {
if hostname != "" {
updateURL(p.Data().LoginURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().RedeemURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().ProfileURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().ValidateURL, hostname)
return p
func testBitbucketBackend(payload string) *httptest.Server {
paths := map[string]bool{
"/2.0/user/emails": true,
"/2.0/teams": true,
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
url := r.URL
if !paths[url.Path] {
log.Printf("%s not in %+v\n", url.Path, paths)
} else if r.URL.Query().Get("access_token") != "imaginary_access_token" {
} else {
func TestBitbucketProviderDefaults(t *testing.T) {
p := testBitbucketProvider("", "", "")
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "Bitbucket", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "email", p.Data().Scope)
func TestBitbucketProviderScopeAdjustForTeam(t *testing.T) {
p := testBitbucketProvider("", "test-team", "")
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "email team", p.Data().Scope)
func TestBitbucketProviderScopeAdjustForRepository(t *testing.T) {
p := testBitbucketProvider("", "", "rest-repo")
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "email repository", p.Data().Scope)
func TestBitbucketProviderOverrides(t *testing.T) {
p := NewBitbucketProvider(
LoginURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/auth"},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/token"},
ValidateURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/v3/user"},
Scope: "profile"})
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "Bitbucket", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "profile", p.Data().Scope)
func TestBitbucketProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
b := testBitbucketBackend("{\"values\": [ { \"email\": \"\", \"is_primary\": true } ] }")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testBitbucketProvider(bURL.Host, "", "")
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestBitbucketProviderGetEmailAddressAndGroup(t *testing.T) {
b := testBitbucketBackend("{\"values\": [ { \"email\": \"\", \"is_primary\": true, \"username\": \"bioinformatics\" } ] }")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testBitbucketProvider(bURL.Host, "bioinformatics", "")
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
// Note that trying to trigger the "failed building request" case is not
// practical, since the only way it can fail is if the URL fails to parse.
func TestBitbucketProviderGetEmailAddressFailedRequest(t *testing.T) {
b := testBitbucketBackend("unused payload")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testBitbucketProvider(bURL.Host, "", "")
// We'll trigger a request failure by using an unexpected access
// token. Alternatively, we could allow the parsing of the payload as
// JSON to fail.
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestBitbucketProviderGetEmailAddressEmailNotPresentInPayload(t *testing.T) {
b := testBitbucketBackend("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testBitbucketProvider(bURL.Host, "", "")
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
@ -6,16 +6,13 @@ import (
// FacebookProvider represents an Facebook based Identity Provider
type FacebookProvider struct {
// NewFacebookProvider initiates a new FacebookProvider
func NewFacebookProvider(p *ProviderData) *FacebookProvider {
p.ProviderName = "Facebook"
if p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
@ -46,16 +43,15 @@ func NewFacebookProvider(p *ProviderData) *FacebookProvider {
return &FacebookProvider{ProviderData: p}
func getFacebookHeader(accessToken string) http.Header {
func getFacebookHeader(access_token string) http.Header {
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
header.Set("x-li-format", "json")
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", accessToken))
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", access_token))
return header
// GetEmailAddress returns the Account email address
func (p *FacebookProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *FacebookProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
if s.AccessToken == "" {
return "", errors.New("missing access token")
@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ func (p *FacebookProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, er
Email string
var r result
err = requests.RequestJSON(req, &r)
err = api.RequestJson(req, &r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -79,7 +75,6 @@ func (p *FacebookProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, er
return r.Email, nil
// ValidateSessionState validates the AccessToken
func (p *FacebookProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
func (p *FacebookProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *SessionState) bool {
return validateToken(p, s.AccessToken, getFacebookHeader(s.AccessToken))
@ -4,24 +4,20 @@ import (
// GitHubProvider represents an GitHub based Identity Provider
type GitHubProvider struct {
Org string
Team string
// NewGitHubProvider initiates a new GitHubProvider
func NewGitHubProvider(p *ProviderData) *GitHubProvider {
p.ProviderName = "GitHub"
if p.LoginURL == nil || p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
@ -51,8 +47,6 @@ func NewGitHubProvider(p *ProviderData) *GitHubProvider {
return &GitHubProvider{ProviderData: p}
// SetOrgTeam adds GitHub org reading parameters to the OAuth2 scope
func (p *GitHubProvider) SetOrgTeam(org, team string) {
p.Org = org
p.Team = team
@ -112,19 +106,19 @@ func (p *GitHubProvider) hasOrg(accessToken string) (bool, error) {
orgs = append(orgs, op...)
pn += 1
var presentOrgs []string
for _, org := range orgs {
if p.Org == org.Login {
logger.Printf("Found Github Organization: %q", org.Login)
log.Printf("Found Github Organization: %q", org.Login)
return true, nil
presentOrgs = append(presentOrgs, org.Login)
logger.Printf("Missing Organization:%q in %v", p.Org, presentOrgs)
log.Printf("Missing Organization:%q in %v", p.Org, presentOrgs)
return false, nil
@ -181,7 +175,7 @@ func (p *GitHubProvider) hasOrgAndTeam(accessToken string) (bool, error) {
ts := strings.Split(p.Team, ",")
for _, t := range ts {
if t == team.Slug {
logger.Printf("Found Github Organization:%q Team:%q (Name:%q)", team.Org.Login, team.Slug, team.Name)
log.Printf("Found Github Organization:%q Team:%q (Name:%q)", team.Org.Login, team.Slug, team.Name)
return true, nil
@ -189,24 +183,22 @@ func (p *GitHubProvider) hasOrgAndTeam(accessToken string) (bool, error) {
if hasOrg {
logger.Printf("Missing Team:%q from Org:%q in teams: %v", p.Team, p.Org, presentTeams)
log.Printf("Missing Team:%q from Org:%q in teams: %v", p.Team, p.Org, presentTeams)
} else {
var allOrgs []string
for org := range presentOrgs {
for org, _ := range presentOrgs {
allOrgs = append(allOrgs, org)
logger.Printf("Missing Organization:%q in %#v", p.Org, allOrgs)
log.Printf("Missing Organization:%q in %#v", p.Org, allOrgs)
return false, nil
// GetEmailAddress returns the Account email address
func (p *GitHubProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *GitHubProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
var emails []struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Primary bool `json:"primary"`
Verified bool `json:"verified"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Primary bool `json:"primary"`
// if we require an Org or Team, check that first
@ -244,14 +236,14 @@ func (p *GitHubProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, erro
resp.StatusCode, endpoint.String(), body)
logger.Printf("got %d from %q %s", resp.StatusCode, endpoint.String(), body)
log.Printf("got %d from %q %s", resp.StatusCode, endpoint.String(), body)
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &emails); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s unmarshaling %s", err, body)
for _, email := range emails {
if email.Primary && email.Verified {
if email.Primary {
return email.Email, nil
@ -259,8 +251,7 @@ func (p *GitHubProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, erro
return "", nil
// GetUserName returns the Account user name
func (p *GitHubProvider) GetUserName(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *GitHubProvider) GetUserName(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
var user struct {
Login string `json:"login"`
Email string `json:"email"`
@ -294,7 +285,7 @@ func (p *GitHubProvider) GetUserName(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
resp.StatusCode, endpoint.String(), body)
logger.Printf("got %d from %q %s", resp.StatusCode, endpoint.String(), body)
log.Printf("got %d from %q %s", resp.StatusCode, endpoint.String(), body)
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &user); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s unmarshaling %s", err, body)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -30,18 +29,19 @@ func testGitHubProvider(hostname string) *GitHubProvider {
func testGitHubBackend(payload []string) *httptest.Server {
pathToQueryMap := map[string][]string{
"/user": {""},
"/user/emails": {""},
"/user/orgs": {"limit=200&page=1", "limit=200&page=2", "limit=200&page=3"},
"/user": []string{""},
"/user/emails": []string{""},
"/user/orgs": []string{"limit=200&page=1", "limit=200&page=2", "limit=200&page=3"},
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
query, ok := pathToQueryMap[r.URL.Path]
url := r.URL
query, ok := pathToQueryMap[url.Path]
validQuery := false
index := 0
for i, q := range query {
if q == r.URL.RawQuery {
if q == url.RawQuery {
validQuery = true
index = i
@ -98,35 +98,22 @@ func TestGitHubProviderOverrides(t *testing.T) {
func TestGitHubProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitHubBackend([]string{`[ {"email": "", "verified": true, "primary": true} ]`})
b := testGitHubBackend([]string{`[ {"email": "", "primary": true} ]`})
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitHubProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestGitHubProviderGetEmailAddressNotVerified(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitHubBackend([]string{`[ {"email": "", "verified": false, "primary": true} ]`})
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitHubProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Empty(t, "", email)
func TestGitHubProviderGetEmailAddressWithOrg(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitHubBackend([]string{
`[ {"email": "", "primary": true, "verified": true, "login":"testorg"} ]`,
`[ {"email": "", "primary": true, "verified": true, "login":"testorg1"} ]`,
`[ {"email": "", "primary": true, "login":"testorg"} ]`,
`[ {"email": "", "primary": true, "login":"testorg1"} ]`,
`[ ]`,
defer b.Close()
@ -135,7 +122,7 @@ func TestGitHubProviderGetEmailAddressWithOrg(t *testing.T) {
p := testGitHubProvider(bURL.Host)
p.Org = "testorg1"
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -153,7 +140,7 @@ func TestGitHubProviderGetEmailAddressFailedRequest(t *testing.T) {
// We'll trigger a request failure by using an unexpected access
// token. Alternatively, we could allow the parsing of the payload as
// JSON to fail.
