bouquins ======== Web frontend for calibre e-book manager. BSD License. Features ======== Bouquins is a node.js application using the express framework. The web UI uses bootstrap and jQuery. It allows to browse, search and download e-bboks from a calibre library using a web browser (desktop/mobile). It needs a local access to all files in the calibre library (including the sqlite database file: metadata.db). Synchronisation of those files on the server is not part of the application (personnaly I use owncloud). bouquins is available in french and english. Screenshots ----------- * * * Usage ===== development ----------- * Install node.js and npm with your usual system tools. * Extract bouquins in a web accessible directory. * Install depenencies by running: ``` npm install ``` in bouquins directory. * Create a symlink `public/calibre` pointing to calibre library * Check path to calibre files and database in `config/development.json`. * Start application: ``` npm start ``` * Open http://localhost:3000 production ---------- As a node.js application, bouquins is best run behind a web server such as nginx. nginx act as a proxy for node.js and serves static files (/public and /calibre). In production, config file is not `config/development.json` but depends on the `NODE_ENV` environment variable, for example, if `NODE_ENV=production`, file is `config/production.json`. The `public/calibre` symlink is not needed, but the webserver must server `/calibre`. You will also need to run node as a dameon, I use daemontools on a FreeBD host. There are other solutions, such as API === **TODO** Rest/JSON API: Lists * `/book` * `/serie` * `/author` Parameters: perpage, page, initial Single item * `/book/{id}` * `/serie/{id}` * `/author/{id}` Search * POST `/book` Parmeters: q (search term), perpage, page, initial TODO ==== * OPDS * sqlite COLLATE * handle ebook formats (currently epub only) * book details * calibre custom fields