# go-bouquins Bouquins in Go ## TODO * translations * tests * auth downloads * csrf ## Minify JS https://www.danstools.com/javascript-minify/ ## Deployment archive tar czf ~/tmp/go-bouquins.tar.gz go-bouquins assets/ templates/ ## Configuration JSON config file: default ./bouquins.json, or binary argument Example: { "calibre-path": "/usr/home/meutel/data/calibre", "bind-address": ":8080", "prod": true, "cookie-secret": "random", "external-url":"https://bouquins.meutel.net", "providers": [ { "name": "github", "client-id": "ID client", "client-secret": "SECRET" }, { "name": "google", "client-id":"ID client", "client-secret":"SECRET" } ] } Options: * calibre-path path to calibre data * db-path path to calibre SQLite database (default /metadata.db) * bind-address HTTP socket bind address * prod (boolean) use minified javascript/CSS * cookie-secret random string for cookie encryption * external-url URL used by client browsers * providers configuration for OAuth 2 providers * name provider name * client-id OAuth client ID * client-secret OAuth secret