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -166,7 +153,7 @@ func TestGitHubProviderGetEmailAddressEmailNotPresentInPayload(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitHubProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -179,7 +166,7 @@ func TestGitHubProviderGetUserName(t *testing.T) {
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitHubProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetUserName(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "mbland", email)
@ -1,258 +1,58 @@
package providers
import (
oidc ""
// GitLabProvider represents a GitLab based Identity Provider
type GitLabProvider struct {
Group string
EmailDomains []string
Verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
AllowUnverifiedEmail bool
// NewGitLabProvider initiates a new GitLabProvider
func NewGitLabProvider(p *ProviderData) *GitLabProvider {
p.ProviderName = "GitLab"
if p.Scope == "" {
p.Scope = "openid email"
if p.LoginURL == nil || p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
p.LoginURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/authorize",
if p.RedeemURL == nil || p.RedeemURL.String() == "" {
p.RedeemURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/token",
if p.ValidateURL == nil || p.ValidateURL.String() == "" {
p.ValidateURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/v4/user",
if p.Scope == "" {
p.Scope = "read_user"
return &GitLabProvider{ProviderData: p}
// Redeem exchanges the OAuth2 authentication token for an ID token
func (p *GitLabProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
ctx := context.Background()
c := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: p.ClientID,
ClientSecret: p.ClientSecret,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
TokenURL: p.RedeemURL.String(),
RedirectURL: redirectURL,
token, err := c.Exchange(ctx, code)
func (p *GitLabProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET",
p.ValidateURL.String()+"?access_token="+s.AccessToken, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token exchange: %v", err)
log.Printf("failed building request %s", err)
return "", err
s, err = p.createSessionState(ctx, token)
json, err := api.Request(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to update session: %v", err)
log.Printf("failed making request %s", err)
return "", err
// RefreshSessionIfNeeded checks if the session has expired and uses the
// RefreshToken to fetch a new ID token if required
func (p *GitLabProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *sessions.SessionState) (bool, error) {
if s == nil || s.ExpiresOn.After(time.Now()) || s.RefreshToken == "" {
return false, nil
origExpiration := s.ExpiresOn
err := p.redeemRefreshToken(s)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to redeem refresh token: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("refreshed id token %s (expired on %s)\n", s, origExpiration)
return true, nil
func (p *GitLabProvider) redeemRefreshToken(s *sessions.SessionState) (err error) {
c := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: p.ClientID,
ClientSecret: p.ClientSecret,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
TokenURL: p.RedeemURL.String(),
ctx := context.Background()
t := &oauth2.Token{
RefreshToken: s.RefreshToken,
Expiry: time.Now().Add(-time.Hour),
token, err := c.TokenSource(ctx, t).Token()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get token: %v", err)
newSession, err := p.createSessionState(ctx, token)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to update session: %v", err)
s.AccessToken = newSession.AccessToken
s.IDToken = newSession.IDToken
s.RefreshToken = newSession.RefreshToken
s.CreatedAt = newSession.CreatedAt
s.ExpiresOn = newSession.ExpiresOn
s.Email = newSession.Email
type gitlabUserInfo struct {
Username string `json:"nickname"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
Groups []string `json:"groups"`
func (p *GitLabProvider) getUserInfo(s *sessions.SessionState) (*gitlabUserInfo, error) {
// Retrieve user info JSON
// Build user info url from login url of GitLab instance
userInfoURL := *p.LoginURL
userInfoURL.Path = "/oauth/userinfo"
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", userInfoURL.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create user info request: %v", err)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+s.AccessToken)
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to perform user info request: %v", err)
var body []byte
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read user info response: %v", err)
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d during user info request: %s", resp.StatusCode, body)
var userInfo gitlabUserInfo
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &userInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse user info: %v", err)
return &userInfo, nil
func (p *GitLabProvider) verifyGroupMembership(userInfo *gitlabUserInfo) error {
if p.Group == "" {
return nil
// Collect user group memberships
membershipSet := make(map[string]bool)
for _, group := range userInfo.Groups {
membershipSet[group] = true
// Find a valid group that they are a member of
validGroups := strings.Split(p.Group, " ")
for _, validGroup := range validGroups {
if _, ok := membershipSet[validGroup]; ok {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("user is not a member of '%s'", p.Group)
func (p *GitLabProvider) verifyEmailDomain(userInfo *gitlabUserInfo) error {
if len(p.EmailDomains) == 0 || p.EmailDomains[0] == "*" {
return nil
for _, domain := range p.EmailDomains {
if strings.HasSuffix(userInfo.Email, domain) {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("user email is not one of the valid domains '%v'", p.EmailDomains)
func (p *GitLabProvider) createSessionState(ctx context.Context, token *oauth2.Token) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
rawIDToken, ok := token.Extra("id_token").(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token response did not contain an id_token")
// Parse and verify ID Token payload.
idToken, err := p.Verifier.Verify(ctx, rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not verify id_token: %v", err)
return &sessions.SessionState{
AccessToken: token.AccessToken,
IDToken: rawIDToken,
RefreshToken: token.RefreshToken,
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: idToken.Expiry,
}, nil
// ValidateSessionState checks that the session's IDToken is still valid
func (p *GitLabProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
ctx := context.Background()
_, err := p.Verifier.Verify(ctx, s.IDToken)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
// GetEmailAddress returns the Account email address
func (p *GitLabProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
// Retrieve user info
userInfo, err := p.getUserInfo(s)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve user info: %v", err)
// Check if email is verified
if !p.AllowUnverifiedEmail && !userInfo.EmailVerified {
return "", fmt.Errorf("user email is not verified")
// Check if email has valid domain
err = p.verifyEmailDomain(userInfo)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email domain check failed: %v", err)
// Check group membership
err = p.verifyGroupMembership(userInfo)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("group membership check failed: %v", err)
return userInfo.Email, nil
// GetUserName returns the Account user name
func (p *GitLabProvider) GetUserName(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
userInfo, err := p.getUserInfo(s)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve user info: %v", err)
return userInfo.Username, nil
return json.Get("email").String()
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -25,142 +24,105 @@ func testGitLabProvider(hostname string) *GitLabProvider {
updateURL(p.Data().ProfileURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().ValidateURL, hostname)
return p
func testGitLabBackend() *httptest.Server {
userInfo := `
"nickname": "FooBar",
"email": "",
"email_verified": false,
"groups": ["foo", "bar"]
authHeader := "Bearer gitlab_access_token"
func testGitLabBackend(payload string) *httptest.Server {
path := "/api/v4/user"
query := "access_token=imaginary_access_token"
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path == "/oauth/userinfo" {
if r.Header["Authorization"][0] == authHeader {
} else {
} else {
url := r.URL
if url.Path != path || url.RawQuery != query {
} else {
func TestGitLabProviderBadToken(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_gitlab_access_token"}
_, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
func TestGitLabProviderDefaults(t *testing.T) {
p := testGitLabProvider("")
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "GitLab", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "read_user", p.Data().Scope)
func TestGitLabProviderUnverifiedEmailDenied(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
_, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
func TestGitLabProviderOverrides(t *testing.T) {
p := NewGitLabProvider(
LoginURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/auth"},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/token"},
ValidateURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/v4/user"},
Scope: "profile"})
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "GitLab", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "profile", p.Data().Scope)
func TestGitLabProviderUnverifiedEmailAllowed(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
func TestGitLabProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend("{\"email\": \"\"}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
b_url, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(b_url.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestGitLabProviderUsername(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
// Note that trying to trigger the "failed building request" case is not
// practical, since the only way it can fail is if the URL fails to parse.
func TestGitLabProviderGetEmailAddressFailedRequest(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend("unused payload")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
b_url, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(b_url.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
username, err := p.GetUserName(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "FooBar", username)
func TestGitLabProviderGroupMembershipValid(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
p.Group = "foo"
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
// We'll trigger a request failure by using an unexpected access
// token. Alternatively, we could allow the parsing of the payload as
// JSON to fail.
