#!/usr/bin/env python """dotfilemanager.py - a dotfiles manager script. See --help for usage and command-line arguments. The idea is that you have some folder called the TO_DIR (defaults to ~/.dotfiles), where you move all the dotfiles that you want to manage, e.g. ~/.dotfiles/ ~/.dotfiles/_muttrc ~/.dotfiles/_nanorc ... You can backup and synchronise this directory between multiple hosts using rsync, unison, a version-control system, Dropbox, or whatever you want. When you run `dotfilemanager link` it will create symlinks in a folder called the FROM_DIR (defaults to ~), e.g. ~/.muttrc -> ~/.dotfiles/_muttrc ~/.nanorc -> ~/.dotfiles/_nanorc ... Leading underscores in the filenames in TO_DIR will be converted to leading dots for the symlinks. You can also link files without leading underscores, and you can link directories too, just place them in TO_DIR and run `dotfilemanager link`. Per-host configuration is supported by putting __hostname at the end of file and directory names in TO_DIR. For example if TO_DIR contains files named: _muttrc _muttrc__kisimul _muttrc__dulip Then on the host dulip a symlink FROM_DIR/.muttrc will be created to TO_DIR/_muttrc__dulip. On a host named kisimul _muttrc__kisimul will be linked to. On other hosts _muttrc will be linked to. (To discover the hostname of your machine run `uname -n`.) `dotfilemanager tidy` will remove any dangling symlinks in FROM_DIR, and `dotfilemanager report` will just report on what link or tidy would do without actually making any changes to the filesystem. TODO: support recursing into subdirectories, so I can have something like this in TO_DIR: _config _config/openbox _config/openbox__kisimul _config/openbox__debxo _config/terminator _config/terminator__dulip i.e. host-specific files and directories inside a subdirectory of TO_DIR. Want to allow for untracked files in the FROM_DIR/.config on the host, so don't symlink subdirectories of TO_DIR themselves but recurse into them and symlink any files inside, then recurse into any subdirectories and repeat. TODO: support hostname as a command-line argument, overriding the system hostname. This might be useful for accounts on networked systems where you login to the same user account from different computers, the system hostname will be different each time you switch computers but you want to use the same config files whenever you login to this account. So just make up a name for the account and pass it as a command-line argument overriding the system hostname. """ import os,sys,platform HOSTNAME = platform.node() HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR = '__' def tidy(d,report=False): """Find and delete any broken symlinks in directory d. Arguments: d -- The directory to consider (absolute path) Keyword arguments: report -- If report is True just report on what broken symlinks are found, don't attempt to delete them (default: False) """ for f in os.listdir(d): path = os.path.join(d,f) if os.path.islink(path): target_path = os.readlink(path) if not os.path.isabs(target_path): # This is a relative symlink, resolve it. target_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path),target_path) if not os.path.exists(target_path): # This is a broken symlink. if report: print 'Broken symlink will be deleted: %s->%s' % (path,target_path) else: print 'Deleting broken symlink: %s->%s' % (path,target_path) os.remove(path) def get_target_paths(to_dir): """Return the list of absolute paths to link to for a given to_dir. This handles skipping various types of filename in to_dir and resolving host-specific filenames. """ paths = [] filenames = os.listdir(to_dir) for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(to_dir,filename) if filename.endswith('~'): print 'Skipping %s' % filename continue elif filename in ['.gitignore','.git','README','makelinks']: print 'Skipping %s' % filename continue elif (not os.path.isfile(path)) and (not os.path.isdir(path)): print 'Skipping %s (not a file or directory)' % filename continue elif filename.startswith('.'): print 'Skipping %s (filename has a leading dot)' % filename continue else: if HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR in filename: # This appears to be a filename with a trailing # hostname, e.g. _muttrc__dulip. If the trailing # hostname matches the hostname of this host then we # link to it. hostname = filename.split(HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR)[-1] if hostname == HOSTNAME: path = os.path.join(to_dir,filename) paths.append(path) else: print 'Skipping %s (different hostname)' % filename continue else: # This appears to be a filename without a trailing # hostname. if filename + HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR + HOSTNAME in filenames: print 'Skipping %s (there is a host-specific version of this file for this host)' % filename continue else: paths.append(path) return paths def link(from_dir,to_dir,report=False): """Make symlinks in from_dir to each file and directory in to_dir. This handles converting leading underscores in to_dir to leading dots in from_dir. Arguments: from_dir -- The directory in which symlinks will be created (string, absolute path) to_dir -- The directory containing the files and directories that will be linked to (string, absolute path) Keyword arguments: report -- If report is True then only report on the status of symlinks in from_dir, don't actually create any new symlinks (default: False) """ # The paths in to_dir that we will be symlinking to. to_paths = get_target_paths(to_dir) # Dictionary of symlinks we will be creating, from_path->to_path symlinks = {} for to_path in to_paths: to_directory, to_filename = os.path.split(to_path) # Change leading underscores to leading dots. if to_filename.startswith('_'): from_filename = '.' + to_filename[1:] else: from_filename = to_filename # Remove hostname specifiers. parts = from_filename.split(HOSTNAME_SEPARATOR) assert len(parts) == 1 or len(parts) == 2 from_filename = parts[0] from_path = os.path.join(from_dir,from_filename) symlinks[from_path] = to_path # Attempt to create the symlinks that don't already exist. for from_path,to_path in symlinks.items(): # Check that nothing already exists at from_path. if os.path.islink(from_path): # A link already exists. existing_to_path = os.readlink(from_path) if existing_to_path == to_path: # It's already a link to the intended target. All is # well. continue else: # It's a link to somewhere else. print from_path+" => is already symlinked to "+existing_to_path elif os.path.isfile(from_path): print "There's a file in the way at "+from_path elif os.path.isdir(from_path): print "There's a directory in the way at "+from_path elif os.path.ismount(from_path): print "There's a mount point in the way at "+from_path else: # The path is clear, make the symlink. if report: print 'A symlink will be made: %s->%s' % (from_path,to_path) else: print 'Making symlink %s->%s' % (from_path,to_path) os.symlink(to_path,from_path) def usage(): return """makelinks [options] link|tidy|report Commands: link -- make symlinks in FROM_DIR to files and directories in TO_DIR tidy -- remove broken symlinks from FROM_DIR report -- report on symlinks in FROM_DIR and files and directories in TO_DIR""" if __name__ == "__main__": import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage()) parser.add_option('-f', '--from', action='store', dest='FROM_DIR',default=os.path.expanduser('~'), help="The directory to create symlinks in.") parser.add_option('-t', '--to', action='store', dest='TO_DIR',default=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.dotfiles'), help="The directory to create symlinks to.") options, remainder = parser.parse_args() FROM_DIR = options.FROM_DIR if not os.path.isdir(FROM_DIR): print FROM_DIR+" is not a directory!" parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) TO_DIR = options.TO_DIR if not os.path.isdir(TO_DIR): print TO_DIR+" is not a directory!" parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) if len(remainder) != 1: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) else: COMMAND = remainder[0] if COMMAND == 'link': link(FROM_DIR,TO_DIR) elif COMMAND == 'tidy': tidy(FROM_DIR) elif COMMAND == 'report': link(FROM_DIR,TO_DIR,report=True) tidy(FROM_DIR,report=True) else: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2)