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestGitLabProviderGroupMembershipMissing(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
p.Group = "baz"
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
_, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestGitLabProviderEmailDomainValid(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
func TestGitLabProviderGetEmailAddressEmailNotPresentInPayload(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
p.EmailDomains = []string{""}
b_url, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(b_url.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestGitLabProviderEmailDomainInvalid(t *testing.T) {
b := testGitLabBackend()
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testGitLabProvider(bURL.Host)
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
p.EmailDomains = []string{""}
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
_, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -8,20 +8,18 @@ import (
admin ""
// GoogleProvider represents an Google based Identity Provider
type GoogleProvider struct {
RedeemRefreshURL *url.URL
@ -30,13 +28,6 @@ type GoogleProvider struct {
GroupValidator func(string) bool
type claims struct {
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
// NewGoogleProvider initiates a new GoogleProvider
func NewGoogleProvider(p *ProviderData) *GoogleProvider {
p.ProviderName = "Google"
if p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
@ -71,7 +62,7 @@ func NewGoogleProvider(p *ProviderData) *GoogleProvider {
func claimsFromIDToken(idToken string) (*claims, error) {
func emailFromIdToken(idToken string) (string, error) {
// id_token is a base64 encode ID token payload
@ -79,25 +70,27 @@ func claimsFromIDToken(idToken string) (*claims, error) {
jwtData := strings.TrimSuffix(jwt[1], "=")
b, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(jwtData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return "", err
c := &claims{}
err = json.Unmarshal(b, c)
var email struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &email)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return "", err
if c.Email == "" {
return nil, errors.New("missing email")
if email.Email == "" {
return "", errors.New("missing email")
if !c.EmailVerified {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("email %s not listed as verified", c.Email)
if !email.EmailVerified {
return "", fmt.Errorf("email %s not listed as verified", email.Email)
return c, nil
return email.Email, nil
// Redeem exchanges the OAuth2 authentication token for an ID token
func (p *GoogleProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
func (p *GoogleProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *SessionState, err error) {
if code == "" {
err = errors.New("missing code")
@ -136,24 +129,23 @@ func (p *GoogleProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionSt
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
IdToken string `json:"id_token"`
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonResponse)
if err != nil {
c, err := claimsFromIDToken(jsonResponse.IDToken)
var email string
email, err = emailFromIdToken(jsonResponse.IdToken)
if err != nil {
s = &sessions.SessionState{
s = &SessionState{
AccessToken: jsonResponse.AccessToken,
IDToken: jsonResponse.IDToken,
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
IdToken: jsonResponse.IdToken,
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(jsonResponse.ExpiresIn) * time.Second).Truncate(time.Second),
RefreshToken: jsonResponse.RefreshToken,
Email: c.Email,
User: c.Subject,
Email: email,
@ -172,75 +164,98 @@ func (p *GoogleProvider) SetGroupRestriction(groups []string, adminEmail string,
func getAdminService(adminEmail string, credentialsReader io.Reader) *admin.Service {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(credentialsReader)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("can't read Google credentials file:", err)
log.Fatal("can't read Google credentials file:", err)
conf, err := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(data, admin.AdminDirectoryUserReadonlyScope, admin.AdminDirectoryGroupReadonlyScope)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("can't load Google credentials file:", err)
log.Fatal("can't load Google credentials file:", err)
conf.Subject = adminEmail
client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext)
adminService, err := admin.New(client)
if err != nil {
return adminService
func userInGroup(service *admin.Service, groups []string, email string) bool {
user, err := fetchUser(service, email)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error fetching user: %v", err)
return false
id := user.Id
custID := user.CustomerId
for _, group := range groups {
// Use the HasMember API to checking for the user's presence in each group or nested subgroups
req := service.Members.HasMember(group, email)
r, err := req.Do()
members, err := fetchGroupMembers(service, group)
if err != nil {
err, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error)
if ok && err.Code == 404 {
logger.Printf("error checking membership in group %s: group does not exist", group)
} else if ok && err.Code == 400 {
// It is possible for Members.HasMember to return false even if the email is a group member.
// One case that can cause this is if the user email is from a different domain than the group,
// e.g. "" in the group "" will result in a 400 error
// from the HasMember API. In that case, attempt to query the member object directly from the group.
req := service.Members.Get(group, email)
r, err := req.Do()
if err, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && err.Code == 404 {
log.Printf("error fetching members for group %s: group does not exist", group)
} else {
log.Printf("error fetching group members: %v", err)
return false
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("error using get API to check member %s of google group %s: user not in the group", email, group)
// If the non-domain user is found within the group, still verify that they are "ACTIVE".
// Do not count the user as belonging to a group if they have another status ("ARCHIVED", "SUSPENDED", or "UNKNOWN").
if r.Status == "ACTIVE" {
for _, member := range members {
switch member.Type {
case "CUSTOMER":
if member.Id == custID {
return true
case "USER":
if member.Id == id {
return true
} else {
logger.Printf("error checking group membership: %v", err)
if r.IsMember {
return true
return false
func fetchUser(service *admin.Service, email string) (*admin.User, error) {
user, err := service.Users.Get(email).Do()
return user, err
func fetchGroupMembers(service *admin.Service, group string) ([]*admin.Member, error) {
members := []*admin.Member{}
pageToken := ""
for {
req := service.Members.List(group)
if pageToken != "" {
r, err := req.Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, member := range r.Members {
members = append(members, member)
if r.NextPageToken == "" {
pageToken = r.NextPageToken
return members, nil
// ValidateGroup validates that the provided email exists in the configured Google
// group(s).
func (p *GoogleProvider) ValidateGroup(email string) bool {
return p.GroupValidator(email)
// RefreshSessionIfNeeded checks if the session has expired and uses the
// RefreshToken to fetch a new ID token if required
func (p *GoogleProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *sessions.SessionState) (bool, error) {
func (p *GoogleProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *SessionState) (bool, error) {
if s == nil || s.ExpiresOn.After(time.Now()) || s.RefreshToken == "" {
return false, nil
newToken, newIDToken, duration, err := p.redeemRefreshToken(s.RefreshToken)
newToken, duration, err := p.redeemRefreshToken(s.RefreshToken)
if err != nil {
return false, err
@ -252,13 +267,12 @@ func (p *GoogleProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *sessions.SessionState) (bool,
origExpiration := s.ExpiresOn
s.AccessToken = newToken
s.IDToken = newIDToken
s.ExpiresOn = time.Now().Add(duration).Truncate(time.Second)
logger.Printf("refreshed access token %s (expired on %s)", s, origExpiration)
log.Printf("refreshed access token %s (expired on %s)", s, origExpiration)
return true, nil
func (p *GoogleProvider) redeemRefreshToken(refreshToken string) (token string, idToken string, expires time.Duration, err error) {
func (p *GoogleProvider) redeemRefreshToken(refreshToken string) (token string, expires time.Duration, err error) {
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("client_id", p.ClientID)
@ -291,14 +305,12 @@ func (p *GoogleProvider) redeemRefreshToken(refreshToken string) (token string,
var data struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
if err != nil {
token = data.AccessToken
idToken = data.IDToken
expires = time.Duration(data.ExpiresIn) * time.Second
@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
package providers
import (
admin ""
option ""
func newRedeemServer(body []byte) (*url.URL, *httptest.Server) {
@ -86,7 +81,7 @@ type redeemResponse struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
IdToken string `json:"id_token"`
func TestGoogleProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
@ -95,7 +90,7 @@ func TestGoogleProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
AccessToken: "a1234",
ExpiresIn: 10,
RefreshToken: "refresh12345",
IDToken: "ignored prefix." + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"email": "", "email_verified":true}`)),
IdToken: "ignored prefix." + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"email": "", "email_verified":true}`)),
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
var server *httptest.Server
@ -132,7 +127,7 @@ func TestGoogleProviderGetEmailAddressInvalidEncoding(t *testing.T) {
p := newGoogleProvider()
body, err := json.Marshal(redeemResponse{
AccessToken: "a1234",
IDToken: "ignored prefix." + `{"email": ""}`,
IdToken: "ignored prefix." + `{"email": ""}`,
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
var server *httptest.Server
@ -151,7 +146,7 @@ func TestGoogleProviderGetEmailAddressInvalidJson(t *testing.T) {
body, err := json.Marshal(redeemResponse{
AccessToken: "a1234",
IDToken: "ignored prefix." + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"email":}`)),
IdToken: "ignored prefix." + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"email":}`)),
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
var server *httptest.Server
@ -170,7 +165,7 @@ func TestGoogleProviderGetEmailAddressEmailMissing(t *testing.T) {
p := newGoogleProvider()
body, err := json.Marshal(redeemResponse{
AccessToken: "a1234",
IDToken: "ignored prefix." + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"not_email": "missing"}`)),
IdToken: "ignored prefix." + base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(`{"not_email": "missing"}`)),
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
var server *httptest.Server
@ -184,56 +179,3 @@ func TestGoogleProviderGetEmailAddressEmailMissing(t *testing.T) {
func TestGoogleProviderUserInGroup(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path == "/groups/" {
fmt.Fprintln(w, `{"isMember": true}`)
} else if r.URL.Path == "/groups/" {
fmt.Fprintln(w, `{"isMember": false}`)
} else if r.URL.Path == "/groups/" {
`{"error": {"errors": [{"domain": "global","reason": "invalid","message": "Invalid Input: memberKey"}],"code": 400,"message": "Invalid Input: memberKey"}}`,
} else if r.URL.Path == "/groups/" {
`{"error": {"errors": [{"domain": "global","reason": "invalid","message": "Invalid Input: memberKey"}],"code": 400,"message": "Invalid Input: memberKey"}}`,
} else if r.URL.Path == "/groups/" {
// note that the client currently doesn't care what this response text or code is - any error here results in failure to match the group
`{"error": {"errors": [{"domain": "global","reason": "notFound","message": "Resource Not Found: memberKey"}],"code": 404,"message": "Resource Not Found: memberKey"}}`,
} else if r.URL.Path == "/groups/" {
`{"kind": "admin#directory#member","etag":"12345","id":"1234567890","email": "","role": "MEMBER","type": "USER","status": "ACTIVE","delivery_settings": "ALL_MAIL"}}`,
defer ts.Close()
client := ts.Client()
ctx := context.Background()
service, err := admin.NewService(ctx, option.WithHTTPClient(client))
service.BasePath = ts.URL
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
result := userInGroup(service, []string{""}, "")
assert.True(t, result)
result = userInGroup(service, []string{""}, "")
assert.True(t, result)
result = userInGroup(service, []string{""}, "")
assert.False(t, result)
result = userInGroup(service, []string{""}, "")
assert.False(t, result)
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package providers
import (
// stripToken is a helper function to obfuscate "access_token"
@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ func stripToken(endpoint string) string {
func stripParam(param, endpoint string) string {
u, err := url.Parse(endpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("error attempting to strip %s: %s", param, err)
log.Printf("error attempting to strip %s: %s", param, err)
return endpoint
if u.RawQuery != "" {
values, err := url.ParseQuery(u.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("error attempting to strip %s: %s", param, err)
log.Printf("error attempting to strip %s: %s", param, err)
return u.String()
@ -46,29 +46,34 @@ func stripParam(param, endpoint string) string {
// validateToken returns true if token is valid
func validateToken(p Provider, accessToken string, header http.Header) bool {
if accessToken == "" || p.Data().ValidateURL == nil || p.Data().ValidateURL.String() == "" {
func validateToken(p Provider, access_token string, header http.Header) bool {
if access_token == "" || p.Data().ValidateURL == nil {
return false
endpoint := p.Data().ValidateURL.String()
if len(header) == 0 {
params := url.Values{"access_token": {accessToken}}
params := url.Values{"access_token": {access_token}}
endpoint = endpoint + "?" + params.Encode()
resp, err := requests.RequestUnparsedResponse(endpoint, header)
resp, err := api.RequestUnparsedResponse(endpoint, header)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("GET %s", stripToken(endpoint))
logger.Printf("token validation request failed: %s", err)
log.Printf("GET %s", stripToken(endpoint))
log.Printf("token validation request failed: %s", err)
return false
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
logger.Printf("%d GET %s %s", resp.StatusCode, stripToken(endpoint), body)
log.Printf("%d GET %s %s", resp.StatusCode, stripToken(endpoint), body)
if resp.StatusCode == 200 {
return true
logger.Printf("token validation request failed: status %d - %s", resp.StatusCode, body)
log.Printf("token validation request failed: status %d - %s", resp.StatusCode, body)
return false
func updateURL(url *url.URL, hostname string) {
url.Scheme = "http"
url.Host = hostname
@ -7,52 +7,46 @@ import (
func updateURL(url *url.URL, hostname string) {
url.Scheme = "http"
url.Host = hostname
type ValidateSessionStateTestProvider struct {
func (tp *ValidateSessionStateTestProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (tp *ValidateSessionStateTestProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// Note that we're testing the internal validateToken() used to implement
// several Provider's ValidateSessionState() implementations
func (tp *ValidateSessionStateTestProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
func (tp *ValidateSessionStateTestProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *SessionState) bool {
return false
type ValidateSessionStateTest struct {
backend *httptest.Server
responseCode int
provider *ValidateSessionStateTestProvider
header http.Header
backend *httptest.Server
response_code int
provider *ValidateSessionStateTestProvider
header http.Header
func NewValidateSessionStateTest() *ValidateSessionStateTest {
var vtTest ValidateSessionStateTest
var vt_test ValidateSessionStateTest
vtTest.backend = httptest.NewServer(
vt_test.backend = httptest.NewServer(
http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path != "/oauth/tokeninfo" {
w.Write([]byte("unknown URL"))
tokenParam := r.FormValue("access_token")
if tokenParam == "" {
token_param := r.FormValue("access_token")
if token_param == "" {
missing := false
receivedHeaders := r.Header
for k := range vtTest.header {
received := receivedHeaders.Get(k)
expected := vtTest.header.Get(k)
received_headers := r.Header
for k, _ := range vt_test.header {
received := received_headers.Get(k)
expected := vt_test.header.Get(k)
if received == "" || received != expected {
missing = true
@ -62,68 +56,68 @@ func NewValidateSessionStateTest() *ValidateSessionStateTest {
w.Write([]byte("no token param and missing or incorrect headers"))
w.Write([]byte("only code matters; contents disregarded"))
backendURL, _ := url.Parse(vtTest.backend.URL)
vtTest.provider = &ValidateSessionStateTestProvider{
backend_url, _ := url.Parse(vt_test.backend.URL)
vt_test.provider = &ValidateSessionStateTestProvider{
ProviderData: &ProviderData{
ValidateURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "http",
Host: backendURL.Host,
Host: backend_url.Host,
Path: "/oauth/tokeninfo",
vtTest.responseCode = 200
return &vtTest
vt_test.response_code = 200
return &vt_test
func (vtTest *ValidateSessionStateTest) Close() {
func (vt_test *ValidateSessionStateTest) Close() {
func TestValidateSessionStateValidToken(t *testing.T) {
vtTest := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vtTest.Close()
assert.Equal(t, true, validateToken(vtTest.provider, "foobar", nil))
vt_test := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vt_test.Close()
assert.Equal(t, true, validateToken(vt_test.provider, "foobar", nil))
func TestValidateSessionStateValidTokenWithHeaders(t *testing.T) {
vtTest := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vtTest.Close()
vtTest.header = make(http.Header)
vtTest.header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer foobar")
vt_test := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vt_test.Close()
vt_test.header = make(http.Header)
vt_test.header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer foobar")
assert.Equal(t, true,
validateToken(vtTest.provider, "foobar", vtTest.header))
validateToken(vt_test.provider, "foobar", vt_test.header))
func TestValidateSessionStateEmptyToken(t *testing.T) {
vtTest := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vtTest.Close()
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vtTest.provider, "", nil))
vt_test := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vt_test.Close()
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vt_test.provider, "", nil))
func TestValidateSessionStateEmptyValidateURL(t *testing.T) {
vtTest := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vtTest.Close()
vtTest.provider.Data().ValidateURL = nil
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vtTest.provider, "foobar", nil))
vt_test := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vt_test.Close()
vt_test.provider.Data().ValidateURL = nil
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vt_test.provider, "foobar", nil))
func TestValidateSessionStateRequestNetworkFailure(t *testing.T) {
vtTest := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
vt_test := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
// Close immediately to simulate a network failure
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vtTest.provider, "foobar", nil))
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vt_test.provider, "foobar", nil))
func TestValidateSessionStateExpiredToken(t *testing.T) {
vtTest := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vtTest.Close()
vtTest.responseCode = 401
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vtTest.provider, "foobar", nil))
vt_test := NewValidateSessionStateTest()
defer vt_test.Close()
vt_test.response_code = 401
assert.Equal(t, false, validateToken(vt_test.provider, "foobar", nil))
func TestStripTokenNotPresent(t *testing.T) {
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
package providers
import (
type KeycloakProvider struct {
Group string
func NewKeycloakProvider(p *ProviderData) *KeycloakProvider {
p.ProviderName = "Keycloak"
if p.LoginURL == nil || p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
p.LoginURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/authorize",
if p.RedeemURL == nil || p.RedeemURL.String() == "" {
p.RedeemURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/token",
if p.ValidateURL == nil || p.ValidateURL.String() == "" {
p.ValidateURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/v3/user",
if p.Scope == "" {
p.Scope = "api"
return &KeycloakProvider{ProviderData: p}
func (p *KeycloakProvider) SetGroup(group string) {
p.Group = group
func (p *KeycloakProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", p.ValidateURL.String(), nil)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+s.AccessToken)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed building request %s", err)
return "", err
json, err := requests.Request(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("failed making request %s", err)
return "", err
if p.Group != "" {
var groups, err = json.Get("groups").Array()
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("groups not found %s", err)
return "", err
var found = false
for i := range groups {
if groups[i].(string) == p.Group {
found = true
if found != true {
logger.Printf("group not found, access denied")
return "", nil
return json.Get("email").String()
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
package providers
import (
const imaginaryAccessToken = "imaginary_access_token"
const bearerAccessToken = "Bearer " + imaginaryAccessToken
func testKeycloakProvider(hostname, group string) *KeycloakProvider {
p := NewKeycloakProvider(
ProviderName: "",
LoginURL: &url.URL{},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{},
ProfileURL: &url.URL{},
ValidateURL: &url.URL{},
Scope: ""})
if group != "" {
if hostname != "" {
updateURL(p.Data().LoginURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().RedeemURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().ProfileURL, hostname)
updateURL(p.Data().ValidateURL, hostname)
return p
func testKeycloakBackend(payload string) *httptest.Server {
path := "/api/v3/user"
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
url := r.URL
if url.Path != path {
} else if r.Header.Get("Authorization") != bearerAccessToken {
} else {
func TestKeycloakProviderDefaults(t *testing.T) {
p := testKeycloakProvider("", "")
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "Keycloak", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "api", p.Data().Scope)
func TestKeycloakProviderOverrides(t *testing.T) {
p := NewKeycloakProvider(
LoginURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/auth"},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/token"},
ValidateURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/v3/user"},
Scope: "profile"})
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "Keycloak", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "profile", p.Data().Scope)
func TestKeycloakProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
b := testKeycloakBackend("{\"email\": \"\"}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testKeycloakProvider(bURL.Host, "")
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: imaginaryAccessToken}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestKeycloakProviderGetEmailAddressAndGroup(t *testing.T) {
b := testKeycloakBackend("{\"email\": \"\", \"groups\": [\"test-grp1\", \"test-grp2\"]}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testKeycloakProvider(bURL.Host, "test-grp1")
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: imaginaryAccessToken}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
// Note that trying to trigger the "failed building request" case is not
// practical, since the only way it can fail is if the URL fails to parse.
func TestKeycloakProviderGetEmailAddressFailedRequest(t *testing.T) {
b := testKeycloakBackend("unused payload")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testKeycloakProvider(bURL.Host, "")
// We'll trigger a request failure by using an unexpected access
// token. Alternatively, we could allow the parsing of the payload as
// JSON to fail.
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
func TestKeycloakProviderGetEmailAddressEmailNotPresentInPayload(t *testing.T) {
b := testKeycloakBackend("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testKeycloakProvider(bURL.Host, "")
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: imaginaryAccessToken}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -6,16 +6,13 @@ import (
// LinkedInProvider represents an LinkedIn based Identity Provider
type LinkedInProvider struct {
// NewLinkedInProvider initiates a new LinkedInProvider
func NewLinkedInProvider(p *ProviderData) *LinkedInProvider {
p.ProviderName = "LinkedIn"
if p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
@ -42,16 +39,15 @@ func NewLinkedInProvider(p *ProviderData) *LinkedInProvider {
return &LinkedInProvider{ProviderData: p}
func getLinkedInHeader(accessToken string) http.Header {
func getLinkedInHeader(access_token string) http.Header {
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
header.Set("x-li-format", "json")
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", accessToken))
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", access_token))
return header
// GetEmailAddress returns the Account email address
func (p *LinkedInProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *LinkedInProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
if s.AccessToken == "" {
return "", errors.New("missing access token")
@ -61,7 +57,7 @@ func (p *LinkedInProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, er
req.Header = getLinkedInHeader(s.AccessToken)
json, err := requests.Request(req)
json, err := api.Request(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -73,7 +69,6 @@ func (p *LinkedInProvider) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, er
return email, nil
// ValidateSessionState validates the AccessToken
func (p *LinkedInProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
func (p *LinkedInProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *SessionState) bool {
return validateToken(p, s.AccessToken, getLinkedInHeader(s.AccessToken))
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -32,7 +31,8 @@ func testLinkedInBackend(payload string) *httptest.Server {
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path != path {
url := r.URL
if url.Path != path {
} else if r.Header.Get("Authorization") != "Bearer imaginary_access_token" {
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ func TestLinkedInProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) {
b := testLinkedInBackend(`""`)
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testLinkedInProvider(bURL.Host)
b_url, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testLinkedInProvider(b_url.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ func TestLinkedInProviderGetEmailAddressFailedRequest(t *testing.T) {
b := testLinkedInBackend("unused payload")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testLinkedInProvider(bURL.Host)
b_url, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testLinkedInProvider(b_url.Host)
// We'll trigger a request failure by using an unexpected access
// token. Alternatively, we could allow the parsing of the payload as
// JSON to fail.
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ func TestLinkedInProviderGetEmailAddressEmailNotPresentInPayload(t *testing.T) {
b := testLinkedInBackend("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}")
defer b.Close()
bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testLinkedInProvider(bURL.Host)
b_url, _ := url.Parse(b.URL)
p := testLinkedInProvider(b_url.Host)
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
session := &SessionState{AccessToken: "imaginary_access_token"}
email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session)
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email)
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
package providers
import (
// LoginGovProvider represents an OIDC based Identity Provider
type LoginGovProvider struct {
// TODO (@timothy-spencer): Ideally, the nonce would be in the session state, but the session state
// is created only upon code redemption, not during the auth, when this must be supplied.
Nonce string
AcrValues string
JWTKey *rsa.PrivateKey
// For generating a nonce
var letters = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
func randSeq(n int) string {
b := make([]rune, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))]
return string(b)
// NewLoginGovProvider initiates a new LoginGovProvider
func NewLoginGovProvider(p *ProviderData) *LoginGovProvider {
p.ProviderName = ""
if p.LoginURL == nil || p.LoginURL.String() == "" {
p.LoginURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/openid_connect/authorize",
if p.RedeemURL == nil || p.RedeemURL.String() == "" {
p.RedeemURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/openid_connect/token",
if p.ProfileURL == nil || p.ProfileURL.String() == "" {
p.ProfileURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/api/openid_connect/userinfo",
if p.Scope == "" {
p.Scope = "email openid"
return &LoginGovProvider{
ProviderData: p,
Nonce: randSeq(32),
type loginGovCustomClaims struct {
Acr string `json:"acr"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
GivenName string `json:"given_name"`
FamilyName string `json:"family_name"`
Birthdate string `json:"birthdate"`
AtHash string `json:"at_hash"`
CHash string `json:"c_hash"`
// checkNonce checks the nonce in the id_token
func checkNonce(idToken string, p *LoginGovProvider) (err error) {
token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(idToken, &loginGovCustomClaims{}, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
resp, myerr := http.Get(p.PubJWKURL.String())
if myerr != nil {
return nil, myerr
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
myerr = fmt.Errorf("got %d from %q", resp.StatusCode, p.PubJWKURL.String())
return nil, myerr
body, myerr := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if myerr != nil {
return nil, myerr
var pubkeys jose.JSONWebKeySet
myerr = json.Unmarshal(body, &pubkeys)
if myerr != nil {
return nil, myerr
pubkey := pubkeys.Keys[0]
return pubkey.Key, nil
if err != nil {
claims := token.Claims.(*loginGovCustomClaims)
if claims.Nonce != p.Nonce {
err = fmt.Errorf("nonce validation failed")
func emailFromUserInfo(accessToken string, userInfoEndpoint string) (email string, err error) {
// query the user info endpoint for user attributes
var req *http.Request
req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", userInfoEndpoint, nil)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+accessToken)
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
var body []byte
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
err = fmt.Errorf("got %d from %q %s", resp.StatusCode, userInfoEndpoint, body)
// parse the user attributes from the data we got and make sure that
// the email address has been validated.
var emailData struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &emailData)
if err != nil {
if emailData.Email == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("missing email")
email = emailData.Email
if !emailData.EmailVerified {
err = fmt.Errorf("email %s not listed as verified", email)
// Redeem exchanges the OAuth2 authentication token for an ID token
func (p *LoginGovProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
if code == "" {
err = errors.New("missing code")
claims := &jwt.StandardClaims{
Issuer: p.ClientID,
Subject: p.ClientID,
Audience: p.RedeemURL.String(),
ExpiresAt: int64(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(5 * time.Minute)).Unix()),
Id: randSeq(32),
token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.GetSigningMethod("RS256"), claims)
ss, err := token.SignedString(p.JWTKey)
if err != nil {
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("client_assertion", ss)
params.Add("client_assertion_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer")
params.Add("code", code)
params.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code")
var req *http.Request
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", p.RedeemURL.String(), bytes.NewBufferString(params.Encode()))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
var resp *http.Response
resp, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var body []byte
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
err = fmt.Errorf("got %d from %q %s", resp.StatusCode, p.RedeemURL.String(), body)
// Get the token from the body that we got from the token endpoint.
var jsonResponse struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonResponse)
if err != nil {
// check nonce here
err = checkNonce(jsonResponse.IDToken, p)
if err != nil {
// Get the email address
var email string
email, err = emailFromUserInfo(jsonResponse.AccessToken, p.ProfileURL.String())
if err != nil {
// Store the data that we found in the session state
s = &sessions.SessionState{
AccessToken: jsonResponse.AccessToken,
IDToken: jsonResponse.IDToken,
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(jsonResponse.ExpiresIn) * time.Second).Truncate(time.Second),
Email: email,
// GetLoginURL overrides GetLoginURL to add parameters
func (p *LoginGovProvider) GetLoginURL(redirectURI, state string) string {
var a url.URL
a = *p.LoginURL
params, _ := url.ParseQuery(a.RawQuery)
params.Set("redirect_uri", redirectURI)
params.Set("approval_prompt", p.ApprovalPrompt)
params.Add("scope", p.Scope)
params.Set("client_id", p.ClientID)
params.Set("response_type", "code")
params.Add("state", state)
params.Add("acr_values", p.AcrValues)
params.Add("nonce", p.Nonce)
a.RawQuery = params.Encode()
return a.String()
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
package providers
import (
type MyKeyData struct {
PubKey crypto.PublicKey
PrivKey *rsa.PrivateKey
PubJWK jose.JSONWebKey
func newLoginGovServer(body []byte) (*url.URL, *httptest.Server) {
s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
u, _ := url.Parse(s.URL)
return u, s
func newLoginGovProvider() (l *LoginGovProvider, serverKey *MyKeyData, err error) {
key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
serverKey = &MyKeyData{
PubKey: key.Public(),
PrivKey: key,
PubJWK: jose.JSONWebKey{
Key: key.Public(),
KeyID: "testkey",
Algorithm: string(jose.RS256),
Use: "sig",
privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
l = NewLoginGovProvider(
ProviderName: "",
LoginURL: &url.URL{},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{},
ProfileURL: &url.URL{},
ValidateURL: &url.URL{},
Scope: ""})
l.JWTKey = privateKey
l.Nonce = "fakenonce"
func TestLoginGovProviderDefaults(t *testing.T) {
p, _, err := newLoginGovProvider()
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "email openid", p.Data().Scope)
func TestLoginGovProviderOverrides(t *testing.T) {
p := NewLoginGovProvider(
LoginURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/auth"},
RedeemURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/token"},
ProfileURL: &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: "/oauth/profile"},
Scope: "profile"})
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().ProviderName)
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "",
assert.Equal(t, "profile", p.Data().Scope)
func TestLoginGovProviderSessionData(t *testing.T) {
p, serverkey, err := newLoginGovProvider()
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Set up the redeem endpoint here
type loginGovRedeemResponse struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
expiresIn := int64(60)
type MyCustomClaims struct {
Acr string `json:"acr"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
GivenName string `json:"given_name"`
FamilyName string `json:"family_name"`
Birthdate string `json:"birthdate"`
AtHash string `json:"at_hash"`
CHash string `json:"c_hash"`
claims := MyCustomClaims{
Audience: "Audience",
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Unix() + expiresIn,
Id: "foo",
IssuedAt: time.Now().Unix(),
Issuer: "",
NotBefore: time.Now().Unix() - 1,
Subject: "b2d2d115-1d7e-4579-b9d6-f8e84f4f56ca",
idtoken := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodRS256, claims)
signedidtoken, err := idtoken.SignedString(serverkey.PrivKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
body, err := json.Marshal(loginGovRedeemResponse{
AccessToken: "a1234",
TokenType: "Bearer",
ExpiresIn: expiresIn,
IDToken: signedidtoken,
assert.NoError(t, err)
var server *httptest.Server
p.RedeemURL, server = newLoginGovServer(body)
defer server.Close()
// Set up the user endpoint here
type loginGovUserResponse struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
Subject string `json:"sub"`
userbody, err := json.Marshal(loginGovUserResponse{
Email: "",
EmailVerified: true,
Subject: "b2d2d115-1d7e-4579-b9d6-f8e84f4f56ca",
assert.NoError(t, err)
var userserver *httptest.Server
p.ProfileURL, userserver = newLoginGovServer(userbody)
defer userserver.Close()
// Set up the PubJWKURL endpoint here used to verify the JWT
var pubkeys jose.JSONWebKeySet
pubkeys.Keys = append(pubkeys.Keys, serverkey.PubJWK)
pubjwkbody, err := json.Marshal(pubkeys)
assert.NoError(t, err)
var pubjwkserver *httptest.Server
p.PubJWKURL, pubjwkserver = newLoginGovServer(pubjwkbody)
defer pubjwkserver.Close()
session, err := p.Redeem("http://redirect/", "code1234")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, session, nil)
assert.Equal(t, "", session.Email)
assert.Equal(t, "a1234", session.AccessToken)
// The test ought to run in under 2 seconds. If not, you may need to bump this up.
assert.InDelta(t, session.ExpiresOn.Unix(), time.Now().Unix()+expiresIn, 2)
func TestLoginGovProviderBadNonce(t *testing.T) {
p, serverkey, err := newLoginGovProvider()
assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Set up the redeem endpoint here
type loginGovRedeemResponse struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
expiresIn := int64(60)
type MyCustomClaims struct {
Acr string `json:"acr"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
GivenName string `json:"given_name"`
FamilyName string `json:"family_name"`
Birthdate string `json:"birthdate"`
AtHash string `json:"at_hash"`
CHash string `json:"c_hash"`
claims := MyCustomClaims{
Audience: "Audience",
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Unix() + expiresIn,
Id: "foo",
IssuedAt: time.Now().Unix(),
Issuer: "",
NotBefore: time.Now().Unix() - 1,
Subject: "b2d2d115-1d7e-4579-b9d6-f8e84f4f56ca",
idtoken := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodRS256, claims)
signedidtoken, err := idtoken.SignedString(serverkey.PrivKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
body, err := json.Marshal(loginGovRedeemResponse{
AccessToken: "a1234",
TokenType: "Bearer",
ExpiresIn: expiresIn,
IDToken: signedidtoken,
assert.NoError(t, err)
var server *httptest.Server
p.RedeemURL, server = newLoginGovServer(body)
defer server.Close()
// Set up the user endpoint here
type loginGovUserResponse struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
Subject string `json:"sub"`
userbody, err := json.Marshal(loginGovUserResponse{
Email: "",
EmailVerified: true,
Subject: "b2d2d115-1d7e-4579-b9d6-f8e84f4f56ca",
assert.NoError(t, err)
var userserver *httptest.Server
p.ProfileURL, userserver = newLoginGovServer(userbody)
defer userserver.Close()
// Set up the PubJWKURL endpoint here used to verify the JWT
var pubkeys jose.JSONWebKeySet
pubkeys.Keys = append(pubkeys.Keys, serverkey.PubJWK)
pubjwkbody, err := json.Marshal(pubkeys)
assert.NoError(t, err)
var pubjwkserver *httptest.Server
p.PubJWKURL, pubjwkserver = newLoginGovServer(pubjwkbody)
defer pubjwkserver.Close()
_, err = p.Redeem("http://redirect/", "code1234")
// The "badfakenonce" in the idtoken above should cause this to error out
assert.Error(t, err)
@ -3,32 +3,25 @@ package providers
import (
oidc ""
oidc ""
// OIDCProvider represents an OIDC based Identity Provider
type OIDCProvider struct {
Verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
AllowUnverifiedEmail bool
Verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
// NewOIDCProvider initiates a new OIDCProvider
func NewOIDCProvider(p *ProviderData) *OIDCProvider {
p.ProviderName = "OpenID Connect"
return &OIDCProvider{ProviderData: p}
// Redeem exchanges the OAuth2 authentication token for an ID token
func (p *OIDCProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
func (p *OIDCProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *SessionState, err error) {
ctx := context.Background()
c := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: p.ClientID,
@ -42,16 +35,14 @@ func (p *OIDCProvider) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionStat
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token exchange: %v", err)
s, err = p.createSessionState(ctx, token)
s, err = p.createSessionState(token, ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to update session: %v", err)
// RefreshSessionIfNeeded checks if the session has expired and uses the
// RefreshToken to fetch a new ID token if required
func (p *OIDCProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *sessions.SessionState) (bool, error) {
func (p *OIDCProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *SessionState) (bool, error) {
if s == nil || s.ExpiresOn.After(time.Now()) || s.RefreshToken == "" {
return false, nil
@ -67,7 +58,7 @@ func (p *OIDCProvider) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *sessions.SessionState) (bool, e
return true, nil
func (p *OIDCProvider) redeemRefreshToken(s *sessions.SessionState) (err error) {
func (p *OIDCProvider) redeemRefreshToken(s *SessionState) (err error) {
c := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: p.ClientID,
ClientSecret: p.ClientSecret,
@ -84,20 +75,19 @@ func (p *OIDCProvider) redeemRefreshToken(s *sessions.SessionState) (err error)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get token: %v", err)
newSession, err := p.createSessionState(ctx, token)
newSession, err := p.createSessionState(token, ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to update session: %v", err)
s.AccessToken = newSession.AccessToken
s.IDToken = newSession.IDToken
s.IdToken = newSession.IdToken
s.RefreshToken = newSession.RefreshToken
s.CreatedAt = newSession.CreatedAt
s.ExpiresOn = newSession.ExpiresOn
s.Email = newSession.Email
func (p *OIDCProvider) createSessionState(ctx context.Context, token *oauth2.Token) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
func (p *OIDCProvider) createSessionState(token *oauth2.Token, ctx context.Context) (*SessionState, error) {
rawIDToken, ok := token.Extra("id_token").(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token response did not contain an id_token")
@ -111,7 +101,6 @@ func (p *OIDCProvider) createSessionState(ctx context.Context, token *oauth2.Tok
// Extract custom claims.
var claims struct {
Subject string `json:"sub"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Verified *bool `json:"email_verified"`
@ -120,61 +109,27 @@ func (p *OIDCProvider) createSessionState(ctx context.Context, token *oauth2.Tok
if claims.Email == "" {
if p.ProfileURL.String() == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("id_token did not contain an email")
// If the userinfo endpoint profileURL is defined, then there is a chance the userinfo
// contents at the profileURL contains the email.
// Make a query to the userinfo endpoint, and attempt to locate the email from there.
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", p.ProfileURL.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header = getOIDCHeader(token.AccessToken)
respJSON, err := requests.Request(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
email, err := respJSON.Get("email").String()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Neither id_token nor userinfo endpoint contained an email")
claims.Email = email
return nil, fmt.Errorf("id_token did not contain an email")
if !p.AllowUnverifiedEmail && claims.Verified != nil && !*claims.Verified {
if claims.Verified != nil && !*claims.Verified {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("email in id_token (%s) isn't verified", claims.Email)
return &sessions.SessionState{
return &SessionState{
AccessToken: token.AccessToken,
IDToken: rawIDToken,
IdToken: rawIDToken,
RefreshToken: token.RefreshToken,
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
ExpiresOn: idToken.Expiry,
ExpiresOn: token.Expiry,
Email: claims.Email,
User: claims.Subject,
}, nil
// ValidateSessionState checks that the session's IDToken is still valid
func (p *OIDCProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
func (p *OIDCProvider) ValidateSessionState(s *SessionState) bool {
ctx := context.Background()
_, err := p.Verifier.Verify(ctx, s.IDToken)
_, err := p.Verifier.Verify(ctx, s.IdToken)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func getOIDCHeader(accessToken string) http.Header {
header := make(http.Header)
header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", accessToken))
return header
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import (
// ProviderData contains information required to configure all implementations
// of OAuth2 providers
type ProviderData struct {
ProviderName string
ClientID string
@ -19,5 +17,4 @@ type ProviderData struct {
ApprovalPrompt string
// Data returns the ProviderData
func (p *ProviderData) Data() *ProviderData { return p }
@ -8,14 +8,11 @@ import (
// Redeem provides a default implementation of the OAuth2 token redemption process
func (p *ProviderData) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
func (p *ProviderData) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *SessionState, err error) {
if code == "" {
err = errors.New("missing code")
@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ func (p *ProviderData) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionStat
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &jsonResponse)
if err == nil {
s = &sessions.SessionState{
s = &SessionState{
AccessToken: jsonResponse.AccessToken,
@ -73,7 +70,7 @@ func (p *ProviderData) Redeem(redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionStat
if a := v.Get("access_token"); a != "" {
s = &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: a, CreatedAt: time.Now()}
s = &SessionState{AccessToken: a}
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("no access token found %s", body)
@ -96,22 +93,21 @@ func (p *ProviderData) GetLoginURL(redirectURI, state string) string {
// CookieForSession serializes a session state for storage in a cookie
func (p *ProviderData) CookieForSession(s *sessions.SessionState, c *encryption.Cipher) (string, error) {
func (p *ProviderData) CookieForSession(s *SessionState, c *cookie.Cipher) (string, error) {
return s.EncodeSessionState(c)
// SessionFromCookie deserializes a session from a cookie value
func (p *ProviderData) SessionFromCookie(v string, c *encryption.Cipher) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
return sessions.DecodeSessionState(v, c)
func (p *ProviderData) SessionFromCookie(v string, c *cookie.Cipher) (s *SessionState, err error) {
return DecodeSessionState(v, c)
// GetEmailAddress returns the Account email address
func (p *ProviderData) GetEmailAddress(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *ProviderData) GetEmailAddress(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// GetUserName returns the Account username
func (p *ProviderData) GetUserName(s *sessions.SessionState) (string, error) {
func (p *ProviderData) GetUserName(s *SessionState) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
@ -121,13 +117,11 @@ func (p *ProviderData) ValidateGroup(email string) bool {
return true
// ValidateSessionState validates the AccessToken
func (p *ProviderData) ValidateSessionState(s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
func (p *ProviderData) ValidateSessionState(s *SessionState) bool {
return validateToken(p, s.AccessToken, nil)
// RefreshSessionIfNeeded should refresh the user's session if required and
// do nothing if a refresh is not required
func (p *ProviderData) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *sessions.SessionState) (bool, error) {
// RefreshSessionIfNeeded
func (p *ProviderData) RefreshSessionIfNeeded(s *SessionState) (bool, error) {
return false, nil
@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ import (
func TestRefresh(t *testing.T) {
p := &ProviderData{}
refreshed, err := p.RefreshSessionIfNeeded(&sessions.SessionState{
refreshed, err := p.RefreshSessionIfNeeded(&SessionState{
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(-11) * time.Minute),
assert.Equal(t, false, refreshed)
@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
package providers
import (
// Provider represents an upstream identity provider implementation
type Provider interface {
Data() *ProviderData
GetEmailAddress(*sessions.SessionState) (string, error)
GetUserName(*sessions.SessionState) (string, error)
Redeem(string, string) (*sessions.SessionState, error)
GetEmailAddress(*SessionState) (string, error)
GetUserName(*SessionState) (string, error)
Redeem(string, string) (*SessionState, error)
ValidateGroup(string) bool
ValidateSessionState(*sessions.SessionState) bool
ValidateSessionState(*SessionState) bool
GetLoginURL(redirectURI, finalRedirect string) string
RefreshSessionIfNeeded(*sessions.SessionState) (bool, error)
SessionFromCookie(string, *encryption.Cipher) (*sessions.SessionState, error)
CookieForSession(*sessions.SessionState, *encryption.Cipher) (string, error)
RefreshSessionIfNeeded(*SessionState) (bool, error)
SessionFromCookie(string, *cookie.Cipher) (*SessionState, error)
CookieForSession(*SessionState, *cookie.Cipher) (string, error)
// New provides a new Provider based on the configured provider string
func New(provider string, p *ProviderData) Provider {
switch provider {
case "linkedin":
@ -28,18 +25,12 @@ func New(provider string, p *ProviderData) Provider {
return NewFacebookProvider(p)
case "github":
return NewGitHubProvider(p)
case "keycloak":
return NewKeycloakProvider(p)
case "azure":
return NewAzureProvider(p)
case "gitlab":
return NewGitLabProvider(p)
case "oidc":
return NewOIDCProvider(p)
case "":
return NewLoginGovProvider(p)
case "bitbucket":
return NewBitbucketProvider(p)
return NewGoogleProvider(p)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package providers
import (
type SessionState struct {
AccessToken string
IdToken string
ExpiresOn time.Time
RefreshToken string
Email string
User string
func (s *SessionState) IsExpired() bool {
if !s.ExpiresOn.IsZero() && s.ExpiresOn.Before(time.Now()) {
return true
return false
func (s *SessionState) String() string {
o := fmt.Sprintf("Session{%s", s.accountInfo())
if s.AccessToken != "" {
o += " token:true"
if s.IdToken != "" {
o += " id_token:true"
if !s.ExpiresOn.IsZero() {
o += fmt.Sprintf(" expires:%s", s.ExpiresOn)
if s.RefreshToken != "" {
o += " refresh_token:true"
return o + "}"
func (s *SessionState) EncodeSessionState(c *cookie.Cipher) (string, error) {
if c == nil || s.AccessToken == "" {
return s.accountInfo(), nil
return s.EncryptedString(c)
func (s *SessionState) accountInfo() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("email:%s user:%s", s.Email, s.User)
func (s *SessionState) EncryptedString(c *cookie.Cipher) (string, error) {
var err error
if c == nil {
panic("error. missing cipher")
a := s.AccessToken
if a != "" {
if a, err = c.Encrypt(a); err != nil {
return "", err
i := s.IdToken
if i != "" {
if i, err = c.Encrypt(i); err != nil {
return "", err
r := s.RefreshToken
if r != "" {
if r, err = c.Encrypt(r); err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%d|%s", s.accountInfo(), a, i, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), r), nil
func decodeSessionStatePlain(v string) (s *SessionState, err error) {
chunks := strings.Split(v, " ")
if len(chunks) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decode session state: expected 2 chunks got %d", len(chunks))
email := strings.TrimPrefix(chunks[0], "email:")
user := strings.TrimPrefix(chunks[1], "user:")
if user == "" {
user = strings.Split(email, "@")[0]
return &SessionState{User: user, Email: email}, nil
func DecodeSessionState(v string, c *cookie.Cipher) (s *SessionState, err error) {
if c == nil {
return decodeSessionStatePlain(v)
chunks := strings.Split(v, "|")
if len(chunks) != 5 {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of fields (got %d expected 5)", len(chunks))
sessionState, err := decodeSessionStatePlain(chunks[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if chunks[1] != "" {
if sessionState.AccessToken, err = c.Decrypt(chunks[1]); err != nil {
return nil, err
if chunks[2] != "" {
if sessionState.IdToken, err = c.Decrypt(chunks[2]); err != nil {
return nil, err
ts, _ := strconv.Atoi(chunks[3])
sessionState.ExpiresOn = time.Unix(int64(ts), 0)
if chunks[4] != "" {
if sessionState.RefreshToken, err = c.Decrypt(chunks[4]); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sessionState, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package providers
import (
const secret = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
const altSecret = "0000000000abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
func TestSessionStateSerialization(t *testing.T) {
c, err := cookie.NewCipher([]byte(secret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
c2, err := cookie.NewCipher([]byte(altSecret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
s := &SessionState{
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
IdToken: "rawtoken1234",
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(c)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 4, strings.Count(encoded, "|"))
ss, err := DecodeSessionState(encoded, c)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "user", ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, s.IdToken, ss.IdToken)
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
// ensure a different cipher can't decode properly (ie: it gets gibberish)
ss, err = DecodeSessionState(encoded, c2)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "user", ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.NotEqual(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.IdToken, ss.IdToken)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateSerializationWithUser(t *testing.T) {
c, err := cookie.NewCipher([]byte(secret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
c2, err := cookie.NewCipher([]byte(altSecret))
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
s := &SessionState{
User: "just-user",
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(c)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, 4, strings.Count(encoded, "|"))
ss, err := DecodeSessionState(encoded, c)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, s.User, ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.Equal(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
// ensure a different cipher can't decode properly (ie: it gets gibberish)
ss, err = DecodeSessionState(encoded, c2)
t.Logf("%#v", ss)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, s.User, ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, s.ExpiresOn.Unix(), ss.ExpiresOn.Unix())
assert.NotEqual(t, s.AccessToken, ss.AccessToken)
assert.NotEqual(t, s.RefreshToken, ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateSerializationNoCipher(t *testing.T) {
s := &SessionState{
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
expected := fmt.Sprintf("email:%s user:", s.Email)
assert.Equal(t, expected, encoded)
// only email should have been serialized
ss, err := DecodeSessionState(encoded, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, "user", ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateSerializationNoCipherWithUser(t *testing.T) {
s := &SessionState{
User: "just-user",
Email: "",
AccessToken: "token1234",
ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour),
RefreshToken: "refresh4321",
encoded, err := s.EncodeSessionState(nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
expected := fmt.Sprintf("email:%s user:%s", s.Email, s.User)
assert.Equal(t, expected, encoded)
// only email should have been serialized
ss, err := DecodeSessionState(encoded, nil)
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
assert.Equal(t, s.User, ss.User)
assert.Equal(t, s.Email, ss.Email)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.AccessToken)
assert.Equal(t, "", ss.RefreshToken)
func TestSessionStateAccountInfo(t *testing.T) {
s := &SessionState{
Email: "",
User: "just-user",
expected := fmt.Sprintf("email:%v user:%v", s.Email, s.User)
assert.Equal(t, expected, s.accountInfo())
s.Email = ""
expected = fmt.Sprintf("email:%v user:%v", s.Email, s.User)
assert.Equal(t, expected, s.accountInfo())
func TestExpired(t *testing.T) {
s := &SessionState{ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(-1) * time.Minute)}
assert.Equal(t, true, s.IsExpired())
s = &SessionState{ExpiresOn: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Minute)}
assert.Equal(t, false, s.IsExpired())
s = &SessionState{}
assert.Equal(t, false, s.IsExpired())
@ -4,21 +4,13 @@ import (
// StringArray is a type alias for a slice of strings
type StringArray []string
// Get returns the slice of strings
func (a *StringArray) Get() interface{} {
return []string(*a)
// Set appends a string to the StringArray
func (a *StringArray) Set(s string) error {
*a = append(*a, s)
return nil
// String joins elements of the StringArray into a single comma separated string
func (a *StringArray) String() string {
return strings.Join(*a, ",")
@ -2,19 +2,18 @@ package main
import (
func loadTemplates(dir string) *template.Template {
if dir == "" {
return getTemplates()
logger.Printf("using custom template directory %q", dir)
log.Printf("using custom template directory %q", dir)
t, err := template.New("").ParseFiles(path.Join(dir, "sign_in.html"), path.Join(dir, "error.html"))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("failed parsing template %s", err)
log.Fatalf("failed parsing template %s", err)
return t
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ func getTemplates() *template.Template {
{{ if eq .Footer "-" }}
{{ else if eq .Footer ""}}
Secured with <a href="">OAuth2 Proxy</a> version {{.Version}}
Secured with <a href="">OAuth2 Proxy</a> version {{.Version}}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ func getTemplates() *template.Template {
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("failed parsing template %s", err)
log.Fatalf("failed parsing template %s", err)
t, err = t.Parse(`{{define "error.html"}}
@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ func getTemplates() *template.Template {
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("failed parsing template %s", err)
log.Fatalf("failed parsing template %s", err)
return t
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
echo "gofmt"
diff -u <(echo -n) <(gofmt -d $(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*")) || EXIT_CODE=1
for pkg in $(go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/' ); do
echo "testing $pkg"
echo "go vet $pkg"
go vet "$pkg" || EXIT_CODE=1
echo "go test -v $pkg"
go test -v -timeout 90s "$pkg" || EXIT_CODE=1
echo "go test -v -race $pkg"
GOMAXPROCS=4 go test -v -timeout 90s0s -race "$pkg" || EXIT_CODE=1
@ -3,27 +3,24 @@ package main
import (
// UserMap holds information from the authenticated emails file
type UserMap struct {
usersFile string
m unsafe.Pointer
// NewUserMap parses the authenticated emails file into a new UserMap
func NewUserMap(usersFile string, done <-chan bool, onUpdate func()) *UserMap {
um := &UserMap{usersFile: usersFile}
m := make(map[string]bool)
atomic.StorePointer(&um.m, unsafe.Pointer(&m))
if usersFile != "" {
logger.Printf("using authenticated emails file %s", usersFile)
log.Printf("using authenticated emails file %s", usersFile)
WatchForUpdates(usersFile, done, func() {
@ -33,28 +30,25 @@ func NewUserMap(usersFile string, done <-chan bool, onUpdate func()) *UserMap {
return um
// IsValid checks if an email is allowed
func (um *UserMap) IsValid(email string) (result bool) {
m := *(*map[string]bool)(atomic.LoadPointer(&um.m))
_, result = m[email]
// LoadAuthenticatedEmailsFile loads the authenticated emails file from disk
// and parses the contents as CSV
func (um *UserMap) LoadAuthenticatedEmailsFile() {
r, err := os.Open(um.usersFile)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("failed opening authenticated-emails-file=%q, %s", um.usersFile, err)
log.Fatalf("failed opening authenticated-emails-file=%q, %s", um.usersFile, err)
defer r.Close()
csvReader := csv.NewReader(r)
csvReader.Comma = ','
csvReader.Comment = '#'
csvReader.TrimLeadingSpace = true
records, err := csvReader.ReadAll()
csv_reader := csv.NewReader(r)
csv_reader.Comma = ','
csv_reader.Comment = '#'
csv_reader.TrimLeadingSpace = true
records, err := csv_reader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("error reading authenticated-emails-file=%q, %s", um.usersFile, err)
log.Printf("error reading authenticated-emails-file=%q, %s", um.usersFile, err)
updated := make(map[string]bool)
@ -97,7 +91,6 @@ func newValidatorImpl(domains []string, usersFile string,
return validator
// NewValidator constructs a function to validate email addresses
func NewValidator(domains []string, usersFile string) func(string) bool {
return newValidatorImpl(domains, usersFile, nil, func() {})
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ import (
type ValidatorTest struct {
authEmailFile *os.File
done chan bool
updateSeen bool
auth_email_file *os.File
done chan bool
update_seen bool
func NewValidatorTest(t *testing.T) *ValidatorTest {
vt := &ValidatorTest{}
var err error
vt.authEmailFile, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_auth_emails_")
vt.auth_email_file, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_auth_emails_")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to create temp file: " + err.Error())
@ -26,27 +26,27 @@ func NewValidatorTest(t *testing.T) *ValidatorTest {
func (vt *ValidatorTest) TearDown() {
vt.done <- true
func (vt *ValidatorTest) NewValidator(domains []string,
updated chan<- bool) func(string) bool {
return newValidatorImpl(domains, vt.authEmailFile.Name(),
return newValidatorImpl(domains, vt.auth_email_file.Name(),
vt.done, func() {
if vt.updateSeen == false {
if vt.update_seen == false {
updated <- true
vt.updateSeen = true
vt.update_seen = true
// This will close vt.authEmailFile.
// This will close vt.auth_email_file.
func (vt *ValidatorTest) WriteEmails(t *testing.T, emails []string) {
defer vt.authEmailFile.Close()
vt.authEmailFile.WriteString(strings.Join(emails, "\n"))
if err := vt.authEmailFile.Close(); err != nil {
defer vt.auth_email_file.Close()
vt.auth_email_file.WriteString(strings.Join(emails, "\n"))
if err := vt.auth_email_file.Close(); err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to close temp file " +
vt.authEmailFile.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
vt.auth_email_file.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ import (
func (vt *ValidatorTest) UpdateEmailFileViaCopyingOver(
t *testing.T, emails []string) {
origFile := vt.authEmailFile
orig_file := vt.auth_email_file
var err error
vt.authEmailFile, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_auth_emails_")
vt.auth_email_file, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_auth_emails_")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to create temp file for copy: " + err.Error())
vt.WriteEmails(t, emails)
err = os.Rename(vt.authEmailFile.Name(), origFile.Name())
err = os.Rename(vt.auth_email_file.Name(), orig_file.Name())
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to copy over temp file: " + err.Error())
vt.authEmailFile = origFile
vt.auth_email_file = orig_file
func TestValidatorOverwriteEmailListViaCopyingOver(t *testing.T) {
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
func (vt *ValidatorTest) UpdateEmailFile(t *testing.T, emails []string) {
var err error
vt.authEmailFile, err = os.OpenFile(
vt.authEmailFile.Name(), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
vt.auth_email_file, err = os.OpenFile(
vt.auth_email_file.Name(), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to re-open temp file for updates")
@ -20,24 +20,24 @@ func (vt *ValidatorTest) UpdateEmailFile(t *testing.T, emails []string) {
func (vt *ValidatorTest) UpdateEmailFileViaRenameAndReplace(
t *testing.T, emails []string) {
origFile := vt.authEmailFile
orig_file := vt.auth_email_file
var err error
vt.authEmailFile, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_auth_emails_")
vt.auth_email_file, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_auth_emails_")
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to create temp file for rename and replace: " +
vt.WriteEmails(t, emails)
movedName := origFile.Name() + "-moved"
err = os.Rename(origFile.Name(), movedName)
err = os.Rename(vt.authEmailFile.Name(), origFile.Name())
moved_name := orig_file.Name() + "-moved"
err = os.Rename(orig_file.Name(), moved_name)
err = os.Rename(vt.auth_email_file.Name(), orig_file.Name())
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to rename and replace temp file: " +
vt.authEmailFile = origFile
vt.auth_email_file = orig_file
func TestValidatorOverwriteEmailListDirectly(t *testing.T) {
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user